The Preterists and Matthew 24:34


That is because he is one of those individuals in all these discussions all over the net unwilling to admit that even he has to note distinctions between things even as he himself finds himself forced to note some of them.

The guy is just plain, outright dishonest.

He is not alone in that, though. His willful denial of these distinctions even as he is forced to go by some of them himself, is evident throughout the Scriptures all the way back to when the Adversary, also in his pride and knowing own agenda, blinded himself to the need for distinctions between things; as revealed by his "I will be like the Most High."

This is exactly why John W gives the guy the hard time he does. Because the guy brings it on himself in his consistent dishonesty.

Lol, your turn John W.

Yet another John Nelson Darby follower who can't defend Dispenationalism and has no choice but to attack the person who points out the false teachings of Darby.


Well-known member
It would have been more likely if 'ei' was there. But I see where 'an' can be a form of 'ean' which is related. Got it. I just wanted to see what the IL was up to.


If you wish to avoid that; lets have some Scripture laid out


Here's your verse:

(Mark 13:30 KJV) Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

Let's summarize the excuses Darby followers have come up with so far:

1) "this" really means "that"

2) "generation" really means "family"

3) "All these things" don't really mean "all these things"

4) The secret condition Greek participle "an"

5) "This" is a demonstrative pronoun

6) Subjunctive mood

#5 was Jerry's original excuse, but it was shown to him by me that he was 100% wrong, and now Jerry is using excuse #2

#3 is the excuse STP uses.

#1 is the excuse most Darby followers use, despite the fact that the rules of English grammar have to be thrown out the window to make "this" mean "that"

#4 was musterion's excuse. However Mark 13:30 was the death knell to that stupid theory because Mark 13:30 does not have the Greek participle "an" in it.

#6 is danoh's excuse. Like musterion's excuse, Mark 13:30 is the death knell to it.

So, any other Darby follower want to come up with a new excuse, or double down on why Mark 13:30 doesn't really mean what it says?


Tetelestai's full preterist,

More lies from the liar.

I'm not a full preterist, as I have told you the thousand years is not over, Satan has not been released for a little while, and the Great White Throne Judgment has not happened yet.

You're so upset that Mark 13:30 is the death knell to your secret condition theory, that you are left with no other alternative than try to attack my character by spreading lies about me.


Well-known member

Be happy, Tet. Kick Darby out!


New member

Here's your verse:

(Mark 13:30 KJV) Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

Let's summarize the excuses Darby followers have come up with so far:

1) "this" really means "that"

2) "generation" really means "family"

3) "All these things" don't really mean "all these things"

4) The secret condition Greek participle "an"

5) "This" is a demonstrative pronoun

6) Subjunctive mood

#5 was Jerry's original excuse, but it was shown to him by me that he was 100% wrong, and now Jerry is using excuse #2

#3 is the excuse STP uses.

#1 is the excuse most Darby followers use, despite the fact that the rules of English grammar have to be thrown out the window to make "this" mean "that"

#4 was musterion's excuse. However Mark 13:30 was the death knell to that stupid theory because Mark 13:30 does not have the Greek participle "an" in it.

#6 is danoh's excuse. Like musterion's excuse, Mark 13:30 is the death knell to it.

So, any other Darby follower want to come up with a new excuse, or double down on why Mark 13:30 doesn't really mean what it says?

A verse or two is not "some Scripture." Especially where this issue is concerned.

And Darby neither invented the Rapture, nor needed it as the demarcation line. That's just you in your incompetence bumbling your way through his writings about how he was led - by the Word - to that distinction.

The Rapture is not the demarcation you incompetent slanderer.


A verse or two is not "some Scripture." Especially where this issue is concerned.

Ok, take Mark 13:30, Matt 24:34, and Luke 21:31 and add them to all the NT verses that speak of the end of the ages, the verses that explicitly say the end was near, that Jesus was coming soon, and that "these are the last days".

However, you won't do that because you are too proud, and have to defend John Nelson Darby at all costs because you are a follower of John Nelson Darby.


And Darby neither invented the Rapture, nor needed it as the demarcation line.

Darby invented the rapture.

Nowhere in Christendom will you find any teaching of a rapture before Darby invented it.

Darby also invented the "Secret Parenthetical Dispensation". Darby's "rapture" has to take place for all the "Secret Parenthetical Dispensation" believers to be removed so God can pick back up with the Jews like it's 30AD all over again.


New member
Darby invented the rapture.

Nowhere in Christendom will you find any teaching of a rapture before Darby invented it.

Darby also invented the "Secret Parenthetical Dispensation". Darby's "rapture" has to take place for all the "Secret Parenthetical Dispensation" believers to be removed so God can pick back up with the Jews like it's 30AD all over again.

How about that - got one right; nowhere in Christian - dumb.


Well-known member
A verse or two is not "some Scripture." Especially where this issue is concerned.

And Darby neither invented the Rapture, nor needed it as the demarcation line. That's just you in your incompetence bumbling your way through his writings about how he was led - by the Word - to that distinction.

The Rapture is not the demarcation you incompetent slanderer.

Did you catch what he did there? Did anyone?

He used Mark to deny Matthew. He doesn't even bother to seek a balance between them. Doesn't interest him in the slightest. He simply punts Matthew because what Mark wrote (so Tet claims, I've not looked into it) supports what he already believes. So Matthew is out.

Bottom line is, he denied Scripture. No truly saved person denies Scripture.

Those of you inclined to agree with Tet on preterism, that's your call. But do not ignore this aspect of Tetelestai's character.

This is exactly why I have him on ignore - he's done this before - but I couldn't help but read your quote of his last ditch, hail Mary attempt (as JohnW would say). It tells you all you need to know about Tetelestai's true view of Scripture...he doesn't really believe it. That means he cannot really, truly, fully trust God (though he'll NEVER admit to any of that). But see for yourself that he lacks the discernment to even care about it. To call him a cult of one would be to give him the credit of sincerity. He is not sincere; he's a leftist who seeks to mislead anyone he can.


Well-known member
I'm not sure about that Tet, but from different angles. 1, there is the account of Enoch repeated in the NT. Phillip was also moved supernaturally. It is not out of the question for those are alive on the final day.

2, but more substantially, about 100 years after the DofJ, Irenaeus mentions something like it. However, I have discussed this completely with James Morris who got an award for his D'ist book and found that everyone from that period was more or less guessing what might happen to Israel etc since the DofJ had occurred but the 2nd coming had not. And I do mean guessing. I'm not talking about the timing of a rapture, but merely the idea that those alive and remaining might be taken this way, as they obviously would not be changed as those who were already dead. That much made some sense to me. The trumpet will sound and we shall be changed. When they started to figure out other personages who might be the son of perdition and projecting way out there and another temple in Jerusalem, I thought it was merely man-made. I couldn't see any reason why God would make such an emphatic statement of judgement and then undo it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yet another John Nelson Darby follower who can't defend Dispenationalism and has no choice but to attack the person who points out the false teachings of Darby.


Why you hypocritical punk, actress:

The last week:

"You aren't very bright."-Tet. to another TOL member

We can smell you stench, sulfur, demon Craigie.


Did you catch what he did there? Did anyone?

He used Mark to deny Matthew. He doesn't even bother to seek a balance between them. Doesn't interest him in the slightest. He simply punts Matthew because what Mark wrote (so Tet claims, I've not looked into it) supports what he already believes. So Matthew is out.

Bottom line is, he denied Scripture. No truly saved person denies Scripture.

Those of you inclined to agree with Tet on preterism, that's your call. But do not ignore this aspect of Tetelestai's character.

This is exactly why I have him on ignore - he's done this before - but I couldn't help but read your quote of his last ditch, hail Mary attempt (as JohnW would say). It tells you all you need to know about Tetelestai's true view of Scripture...he doesn't really believe it. That means he cannot really, truly, fully trust God (though he'll NEVER admit to any of that). But see for yourself that he lacks the discernment to even care about it. To call him a cult of one would be to give him the credit of sincerity. He is not sincere; he's a leftist who seeks to mislead anyone he can.

They all say the same thing !!!!!

They are synoptic

(Matt 24:34 KJV) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

(Luke 21:32 KJV) Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.

(Mark 13:30 KJV) Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

Mark 13:30 confirms what Matthew and Luke said.

Mark 13:30 also proves your stupid theory wrong.

You're a Darby follower, and you are upset that your latest excuse for Matt 24:34 has been refuted.

Don't feel bad, I refuted Jerry Shugart's excuse, and caused him to switch to another excuse.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yet another John Nelson Darby follower who can't defend Dispenationalism and has no choice but to attack the person who points out the false teachings of Darby.

That's all the wimp, mutt, has. That divorce he went through, his former wife's maiden name being "Darby," has made him go insane.

Sorry, Craigie for your loss, and divorce; but sober up, wimp.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Ok, take Mark 13:30, Matt 24:34, and Luke 21:31 and add them to all the NT verses that speak of the end of the ages, the verses that explicitly say the end was near, that Jesus was coming soon, and that "these are the last days".

However, you won't do that because you are too proud, and have to defend John Nelson Darby at all costs because you are a follower of John Nelson Darby.

You are a follower of Joseph Smith, and have 3 wives. Why have you not told TOL that, wimp?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Darby invented the rapture.

Nowhere in Christendom will you find any teaching of a rapture before Darby invented it.

Darby also invented the "Secret Parenthetical Dispensation". Darby's "rapture" has to take place for all the "Secret Parenthetical Dispensation" believers to be removed so God can pick back up with the Jews like it's 30AD all over again.

Spam. Plagiarism.