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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So true, but what about those who don't wish to be free? Should we abolish government (which was ordained by God to rule righteously) and let anarchy rule? Or perhaps we should allow government to continue to be run by secular humanists who want to keep things like abortion, homosexuality and pornography legal?
I think that we can establish that you are an anarchist.
Do believe that God is one?
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you're perfectly fine with 58 million unborn babies being murdered in the womb in a 43 year span? You're perfectly fine with young children being indoctrinated to the ways of perversion via the homosexual agenda?
You're perfectly fine with families being destroyed by pornography and recreational drug use?
If God had only ordained one institution to govern man (the Church) you'd have a point, but He didn't. Civil government has a role to legislate righteously and enforce those laws so that they will help morally confused people.
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I don't know if you worship the same God as I do, but His 2nd greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as you'd love yourself. How can you love your neighbor if you're encouraging immoral behavior through immoral laws?
While I normally don't spend too much time with the "My church is better than your church!" crowd, I'm making an exception for you.
If you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God in the flesh is an anarchist like yourself and doesn't believe in the rule of law, then make your case (show me where he went to the civil magistrates and demanded that all civil laws be renounced).
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The thought of someone being the President of the United States who doesn't go to my church is horrifying (sarcasm). I guess you're not overly concerned with the guy who has held the Office for the past 8 years and spent 20 years before that in a "Black Liberation Theology" church?
Undone by who? Remember that you're an anarchist and can't expect righteous leaders to undo immoral legislation (and let me help you with your history: legal abortion has been around 35 years before B. Hussein Obama became President).
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since God ordained civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man (the family and Church being the other two), I don't understand why Christians such as yourself don't acknowledge the other institutions that God ordained.
Jesus did nothing to change the Pagan government of his time... you would have a beef with him too. As far as the 'church' governing, since no church currently operating today operates in a manner as shown in scripture, I find that an interesting statement.
Did He ever encourage homosexual 'marriage'?
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, this thread was created for those who wish to defend the godlessness of the current Libertarian movement, not the "My church is better than your church!" crowd.
My Bible has a lot of passages and verses about the role of civil government. Anytime that you want to get together and view them give me a holler.
I am not an Antichrist at all, I believe that the Government has the responsibility of protecting its citizens from one another and our country from foreign invasion.
Our constitution also limits government, you seem to want to expand it greatly.