The Perfect Imbalance:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
NO! - Sound is the compression and decompression of AIR, but energy can travel through a vacuum, because Light is the compression and decompression of SPACE!!

Paul -- 110111

what happens to space when it is occupied by matter?


New member
what happens to space when it is occupied by matter?

Wow! – That’s a good question!!

The existence of mass depends on the Space around it. The motions of every atomic particle vibrates the space out in energy waves, and the outer space flows into the particle to replenish the space vibrated out. That causes a flowing of space toward any large mass, having the appearance of “GRAVITY”, but it’s only the flow of space, replacing the space that has been turned into energy by the motions, - the vibrations of every atomic particle in the mass.

Paul – 110111


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Wow! – That’s a good question!!

The existence of mass depends on the Space around it. The motions of every atomic particle vibrates the space out in energy waves, and the outer space flows into the particle to replenish the space vibrated out. That causes a flowing of space toward any large mass, having the appearance of “GRAVITY”, but it’s only the flow of space, replacing the space that has been turned into energy by the motions, - the vibrations of every atomic particle in the mass.

Paul – 110111

do you see an end to space?
does it go on forever?


New member
do you see an end to space?
does it go on forever?

No, there is no end, that’s not the character or the nature of it.
There is no straight line through the Creation.
If one could work his way outward near the outer perimeter of the Universe, all there would be is just less and less of anything until there was so little, that there could nothing exist to get there. – The lessening would go in reverse to travel; in that the quantity of space could reach such decompression that there would not be a foot of space in what we count as a light year or more. The last of the travel to the very edge would take eternity to cover the last OF ANY DISTANCE LEFT, mere inches in our terms.

I base this on the same logic as taking a minute, and during the passing of that minute divide in half all that is left, until the total minute is past. – The last moment is dividing so fast, it could not be imagined. – But the shocker is, that the Minute ENDS, even though it had to be divided the last time, and still there had to be HALF OF WHAT WAS LEFT!!.—Therefore the minute could never end, but it does end!! – Therefore, there is a limit to true Infinity.

Paul – 110211