The Perfect Imbalance:


New member
The Kingdom of Heaven CAME / JESUS CAME in His fullness over two thousand years ago. – Jesus’ Anointed Body is the Queen / The Christ is the House / People / Food & Drink / Light / Comfort / Ground / Kingdom / King / etc. etc. and etc. AND WE ARE “ALL” ONE IN GOD!!
. – It’s been that way for two thousand years, and that people are the way they are because they missed HIM – “COME”!! --- Everyone who dies from now on will be judged by the Lake of Fire. - The judgment by the Books is OVER!! - That’s what is going on now; not salvation, but damnation for the rejection of the Lord by all!!
What you see of your world today, without the people is what it will likely always be, with changes of course!! – It’s the people who are truly changing into the most vile and corrupt people that have ever been imagined in modern times. – Try the world as it was since AD70, and the dark ages, and the like.

WELL, - TIME is just the duration of an event compared to the duration of a different event, such as the Day compared to the Year. Both are just a series of events compared to one another, and that’s all.

OOHH! – YES,. – I don’t look at my stuff on the carnal as Science. - I receive it from the same source I get the Spiritual stuff!! – God did both, I take it, so there is no science, it’s all GOD!!

Paul – 103111

I have two more problems -
1)to prove you wrong would my using the Bible be accepted?
2)why do you seem so joyful or delighted when I read this?

Are you just yanking us around?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If Space was not, you could not occupy what was left, - NOTHING!! You cannot put something in nothing, but you can put something in a space where there is space to put it. – If words mean something then there is something called Space that bends, warps, and it FLOWS. – The distance between two objects depends on the quantity of space between them.

Paul – 103111

what if it is just an illusion, which does not require space?

Coffee is King

New member
If Space was not, you could not occupy what was left, - NOTHING!! You cannot put something in nothing, but you can put something in a space where there is space to put it. – If words mean something then there is something called Space that bends, warps, and it FLOWS. – The distance between two objects depends on the quantity of space between them.

Paul – 103111

Not always the case. The "nothing" or "something" could be nothing more than a distortion of reality, in which nothing is actually something, and vice-versa. However, the part I bolded, is quite correct.

Why do you sign your post with the number 103111?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Not always the case. The "nothing" or "something" could be nothing more than a distortion of reality, in which nothing is actually something, and vice-versa. However, the part I bolded, is quite correct.

Why do you sign your post with the number 103111?

can you compress space?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't know, but I will admit, you are the first person I've ever heard ask that.

When I just "googled" 'can you compress space', it brought up stuff about disk cleanup and computers lol. I'm sure that's not what you had in mind.

you agreed with letsargue about 'quantity of space'

what does that mean?


New member
I have two more problems -
1)to prove you wrong would my using the Bible be accepted?
2)why do you seem so joyful or delighted when I read this?

Are you just yanking us around?

Using the Bible to prove me wrong!!!! – I INSIST ON IT!!! – That’s where I get my stuff, and if it’s wrong, you should be able to show by the Scriptures / Bible that I am indeed WRONG!!!

You’re not KOBAN!!!

Why in Heaven would I yank anyone around claiming what I claim!! --- Just use the Bible and all the help you can muster from the smartest of the smartest, and show us all where I am wrong in any of the things I have said!!!

Paul – 110111


New member
Not always the case. The "nothing" or "something" could be nothing more than a distortion of reality, in which nothing is actually something, and vice-versa. However, the part I bolded, is quite correct.

Why do you sign your post with the number 103111?

We’re not in Star Trek! – If it is, it is, and if it is not, it is not!! - There is no other Logic and reason for something to be nothing!!

The number is the date I posted it!!

Paul – 110111