The Perfect Imbalance:


New member
I am not trained in any of your false sciences, or your false philosophy, nor am I trained in any of your teachings of logic and reasoning, education schools. Therefore, I am not one of your geniuses or scholars. I cannot be described by any of your descriptions, I suppose! - I am just what I am, and that is all I am. ---And, “AMR”, - I got up this morning around 4:00 to type this up; and I don’t expect any of you geniuses to believe anything!!! –
I’m not going into this little thing very much. It’s evident enough after you see the essence of it. – All you geniuses and scholars AND fools can have it, I only received it, therefore, I give it to you!!!

The Perfect Imbalance is the system by which all the creation is formed. - From its smallest atomic particle to the largest Galaxy, all things are formed with a Quadrametrical Imbalance. – Simply, - there is no absolutely perfectly balanced any single thing, absolutely, from the smallest atomic particle, to the largest Galaxy. --- EVERY single thing, at its smallest part is perfectly imbalanced so that it will at some point at its smallest ‘part’ WILL vibrate itself A’PART’. - That is called, “Radio Active” by your geniuses and scholars and your fools. – If however, everything from the smallest atomic particle to the largest galaxy were formed in perfect balance and equal, all things would be ETERNAL.

SPACE,- the thing that all THINGS are formed or created from, is the perfect; but starting with the smallest particle formed from the energy that is formed from that perfect Space; there are never two exactly perfectly equal measures of any combined particles. - Therefore, built into all things, is a self-destruct, and eventually vibrating itself apart at its smallest parts. – HOWEVER, there is built into the largest things, a formation of the smallest things that maintain the perfect imbalance always of newer same-things. --- There cannot be perfect circles or orbits of any smallest thing, nor any largest thing; thus the slightest wobble, and it will finally wobble, and then vibrate itself apart, or “RADIATE” ITSELF APART, back to its original FORM; “SPACE” / GOD.

There are never two or more exact, and perfectly equal smallest parts to any combined molecular part of any combination of any single or multiple thing. ---- Let’s see what you geniuses do with it!!

Paul – 103111

some other dude

New member
Letsargue said:
Is the “WAY” of this FORUM to allow someone / KOBAN to do nothing but act as a cursed fool all the time on only one person’s Threads!!! – I am fed up with KOBAN’S constant bullying and harassment!!!!!!
I thought this website was the most interesting one on the WEB, but it’s the MOST TOLERANT OF HARASSING PESTS ON THE WEB!!!!!


Paul – 103111

I'll take that as a "no, I have never been checked out by a qualified psychiatrist."

some other dude

New member
L-A - why do you post this stuff on an open discussion board? What sort of response do you expect to get?

Are you expecting that people will kneel before you and worship your genius?


TOL Subscriber
L-A - why do you post this stuff on an open discussion board? What sort of response do you expect to get?

Are you expecting that people will kneel before you and worship your genius?

YOU CAN'T PROVE ME WRONG.... You are a GODLESS HEATHEN and you CANNOT show me where I am WRONG!! I am the ONLY member of THE BODY, as I have shown in HUNDREDS of mindless RANTS and plenty of SCRIPTURE cherryPICKING. I DARE YOU TO SHOW ME I'M WRONG. If you're unconvinced, perhaps my RANDOM use of CAPITOLIZATION can convince you. AAAAAAAAAARRRGGHHHHH.

Josh 1131111105

some other dude

New member
Time for the fluffy bunnies.



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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
SPACE,- the thing that all THINGS are formed or created from, is the perfect; but starting with the smallest particle formed from the energy that is formed from that perfect Space;

so God is space?
is space God?

this could be interesting

do you think space actually exists?


New member
I am not trained in any of your false sciences, or your false philosophy, nor am I trained in any of your teachings of logic and reasoning, education schools. Therefore, I am not one of your geniuses or scholars. I cannot be described by any of your descriptions, I suppose! - I am just what I am, and that is all I am. ---And, “AMR”, - I got up this morning around 4:00 to type this up; and I don’t expect any of you geniuses to believe anything!!! –
I’m not going into this little thing very much. It’s evident enough after you see the essence of it. – All you geniuses and scholars AND fools can have it, I only received it, therefore, I give it to you!!!

Hi Lets :) How are you doing?
I hope you are ok.

Actually, regarding what you touched on up there in your post - I do believe too much intellectualism in our religion can be a mistake.
Really. It takes more than an intellectual approach to accomplish all that we should, right?
But I do appreciate an intelligent foundation of understanding, but that is enough said on that.

So let's see what you are saying:
The Perfect Imbalance is the system by which all the creation is formed. - From its smallest atomic particle to the largest Galaxy, all things are formed with a Quadrametrical Imbalance. – Simply, - there is no absolutely perfectly balanced any single thing, absolutely, from the smallest atomic particle, to the largest Galaxy. --- EVERY single thing, at its smallest part is perfectly imbalanced so that it will at some point at its smallest ‘part’ WILL vibrate itself A’PART’. - That is called, “Radio Active” by your geniuses and scholars and your fools. – If however, everything from the smallest atomic particle to the largest galaxy were formed in perfect balance and equal, all things would be ETERNAL.

SPACE,- the thing that all THINGS are formed or created from, is the perfect; but starting with the smallest particle formed from the energy that is formed from that perfect Space; there are never two exactly perfectly equal measures of any combined particles. - Therefore, built into all things, is a self-destruct, and eventually vibrating itself apart at its smallest parts.

– HOWEVER, there is built into the largest things, a formation of the smallest things that maintain the perfect imbalance always of newer same-things. ---
There cannot be perfect circles or orbits of any smallest thing, nor any largest thing; thus the slightest wobble, and it will finally wobble, and then vibrate itself apart, or “RADIATE” ITSELF APART, back to its original FORM; “SPACE” / GOD.

There are never two or more exact, and perfectly equal smallest parts to any combined molecular part of any combination of any single or multiple thing. ---- Let’s see what you geniuses do with it!!

Paul – 103111


That is a very interesting thought, Letsargue.
So I have two questions for you:

1) When His kingdom comes into its fulness will everything be in perfect balance then?

2) My theory is that "time" is what happens, a by product or more a desired direct result once God set things in motion back in the beginning of creation. That means once particles of an atom started moving and the universe began to be so then "time" became as real as woven fabric. If this was accomplished by a perfect imbalance then will time stop if balance becomes perfect and things stop moving?


New member
L-A - why do you post this stuff on an open discussion board? What sort of response do you expect to get?

Are you expecting that people will kneel before you and worship your genius?

Dude dear
Have you even thought about how atoms are moving?
Or where time comes from?

Some people think about these things.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I didn't realise how relentlessly you guys were still mocking LA. Has this has been going on for the number of years it's been since I opened one of his threads?



:mock: LetsArgue

some other dude

New member
Dude dear
Have you even thought about how atoms are moving?
Or where time comes from?

Some people think about these things.

sure, but

have you ever wondered if L-A's ever been checked out by a qualified psychiatrist?

Some people think about these things. ;)


New member
Hi Lets :) How are you doing?
I hope you are ok.

Actually, regarding what you touched on up there in your post - I do believe too much intellectualism in our religion can be a mistake.
Really. It takes more than an intellectual approach to accomplish all that we should, right?
But I do appreciate an intelligent foundation of understanding, but that is enough said on that.

So let's see what you are saying:

That is a very interesting thought, Letsargue.
So I have two questions for you:

1) When His kingdom comes into its fulness will everything be in perfect balance then?

2) My theory is that "time" is what happens, a by product or more a desired direct result once God set things in motion back in the beginning of creation. That means once particles of an atom started moving and the universe began to be so then "time" became as real as woven fabric. If this was accomplished by a perfect imbalance then will time stop if balance becomes perfect and things stop moving?[/QUOTE]

The Kingdom of Heaven CAME / JESUS CAME in His fullness over two thousand years ago. – Jesus’ Anointed Body is the Queen / The Christ is the House / People / Food & Drink / Light / Comfort / Ground / Kingdom / King / etc. etc. and etc. AND WE ARE “ALL” ONE IN GOD!!
. – It’s been that way for two thousand years, and that people are the way they are because they missed HIM – “COME”!! --- Everyone who dies from now on will be judged by the Lake of Fire. - The judgment by the Books is OVER!! - That’s what is going on now; not salvation, but damnation for the rejection of the Lord by all!!
What you see of your world today, without the people is what it will likely always be, with changes of course!! – It’s the people who are truly changing into the most vile and corrupt people that have ever been imagined in modern times. – Try the world as it was since AD70, and the dark ages, and the like.

WELL, - TIME is just the duration of an event compared to the duration of a different event, such as the Day compared to the Year. Both are just a series of events compared to one another, and that’s all.

OOHH! – YES,. – I don’t look at my stuff on the carnal as Science. - I receive it from the same source I get the Spiritual stuff!! – God did both, I take it, so there is no science, it’s all GOD!!

Paul – 103111


New member
so God is space?
is space God?

this could be interesting

do you think space actually exists?

If Space was not, you could not occupy what was left, - NOTHING!! You cannot put something in nothing, but you can put something in a space where there is space to put it. – If words mean something then there is something called Space that bends, warps, and it FLOWS. – The distance between two objects depends on the quantity of space between them.

Paul – 103111