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Again: The theory of evolution has nothing to do with stars. Nothing Krauss says here connects the content of the theory of evolution to stellar processes.
So he's not talking about what they call "Stellar Evolution Theory"?
The fact that we come from star stuff has nothing whatsoever to do with the theory of evolution by natural selection
But didn't you read, in my quotation, where Krauss says, "You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time"? You want to sit there and tell me that "the things that matter for evolution" have "nothing whatsoever to do with the theory of evolution by natural selection"?
BTW, what—if not merely faulty reading on your part—precipitated your reaction to @marke 's post:
Nonsense. The theory of evolution has nothing to say about stars
What he had written is this:
Evolutionists concoct unprovable speculations about the stars then claim those speculations are scientific facts or evidence
As you can see, marke had not even used your phrase, "the theory of evolution," much less, your phrase, "the theory of evolution by natural selection," in his post to which you were reacting.