The One True Church

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Why don't you just say what you believe ? You suggest everyone STOP reading their bible and like good little lemmings follow your pagan church correct ?

You keep pushing that only the RCC has correct interpretations as they ( RCC ) are rife with IDOLATRY, Mary worship, pope worship, and have replaced the scriptures with man made traditions.

So your recommendation is that folks stop appealing to scripture and follow the clown with the fish hat. Not going to happen.

FYI, not only has the RCC the wrong interpretations they read scripture and do EXACTLY as scripture says NOT to do.

Good post.


[Which is the True Church? Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "Roman Catholics declare that their church is the one true church founded upon Peter 2000 years ago. They say their bishops are successors of the apostles, yet none of them meet the biblical requirements (Acts 1:21-22). From the Word of God, we know that the true church is made up of all who were: chosen by the Father (2 Thes. 2:13), sanctified by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:11), redeemed by the Son (Gal. 3:13) and purified by His blood (1 John 1:7).

This church submits to Christ as its Head and His Word as the authority (Col. 1:18; Luke 4:32). Each member of this church is already enrolled in heaven because they have been sealed with the Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing their eternal inheritance (Heb. 12:23; Eph. 1:13-14). They worship God in Spirit and Truth, pray to God alone and die with the assurance of being in the presence of their Savior.

The Roman Catholic Church is made up of all who: were baptized by a priest (CCC, para. 818), were sanctified by the sacrament of water baptism (CCC, 2813), are being redeemed by the Sacrifice of the Mass (CCC, 1405) and are purified by purgatory (CCC, 1472).

The Roman Catholic Church can indeed trace its roots to the church Christ established. However, as it departed from the Word of God and began following traditions of men, it became more and more corrupt. It now submits to its head, the pope, who stole the title "Head of the Church" from Jesus. Rome condemns with anathema anyone who does not embrace the "infallible dogmas" of the church. None of the members of this church are promised eternal life in heaven. They submit to what they believe to be three equal authorities: the Magisterium of Bishops, Tradition and Scripture. Catholics worship the Eucharist, pray to Mary and the Saints and die with a hope of making it to the purging fire of an unbiblical purgatory after they die.

These are two different churches on two different paths to two different destinies. One is apostolic, the other is apostate. One contends for the faith, the other has departed from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1)..." Full text: Which is the True Church?


...[T]he purpose of the church is to preach the gospel...

:dizzy: Constantine didn't care about what Jesus had to say. Looks like :eek:linger: your pope
(Re 17:5) is having a tough time keeping all those :CRASH: daughter hoes in line (Mk 13:20).



New member
Constantine didn't care about what Jesus had to say. Looks like your pope is having a tough time keeping all those daughter hoes in line.
Yet again, your unimaginably profound ignorance of all things Catholic is placed on public display. Thanks for making my task so much easier. :wave2:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(( UUUUHHHHHHHHH!!!! ))!!!!! -- You ALL Cannot Believe T-H-I-S!!!!!

I don't think God said anything like that!!!

I-F, You Are IN Christ's BODY; -- I-F YOU ARE; - What do You have to Quote From the Word of God I-N the Bible??? --- NOTHING!!!! -- ""I-F"" you Are In Christ's Body, Y-O-U Receive Most Everything From ""ABOVE""; - NOT From The Scriptures!!!!!!!

(((((( Where do you ALL Think I Have Received Any Or "ALL" I Speak of, O-R Anything I Teach ))))))?????

(( I Haven't Read "Anything" of the Scriptures for at least THREE YEARS!! )) -- ( I Don't D-O Any Studying The Word of God IN the Bible A-T -- A-L-L )!!!!!! --- I Don't Have TO!!!!

((( Watch Your N-E-W-S )))!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 022016

Ah, you're just a crazy old geezer anyway.