sounds like a circular argument
why does the Holy Spirit seem to effect everyone differently?
Because he deals with us all as individuals.
Also, most people who say what you do, don't have the spirit, nor do their teachers... because the way is Narrow... very view people are actually saved. Given this fact, it makes sense that people who want to be saved, but have no hope, would make a religion to cover for their lack of the Holy Spirit and force God into a box they can control.
The spirit of Christ is peace and harmony... its about servant leadership and forgiveness. It is NOT about executing people who have theological differences. Executing people was the bread and butter of how the RCC maintained control for so many centuries... they cared not if you were right or wrong, they only cared that you had a different opinion and that opinion was deserving of death.
When you take the long view of things, it really is quite laughable that people are defending this man made institution... how can people in the 21st century, where we now have information at our finger tips, still support the RCC.... the only reason can be ignorance.
Although people are leaving in droves due to the child abuse racket the RCC was running... about half the RCC members were I work have changed over to Lutheranism or Episcopalian because they do not feel right with their offering money going to pay the legal defense costs of the priests and bishops, let alone the financial compensation.