So what's to stop God doing this for everyone then?
It is necessary that God reveal His holy justice and make His power known amongst men. See Romans 9:17-18
What marks you or any of the other 'elect' so special as to warrant sparing from eternal misery while your neighbour resides in there for ever?
There is nothing special about the chosen people of God, other than they have found favor with God. (e.g. Genesis 6:8) There are no scriptural reasons revealing why God choses some and judges others (Noah and his family found grace, while the rest of the human population perished in the flood); that decision resides within His sovereignty and good purposes, alone.
You talk about 'simple truths' as if 'rejection' equates to 'volitional outright rebellion' since birth or some such. Without this 'gift' you'd be just as 'unregenerate' as anyone else even though according to Nang she's no more deserving 'than those predestined to hell'. Furthermore she has no concrete answer as to the fates of the unborn and infants under such a doctrine either.

The fate of infants is determined according to divine Unconditional Election, just like the fate of adults. Babies are in need of God's grace, too, and those chosen by God in Christ before the foundation of the world, will receive His saving mercies and be saved in Jesus Christ.
What you are arguing for, is Universalism. You are saying that God is not good unless He tries to save all persons and treats all persons equally. This is part of the western (democratic) mindset, that has little knowledge of the makeup of sovereign rulers . . . who are not obligated to show any favors to their subjects, at all.
Earthly sovereigns are all sinners and most are tyrants, but Sovereign God is holy, loving, and good.
When investigating the bible's teachings about Unconditional Election, one must exercise faith in the goodness and wisdom of God. One must be willing to accept that God has the sovereign power and right to show favor and grace, to whom He wills (Romans 9:15-16). And one must, by faith, trust that God has chosen His people wisely and for good purposes.
Accepting Divine Election as truth is a matter of faith, which of course, comes only by the grace of God to begin with. So it is no surprise that some sinners testify to God's electing grace in faith, and most others reject the doctrine. For those
others have not been gifted with the faith necessary to comprehend or believe the promises of God.