New member
Sonnet, maybe you could tell me where you come from as far as your beliefs concerning these matters.
My current belief is as follows....
13.75 billion years ago God created the material universe in what science now calls the "Big Bang".
God "terraformed" the earth, and 5 billion years ago, suddenly placed representatives of most Phyla on earth in what science calls the "Cambrian explosion".
Since then, there have been many explosions and mass extinctions.
Genesis 1:2 picks up the story after just one more mass extinction, which had left earth "without form and void" with darkness covering a completely water-covered earth.
In six literal days God renewed the earth, with just one more of many "explosions" or "radiations" which happened to include Adam and Eve.
1600 years after this, another small extinction event occurred in what we call the Noah flood, during which Noah and 7 other humans were left to repopulate humanity.
At Christ's return, there will be another mass extinction, and at the end of the millennial rule of Christ, yet another mass extinction, followed by a new "explosion" or "radiation" called "the new heaven and the new earth".
I don't have any secure beliefs on these matters.