Speak for yourself!We are not going to understand every bit of Scripture.
Speak for yourself!We are not going to understand every bit of Scripture.
Speak for yourself!
yes, and i was thinking, as i try to simplify to help comprehend creation.
in a nutshell, Evolutionists think everything is billions of years old, that everything just worked out this way, and even though there have been multiple mass extinctions over these billions of years, that somehow some critters survived and morphed into mankind.
now THAT is faith !!!! the wrong kind, but wow, it takes more blind faith in fantasies, than to know God and His Son Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour -
The point I tried to make is that we have no clue how long the first days were. It is unknowable.
Well yes, and Judges.I think he means, try understanding every sentence in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Good luck! I know a lot of it, but not even everything.
Thanks!Nice to see you back again. Where have you been??
Warm Wishes,
It would seem most evolutionists don't understand that natural selection only eliminates pre-existing information.You don't actually know anything about evolution by natural selection, do you.
Gen. 1:4 " God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day."
24 hour days
Jonah 3:4 "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown."
24 hour days
Joshua 6:3 " You shall march around the city, all you men of war; you shall go all around the city once. This you shall do six days."
24 hour days
Ex. 20:11 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them"
24 hour days
Keypurr.... throughout scripture whenever a number is associated with the word day, it refers to a 24 hour day. Throughout scripture...every single time the word 'day' is associated with the word .evening' or morning, it ALWAYS refers to a 24 hour day.
Jesus "'God made them male and female' from the beginning of creation"
Ok, you have a point.
How about when Peter says one day is a thousand years?
It is written the same in the OT too.
What, it seems that way to you?It would seem most evolutionists don't understand that natural selection only eliminates pre-existing information.
were those unfit alleles all present at creation?It would seem most evolutionists don't understand that natural selection only eliminates pre-existing information.
"Negative frequency dependant selection) is one of the few forms of natural selection that can act to preserve genetic variation,[/b]most forms of natural selection lead to the loss of genetic variation as unfit alleles are "weeded out" of the population."
The short answer is "no".were those unfit alleles all present at creation?
Most people think it was a matter of days only since it seems the children were born after Eden.How much time was there between Genesis 2 and 3?
I have never heard anyone talk about that.
Most people think it was a matter of days only since it seems the children were born after Eden.
Luke 4:20
"And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him"
Luke 4:21
"And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears"
Oh look, Jesus is teaching us that there's a 'Gap' in the middle of a verse.
I would have to disagree with the comments about what formless and void mean. It was not denoting judgment but transformation. The key to prophesying is hidden in plain sight here. Formless means it didn't have the image or form of the Son yet, and void means it didn't have the Ruach HaKodesh (Spirit) yet. In other words, it was an empty vessel without His nature or anointing yet.
What He does with the earth in Gen. 1 is a macrocosm for what He does with our "earth" (Adam taken from the dust of the earth), which is the microcosm. The Ruach Hakodesh moving upon the face (face denotes nature) of the waters (waters denote spirit and peoples), means He is changing the nature to conform it into His nature and form.
The true meaning of to prophesy is to call those things that are not as thought they were. That's the sovereign King realm; He speaks and things happen without any resistance. When the Ruach HaKodesh moves upon the face of OUR waters, He is changing our nature and giving us more of His form. This is the action of Him increasing as we decrease. Saul said that he was willing to stay with one of the churches until "Christ be FORMED in them."
So you believe in mutation as real.The short answer is "no".
Adam named the animals on the 6th day. (Not all animals)Is it possible it was not days? Adam had to name lots of animals.
No.The Bible is a real short book considering it covers even 6000 years. Could the brevity be misleading?
After sin.Did aging start in those 6 days or when sin entered the world?
Go blocked conception? No... He said "Be fruitful and increase in number"I just wonder if Adam and Eve lived a very long period before they sinned and then aging began. Also God blocked conception until sin entered the world.
I've not used 'microevolution' as a term. However I do believe God created organisms with the ability to rapidly adapt and survive to changing conditions.So you believe in mutation as real.
And, correct me if I am wrong, you believe natural selection happens
(hence your acceptance of 'microevolution').
You misstate things a bit. The ship Noah built had a rail car capacity of about 550. That certainly is big enough to have had 2 of every kind of animal.And you believe in the massive rate of evolutionary change that took a boat full of animal species from a few thousand years ago to the present range of their decedents.
In some rare instances, mutations have a beneficial outcome, but through a loss of preexisting info. For example... a loss of specificity to an enzyme might have a benefit.All I can conclude is you refuse to acknowledge evolution by natural selection on two grounds:
1. You deny that any mutation could possibly be beneficial, which is obviously ridiculous.
Certainly I would think you are at the least in denial.2. You deny that the earth has a billions of years long history. You would think me mad to deny that the incidents of the 11th of September took place in New York.
Jeremiah used the term from day 1 in Genesis when the earth did not yet have features such as mountains, canyons, lakes etc...The earth at that point was formless and still empty / void. But over the next few days, God continues to form and fill that earthBase12 said:Jeremiah 4:23
"I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light"
Where have we heard that before?