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24 hours of course.Ok, now how long was a day before God created the sun?
Was it 24 hours or ten million years?
We know that from the context in both the Hebrew language and scripture.
24 hours of course.Ok, now how long was a day before God created the sun?
Was it 24 hours or ten million years?
I have started a complete series on origins. I think there are 8 parts.
The first problem with what 6days is saying is to drag out titles from 50 years ago which are inaccurate.
Yes!Have to agree.
When I was young and didn't know any better, I was exposed to the gap theory. Sounded reasonable so I went with it. Since I GREW in knowledge of God's word I concur with you that there is NO gap there. The way to read Genesis is simple.
Headline: Gen 1:1
Details of 1:1: Gen 1:2-31
Details of 1:27: Gen 2:4-26
Then from Gen 3:1 we move back to the historical account of mankind.
Synopsis is not a new word or concept, but it definitely shows through IF you read it with sound hermeneutical exegesis.
24 hours of course.
We know that from the context in both the Hebrew language and scripture.
No we don't, there is no verse that says that the first days of creation were 24 hours long. The Earth is millions of years old, not six thousand years.
There are several things about 6days handling that are unclear or incomplete or misapplied.
1, the belief in such a short total time means things like Niagara's wearing away of base sediment is an optical illusion; in fact, a whole bunch of things are for no good reason.
2, it is perfectly fine to keep to 24s for the 6 days of creation, but not the size of the window of time for 'formless and void.' I don't know how many posts we are into this now, but he has never addressed how an expression like 'formless and void' came to be except for one remark that was mindless that 'there is no destroyed city in Gen 1:2.' (see Jer 4:23).
3, even the conservative evangelist and philospher F. Schaeffer allows for the extension of the genealogies based on comps with others and the two in the NT to show that as much as 10K is allowed on that question.
4, it would be hard to find a world event that would have the features of the flood, including both an ice age and a deluge due to the collapse of the 'canopy,' which would be other than the abrupt warming at the end of the last major ice age 10K ago. There is all the evidence around for that from cores to Niagara to lines in granite in NYC to Lake Morse in Olympic National Park. That is not a huge admission of defect on the part of the Biblical text which was transmitted verbally for quite a while! Nor is it unreasonable to agree with scientists about things so near in time compared to their billions of years about other things. It only puts the 6 days back between 10 and 15K ago.
24 hours of course.
We know that from the context in both the Hebrew language and scripture.
The point I tried to make is that we have no clue how long the first days were. It is unknowable.
God did a series on it also. It is a 7 part series found in Genesis.
I don't think the information is missing there. There was evening and morning for each unit. It makes much more sense to say that the window of time for 'formless and void' is pretty wide. God made a woman in a moment. He confused human language in a moment. Sarah gets pregnant at 90, years after menopause. The God we are talking about would have no problem forming each realm in a day.
I can agree with Stan J as long as he will agree with things that most scholars say are part of Moses style:
section title,
new action.
In the case of 1:2, the setting allows for a window of time going way back. 'Formless and void' means that many, many things have happened, and ended disapproved and destroyed by God.
OTHER arguments against the gap theory.
A. *As shown above, *gap theorists need to perform mental gymnastics which leads to a very confusing Gospel. *
It's interesting that just this morning a atheist in TOL made this comment to a gap theorist..."Wow. Then the Biblical text is not a simple, clear, and meaningful message to be taken to the world at large, but instead is an obscure abstract treatise that can be appreciated only by those who are learned in the subtleties of ancient languages...."
The mental gymnastics is also easy for youth to see through. When they are taught to perform mental gymnastics with Genesis, it then becomes natural to 'interpret' the gospel with the same technique.*
B. Genesis 1:31 God calls everything "very good". *It defies logic to think God would rebuild upon millions of dead things from a previously corrupted world and call it very good. But, even more difficult is that Satan would already have been "god of this world". 2 Cor. *4:4
C. Ex. 20:11 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them"
Question. ..if everything was made in six days, what was made before the six days?
Gen. 1:4 " God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day."keypurr said:No we don't, there is no verse that says that the first days of creation were 24 hours long.
Jesus "'God made them male and female' from the beginning of creation"keypurr said:The Earth is millions of years old, not six thousand years.
Great comments .....yes, and i was thinking, as i try to simplify to help comprehend creation.
in a nutshell, Evolutionists think everything is billions of years old, that everything just worked out this way, and even though there have been multiple mass extinctions over these billions of years, that somehow some critters survived and morphed into mankind.
now THAT is faith !!!! the wrong kind, but wow, it takes more blind faith in fantasies, than to know God and His Son Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour -
You've got that part right.One problem, is that young people are taught scripture
You don't actually know anything about evolution by natural selection, do you.yes, and i was thinking, as i try to simplify to help comprehend creation.
in a nutshell, Evolutionists think everything is billions of years old, that everything just worked out this way, and even though there have been multiple mass extinctions over these billions of years, that somehow some critters survived and morphed into mankind.
now THAT is faith !!!! the wrong kind, but wow, it takes more blind faith in fantasies, than to know God and His Son Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour -