The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


Literal lunatic
So what's Trump's next move?

Then there's this also....

plaigerized from.....:crackup:

Article 2 of the United States Constitution (Section 4) states that "The President, Vice President, and all other civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

This means that it is no easier to remove a federal judge than the President of the United States. It has to be done by the process of impeachment. The first step in the process is that a majority of the House of Representatives must find that there is probable cause for the person to be removed from office. That is the beginning of the impeachment but not the end. After that, the Senate will hear the charges and decide if the officer is guilty. If the official is convicted by the Senate, he or she loses the office.


Literal lunatic
Then there's this also....

plaigerized from.....:crackup:

Article 2 of the United States Constitution (Section 4) states that "The President, Vice President, and all other civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

This means that it is no easier to remove a federal judge than the President of the United States. It has to be done by the process of impeachment. The first step in the process is that a majority of the House of Representatives must find that there is probable cause for the person to be removed from office. That is the beginning of the impeachment but not the end. After that, the Senate will hear the charges and decide if the officer is guilty. If the official is convicted by the Senate, he or she loses the office.

On the upside it would give congress sumpthin' to do while the Dems are boycotting confirmation hearings.:chuckle:


Literal lunatic
I don't know what that means.
Can federal judges give people visas? Or unrevok revoked visas? Bottom line it for us here first.
Are we about to have a crisis with people pointing guns at each other?

Is it a Misdemeanor to incite gunplay?


like marbles on glass
Trump is already showing signs of major disrespect toward the U.S. military
“I helped get those people freed at Dulles [Airport] last night,” a Washington attorney told me outside a Washington coffee shop on Sunday morning.

“You helped those people get out?” a tall silver-haired passerby interrupted us. He shook the attorney’s hand.

“I just got back from Baghdad,” the man said. “I’m career U.S. Army. They blocked three of my translators with that order. These are Iraqis who have been working for me for years. These are people who have risked a lot, more than many U.S. soldiers. And we’re turning them away? It is unthinkable. It is unacceptable.”

Asked what the effect would be on getting Army translators in the future, the man said, “They’ll never work for us again. And by the way, I’m rock-solid Republican.”

. . . .
Defense Secretary James Mattis, a former Marine Corps general, was a bystander in the writing of Trump’s executive order banning refugees from seven Middle Eastern countries. It was Bannon who insisted that the ban include foreign nationals holding green cards, which are provisional acceptance of citizenship.

Mattis was not given a chance to comment on the order, according to the New York Times.

It’s not hard to figure out why. Last summer, Mattis, former commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, said Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim visitors was “causing us great damage right now, and it’s sending shock waves through the international system.”

Nonetheless Trump used Mattis as a prop when he signed the executive order on Saturday. By combining Mattis’ swearing-in with the issuance of the executive order, Trump used Mattis to endorse a policy the general had no influence on.

Trump exploited Mattis’ reputation for his own political purposes, said Ryan Evans, editor of the War on the Rocks, a military blog. Trump’s order will probably wind up barring translators who served under Mattis, Evans noted.
. . . .
Some veterans are now scrambling to carve out an exemption for Iraqi translators. But the shock wave Trump’s order sent through the international system cannot be undone.
. . . .
The Islamic State is claiming vindication, saying Trump has confirmed the prediction of Anwar Awlaki, the American-born jihadist who said that Western governments would eventually suppress their own Muslim populations as part of the so-called war on terror.

Anyone who voted for Trump simply to see him upend Washington, as if it would be a really good show and as entertaining as it would be satisfying to see "what happens" when you vote for someone as inept and narcissistic and impulsive as Trump - I really hope you're second-guessing yourself right now, but I doubt it. You're likely going to double down because you invested too much of yourself in him. But maybe there's some hope you'll eventually start looking behind him to see who's pulling the strings.


like marbles on glass
And now this: Donald Trump mocked Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ratings for The New Celebrity Apprentice during the National Prayer Breakfast — and the actor is firing back.

The annual D.C. event usually has about 3,500 guests from around the world and is run by a Christian organization. As is tradition, the president gives a keynote speech along with an outside speaker (at President Obama’s first National Prayer Breakfast in 2009, he had British Prime Minister Tony Blair, for example).

Trump had The Apprentice executive producer Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey as his speakers. In the video below, first Trump assured senate chaplain Barry Black that he won’t be fired from his position even if he’s a Democrat. Then he thanked Burnett and Downey for their “introduction.” — which inextricably led Trump to the subject of his former NBC show’s ratings under new host Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“When I ran for president I knew I had to leave the show, that’s when I knew for sure I was doing it,” Trump says. “And they hired a big, big movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger to take my place, and we know how that turned out. Ratings went right down the tubes, it’s been a total disaster, and Mark will never, ever bet against Trump again. And I want to just pray for Arnold if we can, for those ratings. But we’ve had an amazing life together the last 14, 15 years. An outstanding man. Thank you for introducing me.”

So our Feckless Leader brings in a reality show producer as his guest speaker, and then proceeds to talk about the reality show's TV ratings after Trump left that reality show for a different reality show. At the National Prayer Breakfast. There must be something about that somewhere in "Two Corinthians."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
As a businessman he was supposed to donate as much as possible to the IRS? :dizzy:
It's worth noting when someone as rich as Trump finds a way to avoid taxes. More so when he brags about it as being "smart" and even more so when the man avoiding tax payment is on the record criticizing those who, wait for it, don't pay taxes:

"I don’t mind sacrificing for the country to be honest with you. But you know, you do have a problem because half of the people don't pay any tax. And when he's [Obama] talking about that he's talking about people that aren't also working, that are not contributing to this society. And it's a problem. But we have 50 percent. It just hit the 50 percent mark. Fifty percent of the people are paying no tax." Fox News Interview, 2012​

"You do have a large percentage of people not paying taxes," Trump said. "You do have a large percentage of people that feel that they're entitled." Fox News, 2012

"I know a lot of bad people in this country that are making a hell of a lot of money and not paying taxes," Time Interview, 2015

"The hedge fund guys are getting away with murder. They're paying nothing and it's ridiculous. I want to save the middle class…. The hedge fund guys didn't build this country. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky." CBS interview, 2015



like marbles on glass
‘This was the worst call by far’: Trump badgered, bragged and abruptly ended phone call with Australian leader

It should have been one of the most congenial calls for the new commander in chief — a conversation with the leader of Australia, one of America’s staunchest allies, at the end of a triumphant week.

Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refugee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the Saturday exchange. Then, 25 minutes into what was expected to be an hour-long call, Trump abruptly ended it.

At one point, Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladi*mir Putin — and that “this was the worst call by far.”

“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump fumed as Turnbull attempted to confirm that the United States would honor its pledge to take in 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center.

Trump, who one day earlier had signed an executive order temporarily barring the admission of refugees, complained that he was “going to get killed” politically and accused Australia of seeking to export the “next Boston bombers.”

. . . .

Trump made the call to Turnbull about 5 p.m. Saturday from his desk in the Oval Office, where he was joined by chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, national security adviser Michael Flynn and White House press secretary Sean Spicer.



like marbles on glass
McCain: I Called Australian Ambassador To Express 'Unwavering Support'

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said in a statement released Thursday that he called Australia's ambassador to express his "unwavering support" for the country's alliance with the United States, after a report came out Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated the Australian prime minister during a phone call the same day.

"Australia is one of America’s oldest friends and staunchest allies," the statement reads. "In that spirit, I called Australia’s Ambassador to the United States this morning to express my unwavering support for the U.S.-Australia alliance."​


like marbles on glass
U.S. military probing more possible civilian deaths in Yemen raid

The U.S. military said on Wednesday it was looking into whether more civilians were killed in a raid on al Qaeda in Yemen on the weekend, in the first operation authorized by President Donald Trump as commander in chief.

U.S. Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens was killed in the raid on a branch of al Qaeda, also known as AQAP, in al Bayda province, which the Pentagon said also killed 14 militants. However, medics at the scene said about 30 people, including 10 women and children, were killed.

U.S. Central Command said in a statement that an investigating team had "concluded regrettably that civilian non-combatants were likely killed" during Sunday's raid. It said children may have been among the casualties.

U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.

As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.



like marbles on glass

From this look at Steve Bannon, the following stood out to me:
Sometime in the early 2000s, Bannon was captivated by a book called The Fourth Turning by generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe. The book argues that American history can be described in a four-phase cycle, repeated again and again, in which successive generations have fallen into crisis, embraced institutions, rebelled against those institutions and forgotten the lessons of the past--which invites the next crisis. These cycles of roughly 80 years each took us from the revolution to the Civil War, and then to World War II, which Bannon might point out was taking shape 80 years ago. During the fourth turning of the phase, institutions are destroyed and rebuilt.

In an interview with TIME, author Howe recalled that Bannon contacted him more than a decade ago about making a film based on the book. That eventually led to Generation Zero, released in 2010, in which Bannon cast the 2008 financial crisis as a sign that the turning was upon us. Howe agrees with the analysis, in part. In each cycle, the postcrisis generation, in this case the baby boomers, eventually rises to "become the senior leaders who have no memory of the last crisis, and they are always the ones who push us into the next one," Howe said.

But Bannon, who once called himself the "patron saint of commoners," seemed to relish the opportunity to clean out the old order and build a new one in its place, casting the political events of the nation as moments of extreme historical urgency, pivot points for the world. Historian David Kaiser played a featured role in Generation Zero, and he recalls his filmed interview with Bannon as an engrossing and enjoyable experience.

And yet, he told TIME, he was taken aback when Bannon began to argue that the current phase of history foreshadowed a massive new war. "I remember him saying, 'Well, look, you have the American revolution, and then you have the Civil War, which was bigger than the revolution. And you have the Second World War, which was bigger than the Civil War,'" Kaiser said. "He even wanted me to say that on camera, and I was not willing."

Howe, too, was struck by what he calls Bannon's "rather severe outlook on what our nation is going through." Bannon noted repeatedly on his radio show that "we're at war" with radical jihadis in places around the world. This is "a global existential war" that likely will become "a major shooting war in the Middle East again." War with China may also be looming, he has said. This conviction is central to the Breitbart mission, he explained in November 2015: "Our big belief, one of our central organizing principles at the site, is that we're at war."

Bannon is the war hawk that apocalyptic-minded evangelicals have been waiting for, someone who will lead the U.S. into the last battle they're waiting for when they say Maranatha.


New member
There are always negative stories that can be found regardless of who is president and we have a press willing to find them all and highlight them and ignore all possible positive stories.

We have an obsessed troll at TOL that thinks it's her god given duty to make sure they all get posted here.


like marbles on glass
You had your eight years with Obama. Time for you to step aside, it's someone else's turn to watch the president now. I'm posting here for those who ordinarily only read Breitbart and like-minded conservative blogs who deal in "alternate facts." Those conservative sites are going to gate-keep things from their readers that might be uncomfortable. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. I'm here to help!

But - if you don't like the threat to your bromance, you can avoid the thread. You have the freedom to make the choice.