The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


like marbles on glass
The Domestic Conspiracy That Gave Trump The Election Is In Plain Sight

3. It seems clear that Giuliani, who was the top surrogate for the Trump campaign and in near-daily contact with the candidate, acted under orders from Trump, and that Prince either acted under orders from Trump or Steve Bannon—well-known to Prince from their mutual association with, and financial investment in, Breitbart and its ownership, including Robert Mercer—and, moreover, that all those associated with the conspiracy were subsequently rewarded. Erik Prince’s sister, Betsy DeVos, was named Education Secretary by Trump, despite having no experience for the job other than advocating sporadically for charter schools in Michigan. Prince himself was named a shadow adviser to Trump, even though, by November 8th, the fact that his statements to Breitbart had been part of a domestic disinformation campaign was clear. Prince is so close to Trump that he appears to have been present at the election-night returns-watching party to which Trump invited only close friends and associates; Prince’s wife posted pictures of the event.

Interesting reading at the link.


like marbles on glass
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday afternoon painstakingly insisted that President Donald Trump's order barring immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries was not a "travel ban."

But with one tweet on Wednesday morning, Trump undid Spicer's efforts and said he did not care what term was used to describe his order.

"Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a BAN. Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people (with bad intentions) out of country!"

I don't know how to embed a tweet in BBCode. Anyone know if there's a way to do that here?


The Domestic Conspiracy That Gave Trump The Election Is In Plain Sight

That would be
Obama. :Nineveh: Am 8:5


It's less okay to continue to have business dealings while you're acting president...

He's gone over and above what was legally required to separate himself from his business dealings while he's president. :listen: He wouldn't want to appear to do what Hillary's done her whole political career--pay to play. :sibbie: Am 8:5


There is nothing unconstitutional about Trump's dealings with Muslims. He is perfectly within his authority, as were a good several past presidents who dealt with the same thing.

The Left needs to stop embarrassing their selves, particularly when it comes to the Constitution.


like marbles on glass
He's gone over and above what was legally required to separate himself from his business dealings while he's president. :listen: He wouldn't want to appear to do what Hillary's done her whole political career--pay to play.

You mean like this?

Trump and Clinton foundations: YUGE difference between their mistakes

As has also been widely reported, the Trump Foundation made contributions to numerous charities favored by his personal or business associates including, ironically, the Clinton Foundation in 2009 and 2010. The Trump Foundation also has received all of its financial support since 2008 from people other than Mr. Trump and his family, and who have personal and business ties with him, including NBCUniversal.

But such use of charitable foundations is not illegal under the federal tax laws, even if it may appear unseemly. A foundation only crosses into illegality if a substantial return benefit is received by a foundation insider or a business in which they or their family has a substantial ownership stake.

This is where the Trump Foundation distinguishes itself from the Clinton Foundation.

As detailed in a series of articles by David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post, the Trump Foundation allegedly purchased a Tim Tebow helmet and paintings of Mr. Trump that may have been kept by Trump personally, bought an ad for a Trump business, made a $25,000 contribution to a political organization affiliated with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi that Trump had promised to make at a time her office was considering possible action against Trump University, and paid over a quarter million dollars to charities in order to settle lawsuits against Trump businesses.

None of the allegations against the Clinton Foundation, much less the actually demonstrated facts, show this type of personal benefit to Ms. Clinton, her family or any business in which she or they had an interest.
. . . .
The bottom line is that close ties between foundations, their leaders, the donors that support them and the causes they support are common. Members of the public can of course still be critical of such ties, but the law allows them.

What is not allowed is using assets dedicated to charitable endeavors to pay personal debts or support the personal business interests of the foundation leaders.

While both Ms. Clinton and Mr. Trump used their foundations to enhance their extensive networks of relationships, it seems that only Mr. Trump treated his foundation as just another pot of money he could draw upon whenever there was any type of "charitable" connection and even when the primary beneficiary of the foundation's spending was himself or his businesses.

This is where the Trump Foundation appears to have crossed into illegality, as the Post indicates, while the Clinton Foundation did not.


like marbles on glass
And these:

Regardless, legality does not imply propriety. Unless Trump acts to put actual distance between himself and his business ventures, these questions are likely to continue throughout his time in the Oval Office. On top of the aforementioned legal actions, the director of the Office of Government Ethics, Michael Shaub, has declared Trump’s efforts insufficient, remarking, “I don’t think divestiture is too high of a price to pay to be the president of the United States,” and a number of Senate Democrats have introduced legislation that would force Trump to divest or face impeachment. Below is an attempt to catalogue the more clear-cut examples of conflicts of interest that have emerged so far. The most recent entries appear at the top:



Trump and Clinton foundations: YUGE difference between their mistakes

Hillary's corruption :sibbie: was a mistake? :eek: Am 8:5

You don't care for his NY accent either.

Why don't you critique him on something that matters--like telling Mexico to pay for our wall. I'm not sure how that became their responsibility. :AMR: Maybe because they encouraged their citizens to come here? :idunno: That's a stretch.


[Town Heretic quote: It's less okay to continue to have business dealings while you're acting president...] is that happening?

He's allowed to have a business. :dizzy:

Give them a break. They're used to having a lecturer in chief. :Nineveh: They aren't used to an actual working man having become president.


New member
And these:

Regardless, legality does not imply propriety. Unless Trump acts to put actual distance between himself and his business ventures, these questions are likely to continue throughout his time in the Oval Office. On top of the aforementioned legal actions, the director of the Office of Government Ethics, Michael Shaub, has declared Trump’s efforts insufficient, remarking, “I don’t think divestiture is too high of a price to pay to be the president of the United States,” and a number of Senate Democrats have introduced legislation that would force Trump to divest or face impeachment. Below is an attempt to catalogue the more clear-cut examples of conflicts of interest that have emerged so far. The most recent entries appear at the top:

Given his life-long history of self-serving financial and political corruption; I am not in the least bit surprised. Not in the least.


Unless Trump acts to put actual distance between himself and his business ventures, these questions are likely to continue throughout his time in the Oval Office...

Sure they will. But since you leftists won't be happy no matter how he distances himself from his companies, :sozo2: he should ignore you altogether. :greedy: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


New member
He's allowed to have a business. Give them a break. They're used to having a lecturer in chief. :Nineveh: They aren't used to an actual working man having become president.

All those countless links you obviously invest a great deal of time seeking out and yet, you fail to look into the man's actual past - the great extent of Trump's life-long, self-serving financial and political corruption.

The man was ever buying and selling politicians, their drones, and the various financial people behind his business endeavours. Only to burn most people involved. And as then, so now; his drones having to rush to cover up his mess.


All those countless links you obviously invest a great deal of time seeking out and yet, you fail to look into the man's actual past...
I'm aware of his past. He's a swamp creature (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14).

...[T]he great extent of Trump's life-long, self-serving financial and political corruption.
He has admitted that he uses the system for financial gain. :listen: That's what businessmen do.

"Greed is good." :greedy: ~ Gordon Gekko, Wall Street
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