The long nightmare has ended. Trump leaves the White House


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
All humans are created equal.
Tomato tomahto.
Of course people's hearts and minds can be changed. It may be hard to say where or when or how or who influenced someone enough to help them see a new way, but of course it happens all the time.
Agreed to disagree. I haven't seen it. We fought a war over the worst aspect of white supremacism in this country, because hearts and minds did not change. Nobody wants war but sometimes violence is the only reasonable choice, unfortunately.


like marbles on glass
Tomato tomahto.
When you insist on using 'men' for all humans don't be surprised if you're considered hopelessly outdated ("us men and our salvation") pedantic or sexist - or all of the above.
Agreed to disagree. I haven't seen it. We fought a war over the worst aspect of white supremacism in this country, because hearts and minds did not change. Nobody wants war but sometimes violence is the only reasonable choice, unfortunately.

Because you, one person, haven't seen someone's heart and mind changed, doesn't mean doesn't happen all the time. Every day.

Right Divider

Body part
When you insist on using 'men' for all humans don't be surprised if you're considered hopelessly outdated ("us men and our salvation") pedantic or sexist - or all of the above.
God made MAN and WOMAN.
Gen 2:23-24 (AKJV/PCE)
(2:23) And Adam said, This [is] now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (2:24) Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
When you insist on using 'men' for all humans don't be surprised if you're considered hopelessly outdated ("us men and our salvation") pedantic or sexist - or all of the above.
What are you so worked up about.
Because you, one person, haven't seen someone's heart and mind changed, doesn't mean doesn't happen all the time. Every day.
So do wars. So who wins this round?


like marbles on glass

If you can't change hearts and minds, on moral matters, calling in the cavalry becomes necessary.

Actually, no it doesn't. You don't call the cavalry on people who hold racist views. As abhorrent as those views are, they have the freedom in this country to hold them. It's when they act on them in a way that breaks the law that you can bring the force of law against them. That's not war. That's a legal system.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Actually, no it doesn't. You don't call the cavalry on people who hold racist views. As abhorrent as those views are, they have the freedom in this country to hold them. It's when they act on them in a way that breaks the law that you can bring the force of law against them. That's not war. That's a legal system.
That is literally what I already said to you. You can't change hearts and minds, but you can make immoral behavior very expensive through the force of law. And if that doesn't work then violence. You have to use violence if the evildoers refuse to settle for anything less.


like marbles on glass
That is literally what I already said to you. You can't change hearts and minds
You can. That is literally what I already said to you.

What about the abortion clinic worker who is now pro-life? The atheist who is now a Christian?That’s changing hearts and minds. As I said, one may not know the who what when where why how, but hearts and minds are changed. For good, and for bad. People who perhaps had only an implicit bias but are radicalized into overt white nationalism, racism, xenophobia.
but you can make immoral behavior very expensive through the force of law. And if that doesn't work then violence. You have to use violence if the evildoers refuse to settle for anything less.

No. Your version of “immoral“ may be different than the next person’s, that‘s why we don’t have a theocracy in this country, though a substantial portion of conservatives work diligently at trying to change that.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Gullible moron!

There is no such thing as a real Trump supporter that would say or do anything of the sort. The right wants to persuade you by engaging your mind. They aren't interested in forcing you to act as if they're right and their instinct is the opposite of hanging their political rivals. That's the sort of stuff that the left does, not the right.

Well, no Clete. This is the sort of behaviour that the world, including America, has witnessed the far right and especially the mindless MAGA crowd behaving for a long time now. They're not representative of all Trump supporters for sure, but they sure are representative of the gullible and mindless variety, of which there are many. Your definitions of a "real Trump supporter" are superfluous. They exhibited their purpose with nary a whit for what might transpire afterwards and that is more than a bit ironic considering...

What you present as hard fact is actually an open question. A question that some people tried to get the Supreme Court to answer but were refused a hearing. There are descent arguments on both sides of the question of whether the V.P is required to accept electoral votes when the elections that produced them are being actively disputed but once the question was clearly not going to be answered by the courts, there wasn't any doubt about the fact the Pence wasn't going to try to force the issue. Trump picked the wrong guy if he wanted someone who was willing to go that hard against the grain.

With regards to the pathetic events at the capitol they aren't. They're all there in full public view. In regards to the allegations of fraud then they were baseless as was evident from the get go really. For sure, Pence wasn't really going to try and overturn legitimate election results as he didn't even have the authority to do so and it would have backfired had he tried but it wasn't a case of Trump 'picking the wrong guy'. Pence has been at Trump's side throughout, and almost got entirely thrown under the bus because of it.

Trump just lost.


Gary K

New member
Get over yourself, your pompous lectures are boring and precious. I have no 'agenda' other than speaking my mind just like you do. This place is a Whoville floating through the internet with rarely more than five members here at any given time anymore, so almost no one is listening to my 'agenda' or yours.

And don't be daft, regardless how slavery started in this country, we as a country continued it, and even when it was ended we continued with Jim Crow laws and institutional racism which took many forms.
You really despise facts of history. That's why you find my posts so offensive rather than instructive as to what has been going on in our nation for many decades.

Yeah, racists continue to exist, but they are on your side of the political aisle. Socialists have always been racist. Hitler was a socialist. People like the Webbs, Bernard Shaw, and the rest of the Fabians were racist and eugenicists. They started organizations to wipe out the black populations through abortion. Stalin was a racist and so are the marxist Chinese. Both have conducted pogroms of genocide against other races.

The socialist left has also hated Jews and Israelis, and supported Muslim terrorism against them. The leftist intelligentcia were outspoken supporters of the Nazis until it was proven that the horrors taking place in the concentration camps and they realized just how evil they sounded. One of their most successful propaganda campaigns has been to argue that it was their opponents who supported the nazis. And the terrorist arm of the Democrat party was the KKK. It was your side terrorizing the black population. It wasn't the conservative side of the political aisle. Conservative people believe in the constitution and declaration of independence which says all people are created equal.

What you think is history is revisionist marxist history. It is not real history. It is brainwashing pure and simple. Watch G. Edward Griffin's interview with Yuri Bezemenov. He tells it straight from the shoulder as to what the socialists have done to this nation. He even describes you when he says those who have been indoctrinated will find it impossible to recognize truth even when they have it placed directly in front of them. They will deny truth every time. Bezemenov was KGB and part of the USSR's disinformation warfare on the US until he defected so he knew whereof he spoke. That you deny the truths he spoke when he described people who have been indoctrinated it says he knew exactly what he was talking about. He named people like you as useful idiots. People who make useful tools but who will be abandoned and executed when the real powers behind the revolution come to power for the reality will then become apparent to you and even you will rebel against them. Thus those like you will be one of the first to be executed.


like marbles on glass
You really despise facts of history. That's why you find my posts so offensive rather than instructive as to what has been going on in our nation for many decades.

Such lies. You who say you hold honesty as such a high ideal - you are so abjectly and consistently dishonest. I give you the benefit of the doubt by considering the idea that you're so sure you're being honest with every overstatement and misstatement you make that you truly do believe yourself. Not much I can say at that point except that when you lie about me, sometimes I'll think it worth a couple minutes of my time to point it out to you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You really despise facts of history. That's why you find my posts so offensive rather than instructive as to what has been going on in our nation for many decades.

Yeah, racists continue to exist, but they are on your side of the political aisle. Socialists have always been racist. Hitler was a socialist. People like the Webbs, Bernard Shaw, and the rest of the Fabians were racist and eugenicists. They started organizations to wipe out the black populations through abortion. Stalin was a racist and so are the marxist Chinese. Both have conducted pogroms of genocide against other races.

The socialist left has also hated Jews and Israelis, and supported Muslim terrorism against them. The leftist intelligentcia were outspoken supporters of the Nazis until it was proven that the horrors taking place in the concentration camps and they realized just how evil they sounded. One of their most successful propaganda campaigns has been to argue that it was their opponents who supported the nazis. And the terrorist arm of the Democrat party was the KKK. It was your side terrorizing the black population. It wasn't the conservative side of the political aisle. Conservative people believe in the constitution and declaration of independence which says all people are created equal.

What you think is history is revisionist marxist history. It is not real history. It is brainwashing pure and simple. Watch G. Edward Griffin's interview with Yuri Bezemenov. He tells it straight from the shoulder as to what the socialists have done to this nation. He even describes you when he says those who have been indoctrinated will find it impossible to recognize truth even when they have it placed directly in front of them. They will deny truth every time. Bezemenov was KGB and part of the USSR's disinformation warfare on the US until he defected so he knew whereof he spoke. That you deny the truths he spoke when he described people who have been indoctrinated it says he knew exactly what he was talking about. He named people like you as useful idiots. People who make useful tools but who will be abandoned and executed when the real powers behind the revolution come to power for the reality will then become apparent to you and even you will rebel against them. Thus those like you will be one of the first to be executed.
One wonders where you even get this type of whacked out bunk from but then, I don't really want to know. What I do know is that it's the far right that embrace the sort of strife that you get at MAGA rallies and let's not forget stuff like "Unite The Right" that resulted in deaths while they were unashamedly brandishing swastika flags. Still, at least they didn't hide their 'heritage' under a load of bunk and advertised it for what it was.

The actual facts of history place Nazism squarely on the far right of the political spectrum. If you think people who are on the left of center to moderate are the types of people who want the type of violence exhibited at the Capitol or want anyone who's non white or gay to be sent to death camps and the like then you stay place where you're sorely at. "Delusionville"...or "Dumbasaboxofrocksville" essentially...


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That is literally what I already said to you. You can't change hearts and minds, but you can make immoral behavior very expensive through the force of law. And if that doesn't work then violence. You have to use violence if the evildoers refuse to settle for anything less.
The silly girl is in a contrary mood tonight. She'll contradict everything you say whether there's anything to it or not.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That is literally what I already said to you. You can't change hearts and minds, but you can make immoral behavior very expensive through the force of law. And if that doesn't work then violence. You have to use violence if the evildoers refuse to settle for anything less.
When do you decide when violence is "justifiable"? We had a snapshot of just what some far right cranks thought was acceptable just in the last week in regards to the Capitol. When do you decide when it 'has to be used' exactly?

Specify your parameters in regards to 'immoral behaviour' and in detail if you don't mind.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
When do you decide when violence is "justifiable"? We had a snapshot of just what some far right cranks thought was acceptable just in the last week in regards to the Capitol. When do you decide when it 'has to be used' exactly?

Specify your parameters in regards to 'immoral behaviour' and in detail if you don't mind.
Immoral behavior violates our rights. It's unjustified and immoral, to authorize police to harass and penalize you because you make different life choices that are not against the law, but that I think are unethical.

Basically this:

And supporting the continuation of the institution of slavery was absolutely immoral, to contend otherwise is to deny that Blacks are persons. It's nihilistic, and I don't believe in Nihilism, it's a failed moral theory.


Well-known member
No, as I suspected yours was an interest that was solely focused on smearing our president.
You poor foolish thing........
I was not focused upon smearing President Trump.
As far as the people of Britain were concerned he just did all the damage himself.
For us it was not about political parties, we all just watched him on television as he congratulated himself upon his fantastic, amazing, winning, brilliant, superb, wonderful, great, successful and brilliant....... self.

We just didn't like him.

But you are a dumb creature, doser, because FOR MONTHS NOW I have been pointing out that our leader and his government would have preferred relations with a Republican Government, and our 11th hour Brexit deal would actually have been slightly stronger for us if a Republican Government had remained in power.

So now it's becoming more obvious that you are not so much a Republican supporter as a Trump supporter. That's so telling, doser.
You loved President Trump before the GOP...... obvious.

And we've got to put up with your sour grapes attitude, but at least we won't have to see your dancing banana quite so often.

Have a nice day.


Well-known member
I'm a strong advocate of voter suppression. I base it on the fact that half of all Americans have IQs less than 100 and half of all American negroes have IQs less than 85.

The vote of stupid people SHOULD be suppressed.
The vote of ignorant people SHOULD be suppressed.
The vote of uninformed people SHOULD be suppressed.
Wow........ that knocks you straight off the electoral role for starters.