The long nightmare has ended. Trump leaves the White House

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Rant rant rant rant.......
Touched a nerve?
Yes yes I understand. The television sold you the lie of "Trump's mooslim travel ban" and you, gullible fool that you are, swallowed it hook line and sinker.
It must be embarrassing at this late date to discover that in fact mooslims were NOT banned, that in fact the majority of mooslims in the world had free access to travel to the United States, just like normal people.

Gary K

New member
The U.S. has a white supremacist, racist history. All those MAGAs screaming that their vote was stolen from them? A disturbing number of them actually have no problem at all with voter suppression, as long as it's not *white Christian* voter suppression. Once they feel like their *white Christian* vote was suppressed (even though it wasn't), that's all it took for them to trash the Capitol and get people killed in the process.
What does that say about Africa? Africans put Africans in bondage and chains. Then they sold them to white men with ships to carry them out of Africa. Looks like there were a whole lot of racist blacks. The powerful black tribes in Africa rounded up the tribes they hated and sold them into slavery. They were part and parcel of the slave trade. It was prejudice and hatred of one tribe against another tribe that fed the slave trade. The slave trade wouldn't have possible without racist black Africans. Also the Muslims were deeply involved in the slave trade. So, Muslims and Africans both fed the slave trade. Plus it was the English lords who pushed slavery onto the American landscape by forcing the overseers of their plantations to use slaves as the ignorant "nobility" thought slavery would create higher profits.

Yet you blame the US which had nothing to do with the start of slavery on this continent. Slavery began here by the English and Dutch in the early 1600s. That was long before the the US was conceived and created. Your acceptance of the lies has everything to do with your hatred of liberty and your agenda of destroying it in the US.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The U.S. has a white supremacist, racist history...
Yes. And present. And all the other countries also. When push comes to shove, man is a supremacist species, absolutely, and Americans are men. Every single one of us is susceptible. It all starts at home, where we all to a man favor our family over those who are not in our family, and it just spirals out from there. Supremacism is basically family writ large.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes. And present. And all the other countries also. When push comes to shove, man is a supremacist species, absolutely, and Americans are men. Every single one of us is susceptible. It all starts at home, where we all to a man favor our family over those who are not in our family, and it just spirals out from there. Supremacism is basically family writ large.
Negroes too

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What does that say about Africa? Africans put Africans in bondage and chains. Then they sold them to white men with ships to carry them out of Africa. Looks like there were a whole lot of racist blacks. The powerful black tribes in Africa rounded up the tribes they hated and sold them into slavery. They were part and parcel of the slave trade. It was prejudice and hatred of one tribe against another tribe that fed the slave trade. The slave trade wouldn't have possible without racist black Africans. Also the Muslims were deeply involved in the slave trade. So, Muslims and Africans both fed the slave trade. Plus it was the English lords who pushed slavery onto the American landscape by forcing the overseers of their plantations to use slaves as the ignorant "nobility" thought slavery would create higher profits.

Yet you blame the US which had nothing to do with the start of slavery on this continent. Slavery began here by the English and Dutch in the early 1600s. That was long before the the US was conceived and created. Your acceptance of the lies has everything to do with your hatred of liberty and your agenda of destroying it in the US.
In colonial North America whites owned white slaves.
Whites owned black slaves.
Whites owned indigenous slaves.

Blacks owned black slaves.
Blacks owned white slaves.
Blacks owned indigenous slaves.

Indigenous people owned white slaves.
Indigenous people owned indigenous slaves.
Indigenous people owned black slaves.
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like marbles on glass
Your acceptance of the lies has everything to do with your hatred of liberty and your agenda of destroying it in the US.

Get over yourself, your pompous lectures are boring and precious. I have no 'agenda' other than speaking my mind just like you do. This place is a Whoville floating through the internet with rarely more than five members here at any given time anymore, so almost no one is listening to my 'agenda' or yours.

And don't be daft, regardless how slavery started in this country, we as a country continued it, and even when it was ended we continued with Jim Crow laws and institutional racism which took many forms.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... we as a country continued it ...
By 1804 all of the northern states had abolished slavery or had plans in place to gradually reduce it.[3]
even when it was ended
1863, one hundred and fifty-eight years ago.

158 years ago.
we continued with Jim Crow laws

You and who else?

Not me.

and institutional racism which took many forms.
fourth wave feminist intersectionalist bullcrap


like marbles on glass
Americans are men.

Americans are humans. Why would you use 'men' to describe all of us?

Every single one of us is susceptible. It all starts at home, where we all to a man favor our family over those who are not in our family, and it just spirals out from there. Supremacism is basically family writ large.

I agree that white supremacism/racism very often starts at home, passed from parent to child but thankfully, sometimes the chain is broken.

People can be radicalized via the internet as well. The internet makes it easy for white supremacists to recruit and radicalize.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Americans are humans. Why would you use 'men' to describe all of us?
All men are created equal.
I agree that white supremacism/racism very often starts at home, passed from parent to child but thankfully, sometimes the chain is broken.
Tenuously. Without force of law it can't last. You can't change peoples' hearts and minds. But you can make the price for their immoral behavior very steep.
People can be radicalized via the internet as well. The internet make it easy for white supremacists to recruit and radicalize.
Anyone who condones, even silently, the invasion of a human right because of race, is just as dangerous and immoral. Supremacism is the direct rejection of "All men are created equal".


like marbles on glass
All men are created equal.
All humans are created equal.

Tenuously. Without force of law it can't last. You can't change peoples' hearts and minds. But you can make the price for their immoral behavior very steep.

Of course people's hearts and minds can be changed. It may be hard to say where or when or how or who influenced someone enough to help them see a new way, but of course it happens all the time.