The Left has become dangerously unhinged.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Obama...a committed family man who loves his wife. One wife. Just one. No mistresses. No adultery. No divorces. That use to matter to the "party of family values".
It still does, in church. In non-Catholic church, pastors can be married. And there's no conservative church that'd permit President Trump to be their pastor, because it entails too flagrant a violation of Paul's specifications for a pastor. President Obama could easily be a pastor, otoh, but the POTUS does not equal a church pastor. fwiw.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
....says the Catholic Crusader who thinks that he understands the people of the USA better!........

I know real Americans better than you bub. I'm 56 years old, born in Texas, raised and living in California, and I have tracelle around the world.

Real Americans:
Believe in Limited Government
Believe in the intent of the Founding Fathers
Are strict Consitutionalists
Love God and Country
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Adhere to Traditional Values
Are pro-life, not baby-killing abortionists
Do not accept the perverted abomination of Gay Marriage

Leftwing freaks, Democrats and Liberals:
Believe the opposite of all those things.

Which one are you (as if I didn't know already)

Explain for us briefly your understanding of what Putin's plan is.........

His plan is to scare the crap out of idiots and imbeciles like you.


Well-known member
I know real Americans better than you bub. I'm 56 years old, born in Texas, raised and living in California, and I have tracelle around the world.
Bully for you..... CatholicCrusader.

Real Americans:
Believe in Limited Government
So how come your government became so complex and extensive, CatholicCrusader?

Believe in the intent of the Founding Fathers
Are strict Consitutionalists
Love God and Country
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Adhere to Traditional Values
So you stick up for your country like US Democrats do, CatholicCrusader?

Are pro-life, not baby-killing abortionists
...although I get the feeling that you don't give a hoot for babies' welfare a few seconds after they're born..... is that about true?

Do not accept the perverted abomination of Gay Marriage
So how come Real Americans supported Gay partnerships and marriages?

Leftwing freaks, Democrats and Liberals:
Believe the opposite of all those things.
Nope..... only some of those things, CatholicCrusader.

Which one are you (as if I didn't know already)
I'm not any of those, CatholicCrusader, 'cos I'm a Brit, so you don't know that much about me after all.

His plan is to scare the crap out of idiots and imbeciles like you.
Who, Putin? He doesn't seek to scare folks, he just wants a Soviet Union re-established, I reckon.
I might be an idiot but I can debate and discuss with you easily, CatholicCrusader. Our Intelligence Quotients must be on a parallel, I guess.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... I get the feeling that you don't give a hoot for babies' welfare a few seconds after they're born..... is that about true?

I get the feeling that you were fed a steady diet of lead paint chips as a child..... is that about true?


Well-known member
I get the feeling that you were fed a steady diet of lead paint chips as a child..... is that about true?

Says you....... are you boasting an above average intelligence or something?
I have to admit, I've never seen any clues of it.
And do you despise those with low IQs, always reminding folks of such disabilities?




Explain for us briefly your understanding of what Putin's plan is, in this conspiracy theory? What is he trying to accomplish, in this collusion? What's his goal?
Putin was originally motivated by what he perceived to be as American interference in the Ukraine when its pro-Russian leader was forced out of office - the same ousted leader who once paid Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort millions as a political advisor!

By undermining the public's confidence in their institutions, Putin is attempting to undermine and weaken the Western democracies - America is not the only nation whereby the Russians are actively attempting to sow the seeds of doubt!
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Putin was originally motivated by what he perceived to be as American interference in the Ukraine when its pro-Russian leader was forced out of office - the same ousted leader who once paid Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort millions as a political advisor!

By undermining the public's confidence in their institutions, Putin is attempting to undermine and weaken the Western democracies - America is not the only nation whereby the Russians are actively attempting to sow the seeds of doubt!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
In the end analysis I have come to the conclusion that, the opinions (posts) of far-leftists, atheists/agnostics, and posters who say they are Christians, but in truth, are not, are not worth the time and effort to read what they have to say or to argue with. They're all starting to sound the same and I have no intention of reading anything they have to say. From now on, I'll ONLY read what members of the Body of Christ are saying.

By the appearance of your calling cards it's pretty easy to determine the level of deceit in this post!

A 10 on the BS scale at least.



Well-known member
It's not often that a foolish assertion is so deftly and completely debunked. Well done.

Whether or not government and taxation should exist is perhaps debatable. Whether or not it's theft, or contrary to scripture, that is not debatable.
I don't often disagree as opposed with TH, but I do disagree here. The Lord Jesus Christ said to "render unto Caesar's what IS Caesars."
In these United States "by and for the people" government serves us, and not the other way around. My money is ALWAYS my and your money and so the justification of taking it is ONLY as it serves you and I. When such arguably ceases, JudgeRightly has a very good point, but my point here is that trying to use Christ as 'supporting' taxes is false. It does not apply for several reasons, foremost because Caesar owned his own money. The citizens of the U.S. own our money. There is no such thing as rendering it to some government entity. Government is owned by us and not the other way around.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I don't often disagree as opposed with TH, but I do disagree here. The Lord Jesus Christ said to "render unto Caesar's what IS Caesars."
In these United States "by and for the people" government serves us, and not the other way around. My money is ALWAYS my and your money and so the justification of taking it is ONLY as it serves you and I. When such arguably ceases, JudgeRightly has a very good point, but my point here is that trying to use Christ as 'supporting' taxes is false. It does not apply for several reasons, foremost because Caesar owned his own money. The citizens of the U.S. own our money. There is no such thing as rendering it to some government entity. Government is owned by us and not the other way around.
Supporting is a funny word. You can use it as a substitute for endure or you can use it to promote and as investing a sense of rightness. I can tell you that the law of the land is to be obeyed and it doesn't follow that I support every law, even some of the one's I obey. Take speed limits. They can be arbitrary and arguable, but they're the law of the land.

And your distinction between Caesar and you is wrong, Lon. A Roman citizen had rights and ownership in his government too (ask Paul) if not equal to ours. But God didn't say the form of that government changed the nature of your relationship to it. All he said was that its authority was vested in Him and that we should give that government what it was due. The fact that our government is more answerable to us, or that we have more indirect influence, doesn't mean we are literally the government (try passing a law on your own and expecting everyone to obey it) but that we bear more responsibility for the state and that the government is meant as an extension of the popular will, within the constraints of Constitutional protections meant to safeguard the least powerful from the most and all from a sweeping but unsustained whim.

What Jesus said of Rome is true for us today. Money is printed by the government and holds value because of that and not because you have a store of gold in your closet. Just so, your taxes are an integral part of the functioning of our government and our obligation remains.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... we should give that government what it was due.
...your taxes are an integral part of the functioning of our government and our obligation remains.

well, no

matthew 22:21 says something different

and it doesn't have anything to do with meeting our obligations or keeping our government functioning

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
well, no

matthew 22:21 says something different

and it doesn't have anything to do with meeting our obligations or keeping our government functioning
They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things. That's Matthew 22:21

And unlike Sod, it isn't confused about anything. Neither am I and my position is orthodoxy, as reflected in commentaries, by way of example:

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(21) Render therefore unto Cæsar.—As far as the immediate question was concerned, this was of course an answer in the affirmative. It recognised the principle that the acceptance of the emperor’s coinage was an admission of his de facto sovereignty...The principle which the words involved was obviously wider in its range than the particular occasion to which it was thus applied. In all questions of real or seeming collision between secular authority and spiritual freedom, the former claims obedience as a de facto ordinance of God up to the limit where it encroaches on the rights of conscience, and prevents men from worshipping and serving Him.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
22:15-22 The Pharisees sent their disciples with the Herodians, a party among the Jews, who were for full subjection to the Roman emperor. Though opposed to each other, they joined against Christ. What they said of Christ was right; whether they knew it or not, blessed be God we know it. Jesus Christ was a faithful Teacher, and a bold reprover. Christ saw their wickedness. Whatever mask the hypocrite puts on, our Lord Jesus sees through it. Christ did not interpose as a judge in matters of this nature, for his kingdom is not of this world, but he enjoins peaceable subjection to the powers that be. His adversaries were reproved, and his disciples were taught that the Christian religion is no enemy to civil government. Christ is, and will be, the wonder, not only of his friends, but of his enemies. They admire his wisdom, but will not be guided by it; his power, but will not submit to it.

Meyer's NT Commentary
Matthew 22:21 f. “There He catches them in their own trap,” Luther. The pointing to the image and inscription furnishes the questioners with ocular demonstration of the actual existence and practical recognition of Caesar’s sway, and from these Jesus infers not merely the lawfulness, but the duty of paying to Caesar what belongs to Caesar (namely, the money, which shows, by the stamp it bears, the legitimacy of the existing rule).

And so on.