I know real Americans better than you bub. I'm 56 years old, born in Texas, raised and living in California, and I have tracelle around the world.
Bully for you..... CatholicCrusader.
Real Americans:
Believe in Limited Government
So how come your government became so complex and extensive, CatholicCrusader?
Believe in the intent of the Founding Fathers
Are strict Consitutionalists
Love God and Country
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Adhere to Traditional Values
So you stick up for your country like US Democrats do, CatholicCrusader?
Are pro-life, not baby-killing abortionists
...although I get the feeling that you don't give a hoot for babies' welfare a few seconds after they're born..... is that about true?
Do not accept the perverted abomination of Gay Marriage
So how come Real Americans supported Gay partnerships and marriages?
Leftwing freaks, Democrats and Liberals:
Believe the opposite of all those things.
Nope..... only some of those things, CatholicCrusader.
Which one are you (as if I didn't know already)
I'm not any of those, CatholicCrusader, 'cos I'm a Brit, so you don't know that much about me after all.
His plan is to scare the crap out of idiots and imbeciles like you.
Who, Putin? He doesn't seek to scare folks, he just wants a Soviet Union re-established, I reckon.
I might be an idiot but I can debate and discuss with you easily, CatholicCrusader. Our Intelligence Quotients must be on a parallel, I guess.