Proving the words..........
Proving the words..........
You're back to the circular course of either an assumption that 'God' said so....or because you say so,.....since both are
inter-dependent. Again,'re assuming 'God' (whoever or however you define this 'term') spoke and we have his words accurately, definitively encapsulated in some books, specially canonized by a certain community.
All religious books are open to research to discover what value they have, yet you cant judge a book you haven't adequately investigated (at least the main principles, terms, foundation, context, cosmology) until you've considered such by learning what its all about, instead of just presuming from disinformation or ignorance. (back to "the UB is false, because the Bible is true,...because God says so....oops....I mean because I so say so"

"Cause God said so" doesn't do much in the area of scientific evidence, or convince much more than a "because I say so", or "I believe that such and such is true" (granted there is room for personal religious experience of inner 'gnosis' of the Spirit). The 'God' in the Bible (some see a different one in the OT than the NT) may or may not be 'God' (however one defines it), but such might depend on the case or passage.
The 'God' described in the UB is clearly revealed for any to study and prove for themselves, a 'God' of love, power, beauty, goodness, justice, truth, freedom. A precursory reading of the first 5 papers is all one needs to consider to prove the 'God' of the Urantia Papers. This 'God' is the Universal Father of all beings, the Originator, the Infinite ONE.