The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Still God said so through men but what God said still stands reguardless if any of the writers are saved or not. Like tongues, some men didn't know any thing about speaking languages of another country but they did anyway cause the Spirit did it for them. The Spirit can use anyone to write down what He wants to say. We dont know if your going to be saved or not.

If you are saved you already know? There is no question in my mind about my salvation. I'm only concerned with separation from God not weather or not I am his child. My earth children don't have to wonder each day weather they are my kids or not or weather I love them.

I have a question for you, which Bible did they use before Moses?


If you are saved you already know? There is no question in my mind about my salvation. I'm only concerned with separation from God not weather or not I am his child. My earth children don't have to wonder each day weather they are my kids or not or weather I love them.

I have a question for you, which Bible did they use before Moses?

Depends what you mean by Bible. There are many writings that are inspired by God and not inspired by God.


First off, I'm not rejecting any truth in the Bible, or discrediting its 'inspiration' (some books may be more inspired or distorted than others). The UB accepts and builds upon the truth given in earlier dispensations. 'Revelation' is progressive.

As a student of religion, metaphysics, philosophy and other pathways...of the eclectic wisdom tradition, I accept the universal truths found in all religious. 'God' is One.

No one has a monopoly on 'God', as God is the one universal infinite reality.

Here we see the significance of the 'though-adjuster' that indwells the mind of man, the very presence of the Father individualized within mortals.

See: God within Man


The Holy Bible claims that it contains the words of God Himself, that is, it is truly Holy – set apart – from all other books in this world, particularly other “holy” books of other religions.
“ prophecy (spoken or recorded word) of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God, spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. “ 2 Peter 1: 20-21
“ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work ”. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
In other words, The two statements are either right or wrong. The scientific, historical facts, and internal evidence prove the statements to be 100% accurate.


You're back to the circular course of either an assumption that 'God' said so....or because you say so,.....since both are inter-dependent. Again,'re assuming 'God' (whoever or however you define this 'term') spoke and we have his words accurately, definitively encapsulated in some books, specially canonized by a certain community.

All religious books are open to research to discover what value they have, yet you cant judge a book you haven't adequately investigated (at least the main principles, terms, foundation, context, cosmology) until you've considered such by learning what its all about, instead of just presuming from disinformation or ignorance. (back to "the UB is false, because the Bible is true,...because God says so....oops....I mean because I so say so" :) )

"Cause God said so" doesn't do much in the area of scientific evidence, or convince much more than a "because I say so", or "I believe that such and such is true" (granted there is room for personal religious experience of inner 'gnosis' of the Spirit). The 'God' in the Bible (some see a different one in the OT than the NT) may or may not be 'God' (however one defines it), but such might depend on the case or passage.

The 'God' described in the UB is clearly revealed for any to study and prove for themselves, a 'God' of love, power, beauty, goodness, justice, truth, freedom. A precursory reading of the first 5 papers is all one needs to consider to prove the 'God' of the Urantia Papers. This 'God' is the Universal Father of all beings, the Originator, the Infinite ONE.


I absolutely return a full circle back to the very words of God on paper as my source of truth. To demonstrate in an objective way that the Bible is actually the Word of God and inspired of God, not inspired in any human sense, but actually in- breathed by the Holy Spirit. "All Scripture is in-breathed of God." When I say an objective proof, I mean something like this. A man comes to me and tells me that he has had a terrible time all night with toothache. Well, suppose I happen never to have had toothache; I make a sympathetic face and say "Too bad!" but there is no adequate feeling in my heart. But if I have had toothache myself and someone tells me he has had toothache, I know all about it because I have felt it myself. When you come to an unbeliever and tell him that the Bible is the Word of God inspired, he says "How do you know it?" You say "Because I have a witness here, I feel it, it is demonstrated to me by experience." But he has not had that experience, and you are baulked. But if you say to a man "Two and two are four," he does not say he has never experienced it. He either sees it or he doesn't. If he says he doesn't believe that two and two are four, they are five, well, you let him alone, because he has stultified himself. You go beyond 4 and say there's a 5 in Urantia. I've read the urantia book and I don't want any more 5's. I want a 4 cause that is the final answer.


Ok, which writings did they use before Moses? Where is that Word of God?

Why would I want more than the 66 books of the Bible when God said it's complete according to Him saying so? God didn't include the other writings you might be talking about. He didn't include them on purpose.


Why would I want more than the 66 books of the Bible when God said it's complete according to Him saying so? God didn't include the other writings you might be talking about. He didn't include them on purpose.

Which scripture did they use before Moses? What religion was Abraham?


You tell us. Does it start with with a m?

I asked because you seem t indicate that man can only have a religion of the book not of faith in the God. Moses was a reformer of preveous religious practice which can be seen in Genesis a very recent writing relative to human history which is hundreds of thousands of years Old.

Abraham was a convert to Melchizedek's religion that he taught in Salem.


93:4.1 The ceremonies of the Salem worship were very simple. Every person who signed or marked the clay-tablet rolls of the Melchizedek church committed to memory, and subscribed to, the following belief:

1. I believe in El Elyon, the Most High God, the only Universal Father and Creator of all things.

2. I accept the Melchizedek covenant with the Most High, which bestows the favor of God on my faith, not on sacrifices and burnt offerings.

3. I promise to obey the seven commandments of Melchizedek and to tell the good news of this covenant with the Most High to all men.

93:4.5 And that was the whole of the creed of the Salem colony. But even such a short and simple declaration of faith was altogether too much and too advanced for the men of those days. They simply could not grasp the idea of getting divine favor for nothing—by faith. They were too deeply confirmed in the belief that man was born under forfeit to the gods. Too long and too earnestly had they sacrificed and made gifts to the priests to be able to comprehend the good news that salvation, divine favor, was a free gift to all who would believe in the Melchizedek covenant. But Abraham did believe halfheartedly, and even that was "counted for righteousness."

93:4.6 The seven commandments promulgated by Melchizedek were patterned along the lines of the ancient Dalamatian supreme law and very much resembled the seven commands taught in the first and second Edens. These commands of the Salem religion were:

1. You shall not serve any God but the Most High Creator of heaven and earth.
2. You shall not doubt that faith is the only requirement for eternal salvation.
3. You shall not bear false witness.
4. You shall not kill.
5. You shall not steal.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not show disrespect for your parents and elders.



93:5.1 Although it may be an error to speak of "chosen people," it is not a mistake to refer to Abraham as a chosen individual. Melchizedek did lay upon Abraham the responsibility of keeping alive the truth of one God as distinguished from the prevailing belief in plural deities.

93:5.2 The choice of Palestine as the site for Machiventa's activities was in part predicated upon the desire to establish contact with some human family embodying the potentials of leadership. At the time of the incarnation of Melchizedek there were many families on earth just as well prepared to receive the doctrine of Salem as was that of Abraham. There were equally endowed families among the red men, the yellow men, and the descendants of the Andites to the west and north. But, again, none of these localities were so favorably situated for Michael's subsequent appearance on earth as was the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The Melchizedek mission in Palestine and the subsequent appearance of Michael among the Hebrew people were in no small measure determined by geography, by the fact that Palestine was centrally located with reference to the then existent trade, travel, and civilization of the world.

93:5.3 For some time the Melchizedek receivers had been observing the ancestors of Abraham, and they confidently expected offspring in a certain generation who would be characterized by intelligence, initiative, sagacity, and sincerity. The children of Terah, the father of Abraham, in every way met these expectations. It was this possibility of contact with these versatile children of Terah that had considerable to do with the appearance of Machiventa at Salem, rather than in Egypt, China, India, or among the northern tribes.

93:5.4 Terah and his whole family were halfhearted converts to the Salem religion, which had been preached in Chaldea; they learned of Melchizedek through the preaching of Ovid, a Phoenician teacher who proclaimed the Salem doctrines in Ur. They left Ur intending to go directly through to Salem, but Nahor, Abraham's brother, not having seen Melchizedek, was lukewarm and persuaded them to tarry at Haran. And it was a long time after they arrived in Palestine before they were willing to destroy all of the household gods they had brought with them; they were slow to give up the many gods of Mesopotamia for the one God of Salem.

The Caravan of Abraham by James Tissot 93:5.5 A few weeks after the death of Abraham's father, Terah, Melchizedek sent one of his students, Jaram the Hittite, to extend this invitation to both Abraham and Nahor: "Come to Salem, where you shall hear our teachings of the truth of the eternal Creator, and in the enlightened offspring of you two brothers shall all the world be blessed." Now Nahor had not wholly accepted the Melchizedek gospel; he remained behind and built up a strong city-state which bore his name; but Lot, Abraham's nephew, decided to go with his uncle to Salem.

93:5.6 Upon arriving at Salem, Abraham and Lot chose a hilly fastness near the city where they could defend themselves against the many surprise attacks of northern raiders. At this time the Hittites, Assyrians, Philistines, and other groups were constantly raiding the tribes of central and southern Palestine. From their stronghold in the hills Abraham and Lot made frequent pilgrimages to Salem.

93:5.7 Not long after they had established themselves near Salem, Abraham and Lot journeyed to the valley of the Nile to obtain food supplies as there was then a drought in Palestine. During his brief sojourn in Egypt Abraham found a distant relative on the Egyptian throne, and he served as the commander of two very successful military expeditions for this king. During the latter part of his sojourn on the Nile he and his wife, Sarah, lived at court, and when leaving Egypt, he was given a share of the spoils of his military campaigns.

93:5.8 It required great determination for Abraham to forego the honors of the Egyptian court and return to the more spiritual work sponsored by Machiventa. But Melchizedek was revered even in Egypt and when the full story was laid before Pharaoh, he strongly urged Abraham to return to the execution of his vows to the cause of Salem. *

93:5.9 Abraham had kingly ambitions, and on the way back from Egypt he laid before Lot his plan to subdue all Canaan and bring its people under the rule of Salem. Lot was more bent on business; so, after a later disagreement, he went to Sodom to engage in trade and animal husbandry. Lot liked neither a military nor a herder's life.

93:5.10 Upon returning with his family to Salem, Abraham began to mature his military projects. He was soon recognized as the civil ruler of the Salem territory and had confederated under his leadership seven near-by tribes. Indeed, it was with great difficulty that Melchizedek restrained Abraham, who was fired with a zeal to go forth and round up the neighboring tribes with the sword that they might thus more quickly be brought to a knowledge of the Salem truths.

93:5.11Melchizedek maintained peaceful relations with all the surrounding tribes; he was not militaristic and was never attacked by any of the armies as they moved back and forth. He was entirely willing that Abraham should formulate a defensive policy for Salem such as was subsequently put into effect, but he would not approve of his pupil's ambitious schemes for conquest; so there occurred a friendly severance of relationship, Abraham going over to Hebron to establish his military capital.

93:5.12 Abraham, because of his close connection with the illustrious Melchizedek, possessed great advantage over the surrounding petty kings; they all revered Melchizedek and unduly feared Abraham. Abraham knew of this fear and only awaited an opportune occasion to attack his neighbors, and this excuse came when some of these rulers presumed to raid the property of his nephew Lot, who dwelt in Sodom. Upon hearing of this, Abraham, at the head of his seven confederated tribes, moved on the enemy. His own bodyguard of 318 officered the army, numbering more than 4,000, which struck at this time.

93:5.13 When Melchizedek heard of Abraham's declaration of war, he went forth to dissuade him but only caught up with his former disciple as he returned victorious from the battle. Abraham insisted that the God of Salem had given him victory over his enemies and persisted in giving a tenth of his spoils to the Salem treasury. The other ninety per cent he removed to his capital at Hebron.

93:5.14 After this battle of Siddim, Abraham became leader of a second confederation of eleven tribes and not only paid tithes to Melchizedek but saw to it that all others in that vicinity did the same. His diplomatic dealings with the king of Sodom, together with the fear in which he was so generally held, resulted in the king of Sodom and others joining the Hebron military confederation; Abraham was really well on the way to establishing a powerful state in Palestine.


Can you share with us links to copies of Melchizedek's writings in its original language other than Melchizedek being disclosed in three books of the bible? Or are you taking other spirit's words on additional info on Melchizedek cause the urantia writings say so? I'd research the criticisms of that method too, not just the info. that supports your pre-conceived conclusion


Can you share with us links to copies of Melchizedek's writings in its original language?

Melchizedek, like Jesus, left no writings as a rule, they didn't want anyone making a fetish or idol out of them to the exclusion of the truths they contained.

Before Jesus left his place on high he was given instructions for the incarnate mission, one of them was as follows:

“6. To the end that you may not unnecessarily contribute to the creation of subsequent stereotyped systems of Urantia religious beliefs or other types of nonprogressive religious loyalties, we advise you still further: Leave no writings behind you on the planet. Refrain from all writing upon permanent materials; enjoin your associates to make no images or other likenesses of yourself in the flesh. See that nothing potentially idolatrous is left on the planet at the time of your departure.​

The Bible has been made into an Idol.

Just before Jesus began his public work:

136:4.2 The first thing Jesus did, after thinking through the general plan of co-ordinating his program with John's movement, was to review in his mind the instructions of Immanuel. Carefully he thought over the advice given him concerning his methods of labor, and that he was to leave no permanent writing on the planet. Never again did Jesus write on anything except sand. On his next visit to Nazareth, much to the sorrow of his brother Joseph, Jesus destroyed all of his writing that was preserved on the boards about the carpenter shop, and which hung upon the walls of the old home. And Jesus pondered well over Immanuel's advice pertaining to his economic, social, and political attitude toward the world as he should find it.
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93:2.5 "In personal appearance, Melchizedek resembled the then blended Nodite and Sumerian peoples, being almost six feet in height and possessing a commanding presence. He spoke Chaldean and a half dozen other languages. He dressed much as did the Canaanite priests except that on his breast he wore an emblem of three concentric circles, the Satania symbol of the Paradise Trinity. In the course of his ministry this insignia of three concentric circles became regarded as so sacred by his followers that they never dared to use it, and it was soon forgotten with the passing of a few generations." UB​


Eclectic Theosophist
Truth exists 'wherever' it is being revealed......

Truth exists 'wherever' it is being revealed......

The Holy Bible claims that it contains the words of God Himself, that is, it is truly Holy – set apart – from all other books in this world, particularly other “holy” books of other religions.
“ prophecy (spoken or recorded word) of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God, spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. “ 2 Peter 1: 20-21
“ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work ”. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
In other words, The two statements are either right or wrong. The scientific, historical facts, and internal evidence prove the statements to be 100% accurate.

The Bible does not necessarily as a whole, particularly the OT...claim that it is words of 'God' himself, other than the assumption and belief-system of the writers claiming that. Some parts may be inspired, others not so much,...then there are other shades and varying distortions from human mediums in the process of transmission besides outright embellishments of myth and fiction serving the religious imagination.

Concerning your 2 passages above, taken from epistles which are considered 'pseudographical', (see 2 Peter & 2 Timothy)...I don't put much weight upon them beyond their own 'attestation' serving the writer and readership. Of course these epistles are serving to prove or uphold their own religious claims and tradition.

Note that any 'scripture' (from any of the great world religions, and other cults) may be more or less inspired,..thats a given,...for a text will prove of its own character if any wisdom, truth or value be therein. The universal or 'perennial' wisdom is woven thru all inspired traditions or schools,.....since 'truth' is universal. It just so happens that it is universalized to a higher cosmic vision in the UB, expanding consciousness to a greater comprehension of the Universe of universes...and our place in the cosmos,....all this in the backdrop of infinity. That alone is pretty mind-blowing. The papers which expound and reveal the greater dimensions of creation speak for themselves, as these concepts avail to feed the intellect and inspire the spirit. If you'd like to know what a book is about, you have to read it, learn of it for yourself.

132:3.4 Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the indwelling spirit. The eternal salvation of this truth-discerning and beauty-loving soul is assured by that hunger and thirst for goodness which leads this mortal to develop a singleness of purpose to do the Father's will, to find God and to become like him. There is never conflict between true knowledge and truth. There may be conflict between knowledge and human beliefs, beliefs colored with prejudice, distorted by fear, and dominated by the dread of facing new facts of material discovery or spiritual progress.

132:3.5 But truth can never become man's possession without the exercise of faith. This is true because man's thoughts, wisdom, ethics, and ideals will never rise higher than his faith, his sublime hope. And all such true faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.

For the continued summary of Jesus teaching on truth and faith, go here.



Eclectic Theosophist
spiritual rhythm and higher mathematics......

spiritual rhythm and higher mathematics......

I absolutely return a full circle back to the very words of God on paper as my source of truth. To demonstrate in an objective way that the Bible is actually the Word of God and inspired of God, not inspired in any human sense, but actually in- breathed by the Holy Spirit. "All Scripture is in-breathed of God." When I say an objective proof, I mean something like this. A man comes to me and tells me that he has had a terrible time all night with toothache. Well, suppose I happen never to have had toothache; I make a sympathetic face and say "Too bad!" but there is no adequate feeling in my heart. But if I have had toothache myself and someone tells me he has had toothache, I know all about it because I have felt it myself. When you come to an unbeliever and tell him that the Bible is the Word of God inspired, he says "How do you know it?" You say "Because I have a witness here, I feel it, it is demonstrated to me by experience." But he has not had that experience, and you are baulked.

Yet this as we've shared comes back to a subjective experience of the 'tooth ache', you having a memory of such. - hence you can be sympathetic. I don't know however if this can be correlated or likened to your example of believing the Bible is the 'word of God' by some 'experience' of it, unless just accepting that you both can RELATE. (there is some kind of 'relation' in that,...but not too much beyond that).

But if you say to a man "Two and two are four," he does not say he has never experienced it. He either sees it or he doesn't. If he says he doesn't believe that two and two are four, they are five, well, you let him alone, because he has stultified himself.

Well yes, since 2 + 2 is a scientific mathematical fact (equation). This however is a 'fact' or 'truth' existing on another level which can be proven by its own terms and values, the very laws of math. This is something intellectually figured, is NOT a matter of subjective belief or 'faith', neither is a 'religious experience' required to 'figure' it out.

You go beyond 4 and say there's a 5 in Urantia.

Can you provide proof for your claim here?

I've read the urantia book and I don't want any more 5's.

Ah, when did you read it, and how long did it take? What parts did you find more or less interesting? What did you learn as a whole or in particular? I haven't seen much evidence of your knowledge of the papers in this thread so far. Very little by way of relating or correspondence.

I want a 4 cause that is the final answer.

This is a presumption. Its an assumption. Its also an extraordinary claim, since your using a mathematical fact-example to apply to your 'subjective religious belief' or 'experience' that the Bible is God's infallible and inerrant word. That however does not compute or correlate as far as an epistemology goes, but is only an implied conclusion.....and what is more amazing, is that you assume it is 'final'. In other words,...your assumption concludes itself as final, absolute, unchangeable. I applaud your desire for wanting a "4", but you assume only the Bible is the "4", based on a presupposition or preconception of a mathematical equation :doh:

As far as math goes, are some gems from the papers -

118:0.11 While the domain of mathematics is beset with qualitative limitations, it does provide the finite mind with a conceptual basis of contemplating infinity. There is no quantitative limitation to numbers, even in the comprehension of the finite mind. No matter how large the number conceived, you can always envisage one more being added. And also, you can comprehend that that is short of infinity, for no matter how many times you repeat this addition to number, still always one more can be added.


104:3.2 Mortal man is passing through a great age of expanding horizons and enlarging concepts on Urantia, and his cosmic philosophy must accelerate in evolution to keep pace with the expansion of the intellectual arena of human thought. As the cosmic consciousness of mortal man expands, he perceives the interrelatedness of all that he finds in his material science, intellectual philosophy, and spiritual insight. Still, with all this belief in the unity of the cosmos, man perceives the diversity of all existence. In spite of all concepts concerning the immutability of Deity, man perceives that he lives in a universe of constant change and experiential growth. Regardless of the realization of the survival of spiritual values, man has ever to reckon with the mathematics and premathematics of force, energy, and power.


195:7.20 Science lives by the mathematics of the mind; music expresses the tempo of the emotions. Religion is the spiritual rhythm of the soul in time-space harmony with the higher and eternal melody measurements of Infinity.




91:5.1 "In ancestor worship, prayer leads to the cultivation of ancestral ideals. But prayer, as a feature of Deity worship, transcends all other such practices since it leads to the cultivation of divine ideals. As the concept of the alter ego of prayer becomes supreme and divine, so are man's ideals accordingly elevated from mere human toward supernal and divine levels, and the result of all such praying is the enhancement of human character and the profound unification of human personality.

91:5.2 But prayer need not always be individual. Group or congregational praying is very effective in that it is highly socializing in its repercussions. When a group engages in community prayer for moral enhancement and spiritual uplift, such devotions are reactive upon the individuals composing the group; they are all made better because of participation. Even a whole city or an entire nation can be helped by such prayer devotions. Confession, repentance, and prayer have led individuals, cities, nations, and whole races to mighty efforts of reform and courageous deeds of valorous achievement.

91:5.3 If you truly desire to overcome the habit of criticizing some friend, the quickest and surest way of achieving such a change of attitude is to establish the habit of praying for that person every day of your life. But the social repercussions of such prayers are dependent largely on two conditions:

1. The person who is prayed for should know that he is being prayed for.
2. The person who prays should come into intimate social contact with the person for whom he is praying.

91:5.6 Prayer is the technique whereby, sooner or later, every religion becomes institutionalized. And in time prayer becomes associated with numerous secondary agencies, some helpful, others decidedly deleterious, such as priests, holy books, worship rituals, and ceremonials.

91:5.7 But the minds of greater spiritual illumination should be patient with, and tolerant of, those less endowed intellects that crave symbolism for the mobilization of their feeble spiritual insight. The strong must not look with disdain upon the weak. Those who are God-conscious without symbolism must not deny the grace-ministry of the symbol to those who find it difficult to worship Deity and to revere truth, beauty, and goodness without form and ritual. In prayerful worship, most mortals envision some symbol of the object-goal of their devotions."


I read the urantia like other occult books . I just read through them. Doesn't mean I understand them. It means I gave it a chance to store them in my memory just for the sake of having read them.
Going back to melchizedek, I found links of more info regarding to that :
What I do know is that nothing can be added or subtracted from the complete 66 book bible as if it were seal closed by God. What I see here is that the papers added and substracted from the stand alone bible. All writings by or about melchizedek in three books are inspired by God. The writings outside the bible reguarding to Moses's religion are on its own meaning you can't be sure if its from the devil or from God or if its true or its lies. There are no lies in the bible so what we know about the early religions in the bible are true. The urantia groups are relying on most of the info outside the Bible and claim the Bible are full of errors. This is proof you have been fooled by lucifer as claimed only in the bible, not outside the Bible such as the urantia books and papers. I see that your mind has been ruined by unrealible writings to the point of never finding to right answers during thier entire lifetime. They die totally lost as if they got no where at all. They gained nothing based on proofs they deny the bible as being 100% inspired by God, as scientifically mathematically proven, whether not the story are real or not or real or false. Your interpretations are unreliable cause you do accept 2+2=4 but you want it to be 2+2=5 as well cause the urantia claims math is a lie as well. You live in an illusion. Since I have been proven right by the hidden mathematical formulas, its best for me to back up my claims like I did here and stick with it.
What do we have here. The unrantia claims the bible is part lies but don't know which ones are true. They add or subtract from the sealed bible. The proofs that I experienced personality shows the urantia had failed and the book will only lead me down the wrong path like you're on. I don't want to be on your path cause I know exaclty the path I'm on now cause I'm on it now as in reality. Its the path that the holy spirit made me walk on. I do not have the free will choice to follow your beliefs cause God's promises will be broken if God allowed me to. He makes sure it ain't gonna happen on my end on His watch. I praise Him for not falling into yoir errors.


I read the urantia like other occult books . I just read through them. Doesn't mean I understand them. It means I gave it a chance to store them in my memory just for the sake of having read them.
Going back to melchizedek, I found links of more info regarding to that :
What I do know is that nothing can be added or subtracted from the complete 66 book bible as if it were seal closed by God. What I see here is that the papers added and substracted from the stand alone bible. All writings by or about melchizedek in three books are inspired by God. The writings outside the bible reguarding to Moses's religion are on its own meaning you can't be sure if its from the devil or from God or if its true or its lies. There are no lies in the bible so what we know about the early religions in the bible are true. The urantia groups are relying on most of the info outside the Bible and claim the Bible are full of errors. This is proof you have been fooled by lucifer as claimed only in the bible, not outside the Bible such as the urantia books and papers. I see that your mind has been ruined by unrealible writings to the point of never finding to right answers during thier entire lifetime. They die totally lost as if they got no where at all. They gained nothing based on proofs they deny the bible as being 100% inspired by God, as scientifically mathematically proven, whether not the story are real or not or real or false. Your interpretations are unreliable cause you do accept 2+2=4 but you want it to be 2+2=5 as well cause the urantia claims math is a lie as well. You live in an illusion. Since I have been proven right by the hidden mathematical formulas, its best for me to back up my claims like I did here and stick with it.
What do we have here. The unrantia claims the bible is part lies but don't know which ones are true. They add or subtract from the sealed bible. The proofs that I experienced personality shows the urantia had failed and the book will only lead me down the wrong path like you're on. I don't want to be on your path cause I know exaclty the path I'm on now cause I'm on it now as in reality. Its the path that the holy spirit made me walk on. I do not have the free will choice to follow your beliefs cause God's promises will be broken if God allowed me to. He makes sure it ain't gonna happen on my end on His watch. I praise Him for not falling into yoir errors.

That settles it, by your own determination you have a thoroughly closed mind, God could never reveal anything new to you especially if it seemed a little different than your own preconceptions. That's what the Jews did to Jesus and to every other prophet of enlightenment before him.

According to your way of thinking, if Jesus came today and taught any new truth, you would have to tell him "sorry Jesus, we have to start a new book, your teachings can't be added to the Bible because we made an idol out of it by cooking up a story that God wrote it. So now we're in a real pickle!"


That settles it, by your own determination you have a thoroughly closed mind, God could never reveal anything new to you especially if it seemed a little different than your own preconceptions. That's what the Jews did to Jesus and to every other prophet of enlightenment before him.

According to your way of thinking, if Jesus came today and taught any new truth, you would have to tell him "sorry Jesus, we have to start a new book, your teachings can't be added to the Bible because we made an idol out of it by cooking up a story that God wrote it. So now we're in a real pickle!"

The bible is a closed book to the unregenerates. The Holy Bible claims that it contains the words of God Himself, that is, it is truly Holy – set apart – from all other books in this world, particularly other “holy” books of other religions.
“ prophecy (spoken or recorded word) of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God, spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. “ 2 Peter 1: 20-21
“ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work ”. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17
In other words, The two statements are either right or wrong. The scientific, historical facts, and internal evidence prove the statements to be 100% accurate.
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