If u want to know what a book teaches, READ IT
If u want to know what a book teaches, READ IT
Your conclusions are not supported by the KJV N.T.

I guess a tangelo is also different from a 'tangerine', but still in the same family :idunno:
As shared before, we have threads that treat the KJV and the cult mentality of the extreme KJ Only community. When considering the NT, we look at all available manuscripts and translations to come to the best interpretation of that collection of books. Otherwise, the NT itself does not necessarily claim to be 'perfect', let alone 'God's final or absolute word', since it was canonized and 'crafted' by man. This goes for all religious writings or 'scriptures' to a certain extent, we finding the inner esoteric meanings of such works, as having some 'value' as communicating certain truths, principles, ethics, relationships, etc.
Where did you get your ideas about what was taught before and after the crucifixion of Lord Jesus?
Read your 4 gospels and see for yourself. The gospels are considered to have been later than the letters of Paul,...and Paul wrote little about the human life of Jesus, or his actual teachings. So, in the inter-rim when the gospels were being written decades later, room for embellishment was possible, to the point of even putting words in Jesus mouth. For instance, the 'Eucharist' at least from a more pagan perspective (eating flesh/drinking blood) could have originated more with Paul, incorporating his 'blood-atonement for sins' doctrine, and written into the gospel accounts, even if Jesus did have some kind of 'thanksgiving meal' to remember the special fellowship of he and his disciples, but not necessarily implying an underlying concept of vicarious blood atonement. We've covered this elsewhere.
Are these ideas the substance of "The late great Urantia papers/Revelation"?
Again,....there is the OP, resource links and HUNDREDS of pages of dialogue here if you're interested in getting answers to your questions, which have already been elaborated. Use the 'search thread' function to find these subject in the thread, or better yet read the UB for yourself, which is readily available.
If you want to read Jesus teachings go to
Part 4. Jesus teaches the same essential truths about the kingdom of heaven there, as he does in the gospels, but further expanded in detail, according to the higher cosmic view of this group of revelators. Like any given 'revelation', such as Paul claimed for himself by bringing in "his own gospel" based on his personal visionary experiences or spiritual insights,...the world abounds with other noteworthy revelations as well, which are given to humanity at different time-points or dispensations. Hence the papers are called 'The 5th epochal revelation' to this planet,....Jesus incarnation (bestowal) was the 4th.