The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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You're behind times.

Of course women can share the gospel to the lost.

Our book of order has this:
“Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (G-1.0000). The governing body responsible for ordination and/or installation (G.14.0240; G-14.0450) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of office. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003). Governing bodies shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.”


Try showing me WHAT "GOD" Said about that!!!!! - What does the Word of GOD the Scriptures say!!!

Sure -- Anyone CAN Find Somewhere, Anything that FITS Their own LIES like you just DID!!!
God Contradicts what You Just gave to support your OWN Nonsense!!!

(((( READ The Bible, the Word of GOD, not SATAN ))))!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 012715



Try showing me WHAT "GOD" Said about that!!!!! - What does the Word of GOD the Scriptures say!!!

Sure -- Anyone CAN Find Somewhere, Anything that FITS Their own LIES like you just DID!!!
God Contradicts what You Just gave to support your OWN Nonsense!!!

(((( READ The Bible, the Word of GOD, not SATAN ))))!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 012715



Well-known member
I understand Inzel, they said Jesus was nuts as well, his family came out to bring him home because they truly thought he was "beside himself."
That was because His Truths challenged their religious thinking. He doesn't want religion, such as the UB teaches, He wants relationship, which cannot take place without adherents eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood.

Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
The scripture experts were constantly offended by his strange doctrines.
They sought the accolades of others for their religious piety. They didn't have a relationship with God or they would have recognized Jesus for Who He is: The Christ, The ONLY non-adopted Son of The Living God.
We understand the UB if others can't.
It isn't a lack of understanding that prevents Christians from following lies from Jebus, the false god described in Urantia fiction, it is understanding of God's Truth. We know The Lord, personally. We won't follow the voice of a stranger. If you knew Him, you wouldn't follow Jebus, either.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You've been allowed to attack the Gospel of the Grace of God and deny the blood atonement of Jesus Christ on the Cross. You are LOST and you want others to follow in your footsteps. Your science fiction urantia UFO cult stuff is junk. It's very sad that seekers and babes in Christ may read this garbage and be confused. The TRUTH that you and others need is in the Holy Bible:


Eclectic Theosophist
That was because His Truths challenged their religious thinking. He doesn't want religion, such as the UB teaches, He wants relationship, which cannot take place without adherents eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood.

Remember.....drinking Jesus blood, eating his flesh is symbolic. Its a metaphor. We've been over this.




Well-known member
Remember.....drinking Jesus blood, eating his flesh is symbolic.
I know that. Jesus knew that, too. He requires it because without recognizing His supreme sacrifice to pay for our sin we don't have any chance of eternal life. He said these things for our benefit, since He wants us to have eternal life. If we ignore His teachings and do whatever we think is right in our tiny little finite mind, we end up in hell. I know that the false religions you adhere to 'seem' right, but they're not. You need Christ. Without Him you're damned.

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.


Well-known member
With all due respect to your frustration, wouldn't a little theological goodwill go a long way? Otherwise you're just giving a similar response to those Grosnick is giving, a response that hardly facilitates open discussion.

No frustration there Wiz, mostly using their own mentality to do what they think is being accomplished by their post against others, I doubt their efforts effect anyone except the peanut gallery sitting in the ego section. Plus goodwill concerning open discussion would already been going on if that tactic worked in this case seeing Freelight has offered it at numerous points on this thread, I have my own style as you have yours and even the scripture says there is time for all things even methods of casting pearls isn't set in stone now is it?.



Eclectic Theosophist
approaching a more cordial dialogue...very good

approaching a more cordial dialogue...very good

I know that. Jesus knew that, too.

I gathered you did, but as we've been over it many times before, the 'token-symbols' of 'flesh' and 'blood' do not necessarily imply or equate a vicarious blood-atonement, but represent spiritual nourishment, from the Spirit itself. In the gospel of John much esoteric/metaphoric language is employed, and note only in this gospel are these more graphic illustrations found.

He requires it because without recognizing His supreme sacrifice to pay for our sin we don't have any chance of eternal life. He said these things for our benefit, since He wants us to have eternal life.

I agree God loves us and wants us to enjoy eternal life with him, but this can be realized without having to believe in a 'payment' for sin thru a blood-sacrifice. The act of giving one's life, or one's soul as a love-offering, a complete surrender, a self-less service,....sure, Jesus did do this. In this thread I'm obviously coming from a 'Jesusonian' perspective. The term 'Jesusonian' is used 5 times towards the end of Part 4, describing the gospel of the Fatherhood of God and the sonship and consequent brotherhood of all men, which is personally realized in loving ministry and social service. 5 references here.

If we ignore His teachings and do whatever we think is right in our tiny little finite mind, we end up in hell.

I don't think its so black and white, since God's love is infinite. Think about the infinity of that love. "ending up in hell"...well that brings up a lot of old fear, fire n brimstone, eternal fire images,...which are pretty archaic, if not mythological. The universal law of karma, is nature's compensation system, as actions beget re-actions, cause/effect, act/consequence. My views on ECT (eternal conscious torment), the traditional-orthodox perspective, have been shared here. - the UB holds to the concept of 'soul-death', that some souls may choose a final/eternal 'death', from which there is no return for that functioning soul-unit (personality),...these souls are expunged from existence. They truly 'perish' as the full and final embrace of iniquity exacts its ultimate consequence.

I know that the false religions you adhere to 'seem' right, but they're not. You need Christ. Without Him you're damned.

I appreciate your concern, if indeed its genuine. God looks at the heart, knows all souls, and shall mediate in fairness in all cases, with perfect justice and mercy. This I trust.

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

So they say. As long as one can respond to love, and do God's will, the way to life, liberty and joy is ever open.

5:1.12 The great God makes direct contact with mortal man and gives a part of his infinite and eternal and incomprehensible self to live and dwell within him. God has embarked upon the eternal adventure with man. If you yield to the leadings of the spiritual forces in you and around you, you cannot fail to attain the high destiny established by a loving God as the universe goal of his ascendant creatures from the evolutionary worlds of space.



Eclectic Theosophist
The divine feminine........

The divine feminine........


Try showing me WHAT "GOD" Said about that!!!!! - What does the Word of GOD the Scriptures say!!!

Sure -- Anyone CAN Find Somewhere, Anything that FITS Their own LIES like you just DID!!!
God Contradicts what You Just gave to support your OWN Nonsense!!!

(((( READ The Bible, the Word of GOD, not SATAN ))))!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 012715

Do we detect a subtle form of sexism here? Certainly women have their part and roles to play in the kingdom, and God anoints and empowers them as ministers as well. I've ever upheld equal honor and respect to both genders, as both 'man' and 'women' are made in the image of God, and they both constitute 'MAN', as one hu-man-ity. Remember God pours out his Spirit on his 'sons' AND 'daughters'. God is not a sexist. God is Spirit. God is One. The One Spirit includes the two. Then the two merge back into One. This is the creative pattern, dividing, then rejoining.

Elsewhere we've explored this before in your 'Mother and Father' thread here :) - its closed, but those interested can still read 5 pages worth,...there I honor the 'Mother' aspect of 'God' (the divine feminine), for one cannot neglect the 'mother' and honor his parents, since equal respect is to both parents, the male/female personas. We have both earthly and heavenly parents,...remember...."as above, so below".



Well-known member
Welcome everyone to the thread,

This space is dedicated to sharing and discussion of the Urantia Papers, or what formally came to be known in the public domain as the Urantia Book (UB), a large comprehensive tome of 196 Papers given to our planet in the early part of the 20th century by a group of celestial personalities, serving as the 5th epochal revelation to our planet 'Urantia' (Earth).

The revelators used the highest concepts of knowledge among the archives of humanity at that time within the schools of science, religion, history and philosophy, expanding our conceptual frame-work of the universe and the purpose of creation in time and eternity, particularly explaining the ascension-program and eternal progression of souls in their journey towards divine perfection.

Is this based on 'Paul like' communion with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus and the accompanying intuitive revelations from same? The Spirit of the Lord Jesus is the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession. This Spirit passes all knowledge (All Truth). This is achieved intuitively, i.e. through a connection between the spirit of an individual person and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus.

Clearly Paul could not deliver in physically spoken and physically written words, all that this Spirit of Jesus can and did deliver intuitively to him (nor can any other human person do so).

Therefore there are always new things to be delivered (in physical spoken and physical written words) by people (i.e. intuits), who are in live spirit/intuitive communion with Jesus in His Spirit.

However the question must be asked: To what extent do the things in the Urantia Papers reaffirm (and not oppose or dismiss) the information in the KJV N.T. which came through Paul?

Fact is the true "knower" does not read or listen to the words and/or papers of others. He get All his knowledge or Truth directly from Jesus through an intuitive connection between his own spirit and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. This is the only path to Truth, i.e. correct knowledge. All other approaches are simply sad consolations.
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Eclectic Theosophist
A few explanations.........

A few explanations.........

Is this based on 'Paul like' communion with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus and the accompanying intuitive revelations from same? The Spirit of the Lord Jesus is the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession. This Spirit passes all knowledge (All Truth). This is achieved intuitively, i.e. through a connection between the spirit of an individual person and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus.

Clearly Paul could not deliver in physically spoken and physically written words, all that this Spirit of Jesus can and did deliver intuitively to him (nor can any other human person do so).

Therefore there are always new things to be delivered (in physical spoken and physical written words) by people (i.e. intuits), who are in live spirit/intuitive communion with Jesus in His Spirit.


For those interested in the UB, the OP and the dialogues in the thread cover the essentials and more. We recently haven't been engaging this thread much, since so much is already been discussed here, it being a very large thread, and only this one thread is allowed on this subject (owner's allowance/restrictions). If you want to engage general discussion on NT theology in particular, another thread might be more appropriate.

Concerning your points above,....the 'papers' came thru mysterious means, and were given in response to various questions posed by members of a forum,....the answers were supposedly from celestial personalities (the 'revelators') of various orders associated with this local universe system, of which 'Urantia' (our 'Earth') is one inhabited planet. More info. can be found in the OP or using the 'search thread' feature on any given subject.

Individually all souls are indwelt with a spirit-fragment of God, which the papers call the 'Thought Adjuster', is pure spirit. It is that pre-personal essence of God indwelling the mind, which can later be wholly 'personalized' and 'immortalited' by fusing with the evolving mortal soul, when the choice is made for eternal survival and that spiritual merging and 'new birth' of the Spirit takes place, thereby immortalizing that soul-personality, giving it eternal life.

In spirituality, of course, there is a spiritual communion of one's own soul-spirit with the divine Spirit. Intuition is one of the functions of spirit. As Paul taught, 'spiritual things are spiritually discerned'. - I agree with some of Paul's teachings but not all.

However the question must be asked: To what extent do the things in the Urantia Papers reaffirm (and not oppose or dismiss) the information in the KJV N.T. which came through Paul?

I don't see where there needs to be a corrobation or 'standard' given by Paul's claims of the 'revelatory process', since the papers came thru superhuman means of a mysterious nature involving one human 'medium' (using the 'thought-adjuster' of this individual) and a 'materialization' process by which some of the papers appeared. Otherwise, any spiritual knowledge or concepts shared by Paul, may be in agreement with what is shared in the papers, as far as spiritual realities and realms are concerned. Much is given in the papers on the soul's relationship to the 'thought-adjuster' (communion with God on an inner level)...and the Spirit-personalities and forces existing outside the soul, but inter-acting with.

Fact is the true "knower" does not read or listen to the words and/or papers of others. He get All his knowledge or Truth directly from Jesus through an intuitive connection between his own spirit and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. This is the only path to Truth, i.e. correct knowledge. All other approaches are simply sad consolations.

I understand that on a purely spiritual level, we can assume spiritual discernment and communion from the level of spirit-reality. "That which is born of Spirit is spirit". It is also a fact however that we use the intellect and 'language' to 'communicate' such spiritual insights and knowledge, as far as language can take us. Therefore 'words' serve as pointers, descriptions, explanations, representations only, of course,....since words are only words. Its how we define, use, interpret and translate them that counts within any given context.

Another fact for you to consider is, what if you didn't have a NT or any letters of Paul from which to base your own theology? If you didn't have his writings (terms and concepts) wouldn't be able to 'relate' those terms now would you? Apparently you need those then, you cant make an absolute claim that you don't need any intellect of words to make a case for a spiritual intuition or knowledge of any kind. Purely spiritual impressions or intutions may be realized on a spirit-level....yet we all use words to describe and relate the process.

The UB is a rather large volume which goes into great depth of religious/spiritual terms, ideas, concepts, etc. but one must be familiar with (learn) the cosmological/theological context and its terms to comprehend the greater cosmic context and the individual journey of souls in their evolutionary progress towards spirit-perfection. This includes a whole network of complex relationships and associations.



Well-known member
The UB throws out Jesus' Blood which is how Christians defeat the powers of hell. When demonic doctrine discards Jesus' Blood any and every lie from hell can be pulled over the eyes of the adherents, because the Power of God is removed from the believer's life.



Is this based on 'Paul like' communion with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus and the accompanying intuitive revelations from same? The Spirit of the Lord Jesus is the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession. This Spirit passes all knowledge (All Truth). This is achieved intuitively, i.e. through a connection between the spirit of an individual person and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus.

Clearly Paul could not deliver in physically spoken and physically written words, all that this Spirit of Jesus can and did deliver intuitively to him (nor can any other human person do so).

Therefore there are always new things to be delivered (in physical spoken and physical written words) by people (i.e. intuits), who are in live spirit/intuitive communion with Jesus in His Spirit.

However the question must be asked: To what extent do the things in the Urantia Papers reaffirm (and not oppose or dismiss) the information in the KJV N.T. which came through Paul?

Fact is the true "knower" does not read or listen to the words and/or papers of others. He get All his knowledge or Truth directly from Jesus through an intuitive connection between his own spirit and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. This is the only path to Truth, i.e. correct knowledge. All other approaches are simply sad consolations.

Jesus preached his original gospel to the Jews and others; salvation by faith leading to ongoing spiritual transformation and growth. Real salvation.

That gospel was rejected by pig headed religious authority, he was killed, subsequently raising a likeness of himself from the dead.

Being killed and resurrected from the dead became Pauls "new gospel" about Jesus, of human sacrifice to atone for mans sins; Theoretical salvation.

Im a disciple of Jesus and practice his original gospel.


Well-known member
Were you a disciple of Jesus, you'd celebrate His Victory over sin, death, hell and the grave by symbolically eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood (the bread and the wine). Since you don't: you have NO LIFE in you.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.


Were you a disciple of Jesus, you'd celebrate His Victory over sin, death, hell and the grave by symbolically eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood (the bread and the wine). Since you don't: you have NO LIFE in you.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

People are still sinning, it never was inherited, Jesus already had power over death, the Word is living and the wine is grace.


Well-known member
Were you a disciple of Jesus, you'd celebrate His Victory over sin, death, hell and the grave by symbolically eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood (the bread and the wine). Since you don't: you have NO LIFE in you.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

You have no way of knowing anyone's conscience state other than your own, the principle that your literal christianism historical society blindly disregards is that the Divine/Spirit is all things to all people, and could become/wear anyone of the many cultural mask on the globe to wake them up to there divine heritage. The symbolic/allegorical is the right track to correct interpretation of these inner truths you have no copy righted monopoly on, the Divine interacts within the conscience, the mind and emotions reacts to observational conditions which dominates the conscience when it interprets letters as actuality for the inward kingdom, 2Cor 3:6.

Letters feed the bonds woman's son who judges outwardly first, the Spirit feeds the free woman's son who judges inwardly first, a dramatized allegory of our dual nature, not two historic personalities.


Well-known member

For those interested in the UB, the OP and the dialogues in the thread cover the essentials and more. We recently haven't been engaging this thread much, since so much is already been discussed here, it being a very large thread, and only this one thread is allowed on this subject (owner's allowance/restrictions). If you want to engage general discussion on NT theology in particular, another thread might be more appropriate.

. . . .

The UB is a rather large volume which goes into great depth of religious/spiritual terms, ideas, concepts, etc. but one must be familiar with (learn) the cosmological/theological context and its terms to comprehend the greater cosmic context and the individual journey of souls in their evolutionary progress towards spirit-perfection. This includes a whole network of complex relationships and associations.

Thanks for the response.

I do not quite know how to response, except to say that humans on earth can access the spirit realm, in real time (even when they are in their physical bodies).

The spirit reality is the force field of all possibilities. It is anchored on probability and not on fixed determinant results. (It seems to be the quantum field, as described by Modern Physicists) Simultaneously the spirit reality is the matrix of the physical creation. It under lie and surround and create and sustain the physical reality. Therefore one who is aware of the spirit level can operate from the spirit level and can create on earth any material result which he wants.

However, if one operates on his own to do so one can run into opposition (from God and humans) to one's efforts and so accrue friction, 'sin' and/or failure.

The aim of the Lord Jesus was to enable humans who are spiritually aware to materialize (without exception) their every and any idea, belief, interests, need, desire and aspiration which is in their own spirit, on earth, without friction of any kind but in perfect harmony with God and his fellow humans. This is the Christian life style. This is enlightenment in Christ.

Jesus enables this approach to life on earth by existing (eternally) in His Spirit body, as the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession. Those who can commune with the Lord Jesus in His Spirit format in the spirit realm can be led into all their works by Him and achieve the above sinless and heavenly life style, on earth and else where. This is achieved through divine organization by the Lord Jesus, operating, from the spirit realm, as the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession.

It is not that other spirit based approaches to life is not available. It is simply that there can hardly be a spirit approach to life which come close to the one offered by the Lord Jesus by operating as the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession.

However there might just be another better one so, the question arises:

What then, if any thing, does the 'Urantia' papers offers that is comparable to above? That is, in terms of usefulness to humans on earth (i.e. in such a perfectly profound, perfectly harmonious and perfectly total manner)?

This is not to say that there is no bigger and more more profound truths in the creation. It is simply that the aim of the Lord Jesus was to bring his followers to Enlightenment in Christ, which is to deliver those who follow Him in His Spiritual, Son of God format into the status of 'living-liberated', first as humans in physical bodies on earth and then as living liberated humans as angles in the spirit realm.

Christianity is so profoundly and boundlessly beautiful. Such a great and perfect gift to humanity. However it has been totally corrupted by most everyone who venture to say the slightest thing about it. Indeed only the chosen few know the true beauty and supremacy of Christianity.
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Well-known member
Jesus in us brings us into agreement with His Spirit and with one another... insofar as we truly are in agreement with Him.


Jesus of the Urantia revelation:

(1942.2) 179:5.3 "When they had finished drinking this new cup of remembrance, the Master took up the bread and, after giving thanks, broke it in pieces and, directing them to pass it around, said: “Take this bread of remembrance and eat it. I have told you that I am the bread of life. And this bread of life is the united life of the Father and the Son in one gift. The word of the Father, as revealed in the Son, is indeed the bread of life.” When they had partaken of the bread of remembrance, the symbol of the living word of truth incarnated in the likeness of mortal flesh, they all sat down."

* Jesus was/is the Living Word, he was the Word made flesh while on earth, now he is the Word in Spirit with the Spirit of the Father.


Well-known member
Jesus is NOT described in Urantia. The god in there is Jebus, a false god that doesn't even exist. Jesus shed His Blood at Calvary so that men might have eternal life. Jebus, of Urantia, is a figment of a demon's imagination. Jesus is The Living Word, Who lives in me and in every true believer who follows Him. His Life continues not only in Heaven but through us. We are His Ambassadors in this life and in the life to come in Heaven. Those who follow Jebus don't have any life in them.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

Without Jesus' Blood there is no remission of sins.

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
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