Well until you get past the human sacrifice you will just be another trained religious slave, hope you wake up because those your going to deal with won't care where you have lived or how good you can spell.
Yeah? Well some of us don't fear them. Why are you so eaten up with fear, and also eaten up with hatred for Christians?
You seethe with every post, and this isn't a neutral venue. You deny everything you allegedly stand for with every post, just like PJ and others.
You vaunt yourself over those who don't know, even if they have some sense that something is wrong with the world.
And in the process, you haven't come out of the system that last increment that really matters.
Why are you here? It isn't because of love or to edify, even if you've deluded yourself about that.
Where are the threads to expose the slavery? Where are the threads to help others see what they may actually want to see if you bother to share it?
But you demand it's all about the Christian faith, and refuse to even cordially converse with any of those you feel are your inferiors.
I'm not. I've forgotten more than you have researched to know. And I'm the one who also criticized mainstream Christianity for its regurged rote dogma.
Just because I truced the topic to an extent and reached out to see if you had information from another perspective that might be included to help others, it doesn't mean you're right about there being no valid Christian faith beneath all the perverted and diluted trappings.
In the end... you're no better off than those you single out among Christians as sheople. They're not that whole flock by far.
All you've done is cease being a legal name drone, and the adjustments it takes to do that. You're not even fully extracted.
And instead of waking others up, you're running around stabbing them while they're asleep. You might want to give some thought about that in your overwhelming hatred for Christianity, because there's a reality of existence that is the true faith that you know nothing about.
So you're a sheople, just like those you so vociferously and condescendingly refuse to do anything to help in this area.
Just watching them be devoured isn't love. It's the inverse. You're not laying your life down for anyone. You're all about you.
You don't have to be. You can do something else and something more. And you don't have to acquiesce to mainstream fallacies.
Are you completely de-gridded in every last sense with no trace of yourself that can be attached? I guarantee you're not. I, on the other hand, will be helping others to awaken and accomplish it all for themselves. And I don't care how few or how many it is. I just love them enought to lay myself down to give it to them.