The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
points to consider....................

points to consider....................


In consideration of the Old Testament one must keep in mind the context of the age in which the writings were created. Much of the OT was composed by rulers compiling histories for the presentation of a consistent theology to these inferior classes that your book speaks of.

Hi TF,

I hope my previous post set some things straight on the particular subject of war and 'eugenics' (which could be its own separate subject). I gather you read my response with resources provided. I take my sharings seriously in the matter of effecting a constructive and creative dialogue. Your answer above still does not really address the wholesale slaughter and genocide commanded by the 'God' of Israel,....which ironically is the same 'God' Jesus is identified as being (by many Christians), but an incarnated version of. It was the revolt against the war-monging 'god' of the Jews that some early Christian visionaries rejected, such as Marcion and some of the Gnostic teachers, since the 'god' of the OT was of a different character than the grace-filled loving, all-compassionate 'God' that Jesus represented, being our True Heavenly Father.

If you're implying that the scribes made up verses about 'God' commanding genocide, to kill whole villages or cities (old and young) and other atrocities, somehow use such as a 'fear tactic' or to control the people, that's pretty backwards and twisted. The universal law of karma ought to be a deterrent enough for one to repent and do what is right, because it is right and carries no sorrow or penalty with it. From the records I don't see how the 'scribes' and 'text-doctors' made their scriptures 'consistent'.

The uneducated needed a God to be afraid of.

So we are back to some concept of a 'fear-tactic' to inspire people to be 'good' :think:

The Holy church is carful not to reveal to much of the goodness of God, the masses could hurt themselves. So for now it is still best that people be afraid for their own good. No?

As shared earlier, the goodness of God draws men, and it is by the magnetic attraction of love, that hearts are rejoined to God (there being healing and restoration, being made whole). Fear is a negative emotion especially if its twisted in some way with respect towards God who is LOVE.

Of course there is a healthy 'respect' or 'awe' of God and his laws that we can be cognizant of (careful towards), with respect to not breaking any of the laws because of the penalty that comes thru that, since all men reap what they sow, by universal law (act/consequence). "He who fears is not made complete in love, for fear involves torment". - I think John's writings are pretty clear on that.

In any case,....if you go thru the thread you can learn a lot of about the UB, as I usually recommend a seeker to read the first 12 papers at least. If you're not that's fine, but the thread and resources are available to those interested. Also, the UB is not 'my book', being a liberal theosophist, I draw from and enjoy many different religious writings and the core-prinicples of all religious traditions, which comprise the 'wisdom of the ages'. In this thread I act as an expounder of the material as it relates to 'religion', 'philosophy', and 'metaphysics', since all inter-connects universally. - it also gives more closed minded religionists an opportunity to explore outside of their comfort-zones, challenge their present belief-systems and set the course for new discoveries.



Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

In consideration of the Old Testament one must keep in mind the context of the age in which the writings were created. Much of the OT was composed by rulers compiling histories for the presentation of a consistent theology to these inferior classes that your book speaks of.

The uneducated needed a God to be afraid of. The Holy church is carful not to reveal to much of the goodness of God, the masses could hurt themselves. So for now it is still best that people be afraid for their own good. No?

This is totally ridiculous! You say, "The
masses may hurt themselves if they
know too much about the goodness
of God?" Do you realize how nonsensical
that sounds?

What will the masses do, start stampeding, and run themselves over a cliff? Perhaps
they'll start hitting themselves over the head with a ball peen hammer? Or, jump out
of a plane without a parachute?


Well-known member
This is totally ridiculous! You say, "The
masses may hurt themselves if they
know too much about the goodness
of God?" Do you realize how nonsensical
that sounds?

What will the masses do, start stampeding, and run themselves over a cliff? Perhaps
they'll start hitting themselves over the head with a ball peen hammer? Or, jump out
of a plane without a parachute?

Posted from the TOL App!

The Father

This is totally ridiculous! You say, "The
masses may hurt themselves if they
know too much about the goodness
of God?" Do you realize how nonsensical
that sounds?

What will the masses do, start stampeding, and run themselves over a cliff? Perhaps
they'll start hitting themselves over the head with a ball peen hammer? Or, jump out
of a plane without a parachute?

We still have members who believe in a young earth or that science is evil. With that in mind they might hurt themselves by taking advantage of Gods kind mercy.


Well-known member
There's far more danger in someone believing their rituals, dogma, idols and repetitious prayers will save them while their phony religion wraps them in enough darkness to make them hide from God's Presence their whole life and do everything they can to spread the phony religion to others... thinking they're doing God's service. :duh:

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The Father

There's far more danger in someone believing their rituals, dogma, idols and repetitious prayers will save them while their phony religion wraps them in enough darkness to make them hide from God's Presence their whole life and do everything they can to spread the phony religion to others... thinking they're doing God's service. :duh:

Posted from the TOL App!

Anti Catholic bigotry is a learned hatred, the Lord warned us. But self righteousness is a far more dangerous state of the heart, it may even be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.


Well-known member
Yes, I'm anti-Catholic, but I hate no one. I hate the spirit of religion, wherever it works. I hate what it does to people whom I love and seek to deliver from darkness, whatever it may call itself. I don't have anything good in me, except God. If you see anything good in me, you are seeing God, not me. No longer I live; but Christ lives in me.

The Father

Yes, I'm anti-Catholic, but I hate no one. I hate the spirit of religion, wherever it works. I hate what it does to people whom I love and seek to deliver from darkness, whatever it may call itself. I don't have anything good in me, except God. If you see anything good in me, you are seeing God, not me. No longer I live; but Christ lives in me.

At this point I see no good in you, just arrogant hatred of anyone of a difference of faith. It is likely that you were taught to hate Catholics by a false prophet. You have a head full of religion, but the love of Christ is not apparent.


Eclectic Theosophist
Love does no harm.......

Love does no harm.......

We still have members who believe in a young earth or that science is evil. With that in mind they might hurt themselves by taking advantage of Gods kind mercy.

2:6.1 In the physical universe we may see the divine beauty, in the intellectual world we may discern eternal truth, but the goodness of God is found only in the spiritual world of personal religious experience. In its true essence, religion is a faith-trust in the goodness of God. God could be great and absolute, somehow even intelligent and personal, in philosophy, but in religion God must also be moral; he must be good. Man might fear a great God, but he trusts and loves only a good God. This goodness of God is a part of the personality of God, and its full revelation appears only in the personal religious experience of the believing sons of God.

Still, because God is love,...that love is the nurturing, redeeming, drawing power, which alone can make whole, inspire and empower one to be all they are (already) and to further unfold their divine potential. As souls advance they discard false-concepts, beliefs and assumptions, since they are moving along with progressive revelation, becoming more and more like God, as his sons and daughters....growing in the perfection of love.



Well-known member
At this point I see no good in you, just arrogant hatred of anyone of a difference of faith. It is likely that you were taught to hate Catholics by a false prophet. You have a head full of religion, but the love of Christ is not apparent.
I'm sorry, but I don't buy into religion. It's a lying spirit. I developed a disdain for everything religious because I didn't find God even though I looked under every rock I could find that called itself, "Christian." God called me out of religious nonsense and into His Presence. I'm sorry that you're so short-sighted, but I'll pray that your eyes might be opened.

The Father

I'm sorry, but I don't buy into religion. It's a lying spirit. I developed a disdain for everything religious because I didn't find God even though I looked under every rock I could find that called itself, "Christian." God called me out of religious nonsense and into His Presence. I'm sorry that you're so short-sighted, but I'll pray that your eyes might be opened.

A persons belief is their "religion" regardless of institutional affiliation. If you gather with others of a similar set of beliefs you are a part of a religious assembly. The holier than thou separatist attitude bespeaks more of a religious ego than a kingdom believer.


Well-known member
Believing in one's 'group gathering' as being what defines whether they are religious or not is idolatry. True religion and undefiled before God is: visiting widows and orphans and keeping oneself unspotted by the world. Your accusations of me are what you actually do, but without judgment of yourself, you lose your sight. God doesn't take attendance, He looks upon the thoughts and intents of the heart.


Eclectic Theosophist
Paper 9 - Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe

Paper 9 - Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe


Continuing audio-video series from Paper 8 on the Infinite Spirit here, this next paper covers the Infinite Spirit's relationship to the Universe -

Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe

Text here.

1. Attributes of the Third Source and Center
2. The Omnipresent Spirit
3. The Universal Manipulator
4. The Absolute Mind
5. The Ministry of Mind
6. The Mind-Gravity Circuit
7. Universe Reflectivity
8. Personalities of the Infinite Spirit

As we near the discourse on the 'Paradise Trinity', we see the Universal Father is the 'First Source and Center', the Eternal Son the 'Second Source and Center', the Infinite Spirit the 'Third Source and Center', yet these three are eternally One and abide as unique and special Deity-organization, the 'central headquarters' of all Deity operations, function and government, from whence extends the total hierarchy of associative deities, divine Sons and angels, the entire material creation, which include all potentials and actuals of existence.

9:1.1 The Third Source and Center is known by many names, all designative of relationship and in recognition of function: As God the Spirit, he is the personality co-ordinate and divine equal of God the Son and God the Father. As the Infinite Spirit, he is an omnipresent spiritual influence. As the Universal Manipulator, he is the ancestor of the power-control creatures and the activator of the cosmic forces of space. As the Conjoint Actor, he is the joint representative and partnership executive of the Father-Son. As the Absolute Mind, he is the source of the endowment of intellect throughout the universes. As the God of Action, he is the apparent ancestor of motion, change, and relationship.

Audio-video series begins here (post # 2474) and is posted thru-out chronologically up til this segment and following.



Eclectic Theosophist
True religion is of the heart, born of the Spirit......

True religion is of the heart, born of the Spirit......

True religion and undefiled before God is: visiting widows and orphans and keeping oneself unspotted by the world.

Yes, James understood that the essence of real religion was service to others, loving them as one loves themselves (meaning recognizing the value and potential in others, and providing for their true needs).

Your accusations of me are what you actually do, but without judgment of yourself, you lose your sight. God doesn't take attendance, He looks upon the thoughts and intents of the heart.

'The Father' was just calling you out to recognize your 'approach', 'demeanor' and 'manners' that may come off as 'holier than thou', condenscending, pious, arrogant, snobby, and self righteous. Can you step back from your religious front (costume-postures) and just observe your conduct and words objectively? Honestly take a look. All of us have to do this, if we want to grow and understand how we might be presenting ourselves, and how others may be perceiving such. Being kind and respectful goes along way in earning respect back, so the exchange can be envaluing and life-enhancing, worthy of engagement. flows against life, de-values, depresses and grieves the spirit. We prefer the former as helpful, not hurtful.

One can quote all the religious passages or parade a vast reservoir of doctrinal knowledge,...yet it tends to be annoying if one hails themselves as the sole representative of God only to ridicule, demonize and degrade others, or their belief-systems, understanding of religious concepts and philosophical perspectives. A better approach is to recognize truth wherever it is found, not serve as an apologist for your own brand of truth or dogma, which automatically sets yourself up as a religious dictator or 'pontificator'. Here and on other threads, I act mainly as an 'expositor' or 'expounder' as has been my 'suit' from the very beginning here. My personal views, dispositions, interests or life-projects are ALWAYS subject to change, so I'm quite versatile and enjoy the journey as a 'theosophist' at heart.

Mind you there are some very wonderful integrous people that belong to the RCC (and various Orthodox church traditions) as well as more liberal UB readers who come from various religious backgrounds, and find value in the UB's in depth comprehension and presentation of universal truths concerning our present day dispensation concerning man's origin, divine potential and destiny, since the revelation is to hold for many centuries into the future, until our planet is settled in Light and Life (the New Era or New Earth, her 'ascended' state). - the same religious principles, ethics and morals forever hold as 'essential' in human relations, and shall progress further as man becomes more god-like.

Every religious faith and tradition on our planet has in some way been inspired and influenced by God and his various messengers, thru-out the ages. No one religious 'cult', 'tradition' or even 'personality' can have a 'monopoloy' on 'God', since God is the omnipresent reality behind all, pervading all, being all. The UB confirms this openly and expounds on the history of such religious movements in their following dispensations.

If you want to engage in respectful discussion, constructive dialogue, you'll have to check the 'attitude' of religious superiority and exclusivity at the door.



Well-known member
Wrong. You have far more hypocrisy and severe error than your self righteousness could ever allow you to see. I see NO Truth in the UB or any other false religion. None.

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New member
Wrong. You have far more hypocrisy and severe error than your self righteousness could ever allow you to see. I see NO Truth in the UB or any other false religion. None.

Posted from the TOL App!

There is more spiritual value in a superman comic book than there is in the UB.
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