The land of high perversion and dead babies goes self-righteous on Trump?


Well-known member
Psalm 139:16
Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.

Luke 1:41 When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit

I guess John the Baptist wasnt really a soul there yet :think:
Is every foetus John the Baptist? If not then we can assume this was particular.

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The Republician party is destroying itself with its far right base's refusal to adapt to the changing demographics and culture of the country and its refusal to compromise on its far right policies, of which a decreasing minority in this country support.

I'm sorry, what exactly does that have to do with the murder of millions of innocent human beings by abortion? Nice try at a re-direct, moron.

And for that matter, "adapt" how? The founding principals of liberty and limited government are beacons for all people of all races and colors. Don't you think none-whites can handle liberty, freedom and limited government? Look at my signature dimwit:

Tea Party = Lower Taxes, Small Government, intent of the Founding Fathers
Democrats = Gay Marriage, Abortion, High Taxes, Big Government
Clarity. It's a beautiful thing

That transcends color you jerk. It's not that we are destroying our party, its more like your ilk are destroying the minds of young people, teaching them to embrace socialism, massive nanny-government, and racial balkanization.

What's a "FOETUS??
foetus :chuckle:

Son of Jonathan Safran Foer :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Congratulations Angel. That was courageous for lack of a better word on your part to post that. I say that because I know how much Trumps lack of morality gives you pause. That article nails the even worse overall moral sickness of our nation that focuses on the flaws of a crude man and ignores the vast all encompassing evil of his opponent.

EVIL is the key word for Hillary.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The left (including moderate to liberal republicans who have no use for a conservative social agenda in it's party's platform) would look the other way, as they've always done if Trump were running as a democrat.

The idea is to destroy the Republican Party, and by running a moral degenerate like Donald Trump for President, they believe that they'll do so.

Moderate or liberal republicans can't win, hence a Romney loss, a McCain loss, a Dole loss and now a Trump soon to be landslide loss (Trump isn't a republican, let's just call him a "republican for a day"). While Reagan and Bush Jr. weren't real conservatives, they talked like one, hence their victories.

Sent from my common sense brain.
Surprisingly honest assessment for a conservative. Especially about Reagan.

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New member
I'll tell you what I told Marc on the last page:

Moderate or liberal republicans can't win, hence a Romney loss, a McCain loss, a Dole loss and now a Trump soon to be landslide loss (Trump isn't a republican, let's just call him a "republican for a day"). While Reagan and Bush Jr. weren't real conservatives, they talked like one, hence their victories.
Why did the Republican Party, who's been touting itself as the conservative party for decades, nominate the farthest thing from a conservative as their standard bearer in 2016?

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Why did the Republican Party, who's been touting itself as the conservative party for decades, nominate the farthest thing from a conservative as their standard bearer in 2016?

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A record number of Libertarians and democrats crossed Party lines to vote for Trump in the primaries (ask Patrick jane and Crucible which Party they usually vote for). Ted Cruz and other Republicans saw this huge problem and were working on requiring that one be a registered republican in order to vote in the republican primaries in the next election.

Rush Limbaugh is responsible for this. During the 2008 election he urged republicans to cross Party lines and vote for Hillary Clinton in the primaries. He called it "Operation Chaos". As we've seen with Trump's nomination, the chaos worked for Trump this time around.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Why are ALL your posts questions?

Because he's a liar. His questions are not real questions in the sense that he is seeking an answer. His questions are traps to trick people like the Pharisees did to Jesus. The only difference is that the Pharisees' questions were clever and MarcATL is just a dimwit.


New member
Because he's a liar. His questions are not real questions in the sense that he is seeking an answer. His questions are traps to trick people like the Pharisees did to Jesus. The only difference is that the Pharisees' questions were clever and MarcATL is just a dimwit.

You do know that Jesus often answered the Pharisees' questions with questions of his own, right?

It's precisely when someone tries to trap you with a question that it can be useful to answer with a question of your own.

I expect you're going to now attack me for defending MarcATL, Hillary Clinton, and Satan, but I'm only saying that answering a question with a question was a rhetorical device our Lord liked to use, so it can hardly be grounds to attack someone in and of itself.

Okay, I'm done. You can call me names now.