The land of high perversion and dead babies goes self-righteous on Trump?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The land of high perversion and dead babies goes self-righteous on Trump?
I've said it a bazillion times, Liberals and Democrats are evil to the core. They embrace evil, endorse evil, they call evil good and call good evil.... ....anybody who votes for them and dares to call themselves a Christian (or a Jew or Muslim for that matter) is a liar and a fraud and a wolf among the sheep.

It would not surprise me.

The Horn

America is no more "perverted " than the rest of the world and we are NOT a "nation of dead babies ". Abortion exists all over the world and has for thousands of years, and it's not going away - ever . A fetus aborted early in a pregnancy, and the overwhelming majority of abortions
are like this, is NOT a "baby " The term "baby" is nothing but a loaded, emotion-laden and misleading term used to justify government-ordered compulsory childbirth , something which has never worked and never will .
And America does not come even remotely close to having the world's highest abortion rate .Poor countries where abortion is illegal have much higher ones, and the prosperous countries of western Europe and Scandinavia have the world's LOWEST ones .
If you don't like seeing gay characters on television or in movies, etc, don't watch them. No one is forcing you to do this . This is "hurting " America or "making kids gay ", become homosexuality is NOT contagious .
It's much better to have trashy television shows ,movies , websites and magazines etc than to have government censorship of these things, because censorship does not improve public morality but only leads to more censorship[ and ultimately a totalitarian police state .

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
America is no more "perverted " than the rest of the world and we are NOT a "nation of dead babies "........
1) You would not know because your ilk IS the perversion
2) We ARE the land of dead babies: 59 million abortions in America since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Their blood is on your hands and on the hands of every abortion supporter by way of voting for abortion supporters. And be assured, they are in heaven with Our Father, and will be a witness at all you Democrats' judgement.


Well-known member

Now do one about Bill Clinton on Pedo Island!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Now do one about Bill Clinton on Pedo Island!

Apparently MrDonkey doesn't know what a "pervert" is. A homosexual is a pervert. A pedophile is a pervert. Groping women may be wrong and inappropriate, but its not "perverted". Its more like really bad behavior. And in Trump's case, an unproven allegation as well.


Well-known member
alinsky's rules for radicals (i'm paraphrasing)

hold your opponent to a standard you don't intend to meet
Actually Alinsky advised that opponents be held to the standard they THEORETICALLY espoused.

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Well-known member
1) You would not know because your ilk IS the perversion
2) We ARE the land of dead babies: 59 million abortions in America since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Their blood is on your hands and on the hands of every abortion supporter by way of voting for abortion supporters. And be assured, they are in heaven with Our Father, and will be a witness at all you Democrats' judgement.
According to the Bible a foetus becomes a child at first breath. Jews do not believe (and they never have ) in ensoulment at conception.

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New member
The left (including moderate to liberal republicans who have no use for a conservative social agenda in it's party's platform) would look the other way, as they've always done if Trump were running as a democrat.

The idea is to destroy the Republican Party, and by running a moral degenerate like Donald Trump for President, they believe that they'll do so.
The Republican Party has destroyed itself with no outside help whatsoever.

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Well-known member
" An unborn fetus in Jewish law is not considered a person (Heb. nefesh, lit. “soul”) until it has been born. The fetus is regarded as a part of the mother’s body and not a separate being until it begins to egress from the womb during parturition (childbirth). In fact, until forty days after conception, the fertilized egg is considered as “mere fluid.” . . ."

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"An unborn fetus in Jewish law is not considered a person........

That's why God destroyed the Temple and sent His Son to establish a New Covenant, because the Jews lived by laws that blasphemed against the Word of God.

"Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them" (Matthew 23:1-4).