The Great Persecution has Begun even in the USA


New member
Do you ever stop with the paranoid, thoughtless dialogue?

Do you ever stop relentless personal attacks,
rather than positive contributions to thread topics?


The persectution of Christians is only pointless and thoughtless to atheists and Jews.

Which are you? Or are you both?

On a Christian Forum, its an appropriate topic.

Unlike your comments.

Sorta like this:



like marbles on glass
I don't want to scare you guys, but at the :57 mark in the video, I think he gives away his secret identity.



Well-known member
Christians are being persecuted in many places in the world. The US isn't one of them. There is more religious freedom in the US than nearly any other country in the world.

Part of the reason for this is that Church and State are separated- which is exactly what some Christians complain about.


New member
"Great Persecution?" Surely, you can not be serious!! Let's see - G-d is on our money, in our pledge of Allegiance, you can NOT be elected to any post in the gov't if you are open about your (non)beliefs, (Christian) religion collects (literally) billions of dollars annually AND pays no taxes, etc.

Persecution? Get bent!!!!!


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Probably because you are not an American baker

who was just fined $130,000 for not baking a

gay wedding cake.

Probably, because I'm not insufferably naive...:plain: Actually...TBH I saw this coming years ago...The bakers could have out maneuvered this easily...Unfortunately, they didn't see the writing on the wall (or they chose to make their stand Luke 14:28) and it cost them.

To be in business in this country sucks anymore....for every body....If you can't figure out how to do business without being sucked under by existing regulations (assuming instead that they will always be interpreted in your favor) then you are going to have a bad time of it.

Welcome to the World.

OUR LORD said it best:

Luke 16:8

8 And his master praised the unrighteous manager because he had acted shrewdly; for the sons of this age are more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light.

Still not feelin' persecuted. :listen:
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like marbles on glass
Probably because you are not an American baker

who was just fined $130,000 for not baking a

gay wedding cake.

Even the cakes are gay now? What is this world coming to?

Anyway, the bakers weren't fined for not baking a (gay) cake. Apparently the bakers posted the couple's personal contact information on their facebook page, which led to death threats against the couple, and because of concerns for the safety of their foster children amidst the continuous barrage of threats, the couple feared losing custody of them.

The bakers were ordered to pay damages for emotional distress suffered by the couple ordering the cake.