Theology Club: The Grace History Project

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Maybe Jerry thinks we can't be with the Lord in heaven while He is on the earth. I thought with God all things are possible.

Let us look at this passage:

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord" (1 Thess.4:17).

The first part of the verse is speaking about being in the vicinity of the actual presence of the Lord Jesus.

And the Greek word translated "so" means:

"By virtue of its native demonstrative force it refers to what precedes" (Thayer's Greek English Lexicon).​

So when Paul writes that we will forever be with the Lord that can only be understood as being forever in the vicinity of the presence of the Lord Jesus.

So when the Lord Jesus returns to the earth to set up His earthly kingdom then those in the Body of Christ will be with Him. But those in the Neo-MAD camp deny that those in the Body of Christ will be on the earth during the kingdom when the Lord Jesus will reign.


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I was just pointing our that Pastor Ross has no credibility when it comes to the subject of the development of Mid Acts dispensationalism.
He wasn't looking for credibility.
He was just making points. Points that I found to be very interesting. Points that I think all MADist will at one time or another have to make a decision about.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
He wasn't looking for credibility.
He was just making points. Points that I found to be very interesting. Points that I think all MADist will at one time or another have to make a decision about.

He has no credibility because he actually thinks that he teaches the doctrines of MAD because what he teaches is not MAD but instead Psuedo-MAD!

And what is the decision are you speaking about? Whether or not those in the Psuedo-MAD camp should start believing the Scriptures?

Do you agree with what the Lord Jesus told the Jews who lived under the law, that all they had to do was to believe to be saved?:

"Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life" (Jn.5:24).​

The teaching in the Psuedo-MAD camp is the idea that the Jews who lived under the Law could not be saved by only believing because they also had to do works to be saved!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Those in the Psuedo-MAD movement know nothing about true MAD and they know nothing about its history. They are an insult to the true teaching of MAD and shouldn't be taken seriously.

As if there is such a thing, Jerry.
Is there an official Cathecism, or MADecism if you will?


Well-known member
Anybody who claims that they have not sinned since she was saved many years ago is indeed living in the Twilight Zone!

You need professional help!

Yes, I can see that you are really a refined lady! NOT!

Get you head out of your butt and you'll see it in some of my posts.

You have this as a quote from me. I would like you to show exactly where I said that.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Get you head out of your butt and you'll see it in some of my posts.

Such fine language from a Christian lady!

You have this as a quote from me. I would like you to show exactly where I said that.

Of course you said that you have not sinned since you became saved.

As your evidence you asserted that once a person is saved he becomes dead to sin?

Do you deny that you actually made that argument?


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Of course you said that you have not sinned since you became saved.

As your evidence you asserted that once a person is saved he becomes dead to sin?

Do you deny that you actually made that argument?
I bet you have no clue as to what she is referring to. No clue at all.


Well-known member
Such fine language from a Christian lady!

Of course you said that you have not sinned since you became saved.

As your evidence you asserted that once a person is saved he becomes dead to sin?

Do you deny that you actually made that argument?

Before I explain once again what I have said about not being under the law, I insist you show me the quote you claimed I said. Where did I say this?

Originally Posted by glorydaz View Post
Get you head out of your butt and you'll see it in some of my posts.​

Quoting me quoting what you claimed I said isn't going to cut it, Jerry. Show me where you got that "quote" originally. I don't recall ever using that phrase. Show me where I did.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Before I explain once again what I have said about not being under the law, I insist you show me the quote you claimed I said. Where did I say this?

Quoting me quoting what you claimed I said isn't going to cut it, Jerry. Show me where you got that "quote" originally. I don't recall ever using that phrase. Show me where I did.

Do you believe that you have sinned since you were saved? Of course you do so I do not need to go searching through many, many threads to quote you.

Of course you said it. That is why you argued that once a person becomes saved he was dead to sin.

Of course you do not want to answer this question:

Do you believe that you have sinned since you were saved?

Are you now claiming that I said this to you?:

Get you head out of your butt and you'll see it in some of my posts.


Well-known member
I bet you have no clue as to what she is referring to. No clue at all.

You're right....because he doesn't understand what Paul meant when he said we are dead to sin and alive unto God. He seems to think we are slowly "crucified with Christ" before we are raised into life.

Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.​


Well-known member
Do you believe that you have sinned since you were saved? Of course you do so I do not need to go searching through many, many threads to quote you.

Of course you said it. That is why you argued that once a person becomes saved he was dead to sin.

Of course you do not want to answer this question:

Do you believe that you have sinned since you were saved?

Ah, but you are a slimy weasel. There, that is something I would say because I'm not a refined lady. But YOU show me where I said the phrase you claimed I said. Do it NOW.

Your attempt to deflect to what I have said about sin not being accounted to me isn't working. If you're going to QUOTE something I said, you must show me where I said it. I'm waiting.....

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
You're right....because he doesn't understand what Paul meant when he said we are dead to sin and alive unto God. He seems to think we are slowly "crucified with Christ" before we are raised into life.

Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.​

So you do think that once a person is saved he is dead to sin. So you obviously think that you haven't sinned even once since you became saved.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Ah, but you are a slimy weasel. There, that is something I would say because I'm not a refined lady. But YOU show me where I said the phrase you claimed I said. Do it NOW.

Your attempt to deflect to what I have said about sin not being accounted to me isn't working. If you're going to QUOTE something I said, you must show me where I said it. I'm waiting.....

Are you now ashamed of your beliefs and that is why you refuse to answer this simple question?:

Do you believe that you have sinned since you were saved?


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You're right....because he doesn't understand what Paul meant when he said we are dead to sin and alive unto God. He seems to think we are slowly "crucified with Christ" before we are raised into life.

Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.​

So you do think that once a person is saved he is dead to sin. So you obviously think that you haven't sinned even once since you became saved.
I told you he wouldn't get it.


Get your armor ready!
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Ah, but you are a slimy weasel. There, that is something I would say because I'm not a refined lady. But YOU show me where I said the phrase you claimed I said. Do it NOW.

Your attempt to deflect to what I have said about sin not being accounted to me isn't working. If you're going to QUOTE something I said, you must show me where I said it. I'm waiting.....

Are you now ashamed of your beliefs and that is why you refuse to answer this simple question?:

Do you believe that you have sinned since you were saved?
He still doesn't get it.