The Gospel Verses Predestination

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You reject predestination, you reject the saving merit of Christ for them He died, thats being in unbelief !

You ought to stick with your quest to rid the world of homosexuality. That's your forte. Stop dabbling in other issues, you're not well-versed in anything except your continued hatred of homosexuals. Trust me on that, okay?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You abhor God's word then and you embrace universalism.
Only those whom God makes alive in Christ can hear and believe. The Bible tells us that the gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing. God will make all whom He chooses to be members of His body. God doesn't leave it up to random chance. He knew before the foundation of the world who would believe.
I teach what the Bible says.
Why do you hate what God says in the Bible. Why do you hate the fact that you, a slave to sin, cannot set yourself free, but God must make you free? Why do you, a corrupt criminal, think that God owes you anything? How is it that you dare to demand that He save the entire, vile and corrupt, world?

I wonder which is worse, Calvinism or Universalism? Oh wait, they're equally horrendous.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Christ died for the sins of ALL mankind, however, only those who hear the Gospel of Grace and place their faith in Christ and His death and resurrection will benefit from His sacrifice. The Unbelievers are doomed to judgment and the Lake of Fire for eternity.


New member
I see your 'Rep-power' is still at zero. Why should anyone listen to you? Oh wait, they don't. :rotfl:
Those who despise the gospel consider it foolishness. Whatever this "rep-power" is that you reference, it means nothing to me. Does God teach predestination, election and God's choosing? The answer is an unequivocal, yes. I care about God being glorified, not some opinion poll on a Web site.
It is telling of you that you care about the opinions of men. Why do you care?


New member
Read the context of Luke 13 and note that it has nothing to do with free-will or God's inability to accomplish what He wills.

1. Please stop spamming, this is not the place to post whole chapters. At least use the spoiler tags if you must do so.
2. You're still arguing against the explicit statement of the text. Jesus was God, Jesus willed for something many times, it did not happen because of the will of the people.


New member
I wonder which is worse, Calvinism or Universalism? Oh wait, they're equally horrendous.

Both have the possibility of dangerous side effects: including complacency, the rejection of the call to repentance (or denying this call to others), and the possibility of the hardening of the heart to the degree where personal versions of the doctrine deny justice and mercy.

Whereas God calls men everywhere to repent and believe the Gospel, Calvinism tells people that unless they were specifically selected (and it is impossible to know for sure who is selected and who is not) that it is impossible to repent, and any attempt to repent will be rejected. But from the opposite angle, if you are among that secret elect, you need not ever attempt to change your heart to repent, for you shall be saved no matter what you do or whom you will to serve.

In this regard, Universalism is similar to Calvinism; it only says that everyone that ever lived and ever will live is among that secret elect. However, Universalism does recognize some measure of hope and some limitation upon infinite cruelty. Calvinism is not necessary bound by the doctrine of infinite torment: I am aware of some Calvinists that do believe that God will literally destroy the wicked, rather than grant them eternal life in torment.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
If Calvinism was a true doctrine the Bible would be full of it. Here is a few examples.

"For the scripture says unto Pharaoh. Today have I predestinated you to hell".

"Esau have I hated and predestinated him to hell".

"Having been predestinated to heaven we have peace with God".

"Having been predestinated to eternal life according to the good pleasure of his will".

"Moreover them he predestinated to heaven, them he also called".

"For whom he did foreknow he also predestinated to eternal life".

Nothing like the above in the Bible. Like Calvinism, its a sham.


New member
If that were true then you would have a scripture that says, "God predestinates people to heaven and to hell". There is nothing.

Only if you allow MennoSota to redefine "predestinate" to the Calvinist specific meaning rather than the English meaning of the word. When you allow someone to redefine common words without justification from the text or context, they can make anything say anything.


Well-known member

God appointed prophets, wise men, apostles, to make known to the world the great works of his Son Jesus Christ.

And you teach His Blood failed to save all for whom it was shed!

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New member
1. Please stop spamming, this is not the place to post whole chapters. At least use the spoiler tags if you must do so.
2. You're still arguing against the explicit statement of the text. Jesus was God, Jesus willed for something many times, it did not happen because of the will of the people.

You need to read the entire text because you are cherry picking sentences from the text to create a phantom doctrine.
I am providing the entire text in hopes that you recognize your fallacious argument.


New member
Both have the possibility of dangerous side effects: including complacency, the rejection of the call to repentance (or denying this call to others), and the possibility of the hardening of the heart to the degree where personal versions of the doctrine deny justice and mercy.

Whereas God calls men everywhere to repent and believe the Gospel, Calvinism tells people that unless they were specifically selected (and it is impossible to know for sure who is selected and who is not) that it is impossible to repent, and any attempt to repent will be rejected. But from the opposite angle, if you are among that secret elect, you need not ever attempt to change your heart to repent, for you shall be saved no matter what you do or whom you will to serve.

In this regard, Universalism is similar to Calvinism; it only says that everyone that ever lived and ever will live is among that secret elect. However, Universalism does recognize some measure of hope and some limitation upon infinite cruelty. Calvinism is not necessary bound by the doctrine of infinite torment: I am aware of some Calvinists that do believe that God will literally destroy the wicked, rather than grant them eternal life in torment.
The answer is: Pelagianism is equally as bad as universalism.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Those who despise the gospel consider it foolishness. Whatever this "rep-power" is that you reference, it means nothing to me. Does God teach predestination, election and God's choosing? The answer is an unequivocal, yes. I care about God being glorified, not some opinion poll on a Web site.
It is telling of you that you care about the opinions of men. Why do you care?

I care because posters that are teaching/preaching false doctrines should not have any credibility on TOL. Their 'rep-power' shows others who not to trust what they have to say. Get it?


New member

And you teach His Blood failed to save all for whom it was shed!

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Indeed this is true, but a veil has fallen over their eyes. I recognize this veil. It was over my eyes for nearly 30 years before God removed it. I am very grateful to God for his kindness in doing so.


New member
I care because posters that are teaching/preaching false doctrines should not have any credibility on TOL. Their 'rep-power' shows others who not to trust what they have to say. Get it?
No. What I observe is that TOL is crawling with non-Christians or with syncretists whose eyes are veiled to the way they demean God and deny Him the glory due. The failure to grasp God's Sovereign Lordship is a great hindrance to spiritual growth and fellowship with God.
What I know with all confidence is that those whom God chooses will recognize His Sovereign election in their lives. Everyone else will spurn God's authority as you do.