The gospel according to Jim Carrey

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Thus, the canon which is utilized today by Christians was assembled, and declared inspired and canon, was done by the Catholic Church......... The Catholic Church, making a declaration, based on the authority given to them by Christ, is not "=man."

Made up.

And the drone does not 'get" that fallible, respective members of the boc, not a bunch of hierarchial clowns, in clown hats/outfits, known as the Roman Catholic Organization, are the church, in this dispensation.


Well-known member
John, John, John.

Why do you resist?

Here you are, trusting your own reading of the Bible, rolling the dice that your eternal soul is right with God based on the words of a dusty old book.

Get with the program!

There's a pope and a magisterium who got your back, John! And a priest probably local to you who's ready to give you a nice cookie.

Come home to Rome, John! Be separated brethren no longer!

Cross the Tiber!

The pope's the contender, the rest are pretenders!

Get on the express train to Purgatory and KNOW that you'll be EARNING your way past St. Peter!

Best of all, we have tongues too!

When Rome speaks, the thinking as been done. Sit back and RELAX!

Come on home to Rome!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Has the head clown sent you those Anathema papers yet? (Waiting since 1998)

I called the local DFW Catholic archdiocese demanding those ex communication papers, Mayor, and they told me to forget that "Hail Mary." I guess they did not like me ordering a fish sandwich...Curious....Maybe they also got upset when I identified myself as saint John W.....?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
John, John, John.

Why do you resist?

Here you are, trusting your own reading of the Bible, rolling the dice that your eternal soul is right with God based on the words of a dusty old book.

Get with the program!

There's a pope and a magisterium who got your back, John! And a priest probably local to you who's ready to give you a nice cookie.

Come home to Rome, John! Be separated brethren no longer!

Cross the Tiber!

The pope's the contender, the rest are pretenders!

Get on the express train to Purgatory and KNOW that you'll be EARNING your way past St. Peter!

Best of all, we have tongues too!

When Rome speaks, the thinking as been done. Sit back and RELAX!

Come on home to Rome!

I'm sold

Where do i sign? :banana:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
John, John, John.

Why do you resist?

Here you are, trusting your own reading of the Bible, rolling the dice that your eternal soul is right with God based on the words of a dusty old book.

Get with the program!

There's a pope and a magisterium who got your back, John! And a priest probably local to you who's ready to give you a nice cookie.

Come home to Rome, John! Be separated brethren no longer!

Cross the Tiber!

The pope's the contender, the rest are pretenders!

Get on the express train to Purgatory and KNOW that you'll be EARNING your way past St. Peter!

Best of all, we have tongues too!

When Rome speaks, the thinking as been done. Sit back and RELAX!

Come on home to Rome!

I wonder, musty, if I can get one of the pope mobile's, if I re-join?


And I sure do miss going to the local "Knight's Of Columbus" hall, getting tanked on cheap "future blood of Jesus" wine, and smoking cig's, cussing, while playing poker...


New member
I never asserted that, deceiver.

Nope. You "argue" that this Catholic organization(it is not a church), the religious prostitute, an ecclesiastic organization, a bunch of clowns, men, were/are responsible for the compilation, preservation of the scripture. You made that up. And fallible men, throughout history, not this fake Roman prostitute, were employed by God, to compile, preserve, the book. the LORD God is the author;He gave it, compiled it, preserved it. That is scripture's testimony, humanist.

Irrelevant mumbo jumbo, psycho babble

Made up. It's called humanism.,

1. The old reliable "strawman fallacy" technique-was waiting for that one.And yes you do assert that the Roman fake church "helped" God, so stuff your spin.

2.No such thing as "Catholic priests." The only priesthood ordained by the LORD God, on earth, was the Levitical priesthood, and the nation of Israels kingdom of priests.

More psycho babble musing, assertions, humanism, talk show opinions..


You did assert, despite your denial of it (very Trump-like of you). It is easy to see, since the proof is in the posts. (Unless you pull a Clinton and delete them).

Let us examine the John W way of arguing.
If a fact and sufficient logic is present, dismiss it as "rabbit trail, irrelevant, psycho babble", etc.

Then assert that any use of thinking and rational thought is "humanism." Sure, that is not the definition of "humanism," but in JW's world, what JW thinks must be fact, because he is never wrong.

Next, be sure to utilize key uneducated anti-Catholic tactics, such as name calling. Examples can include "roman prostitute," harlot, etc. It is also best to make claims, despite the absence of evidence/logic, that the Catholic Church is not a church, nor the priests actual "priests." Sure, such nomenclature is above the cognitive ability of JW, but that is all psycho babble anyway.

If an argument is presented that is beyond reproach, such as easily accessible evidence, like the Catechism, just say that it is made up. That will be good enough.

Always assert the exact same points and claims over and over. Never use evidence. Never provide reason. Such things may confuse JW.

Always assume the fallacy -oh wait, too big a word. How about, position? That works- Always assume the position of authority. JW knows best and knows all arguments Catholics will make, at least, that is what a good JW will say.

And finally, always conclude with a show of final word. Such as "sit," "move to the back," or some other phrase to demonstrate superior -wait, too big a word again- better understanding of all things.

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New member
I never asserted that, deceiver.

You: assert, pound the podium, declare 'victory," return to humanism "echo chamber"c

"=man is responsible for the compilation, and subsequent preservation, of God's scripture. It's called humanism."

Nope. You "argue" that this Catholic organization(it is not a church), the religious prostitute, an ecclesiastic organization, a bunch of clowns, men, were/are responsible for the compilation, preservation of the scripture. You made that up. And fallible men, throughout history, not this fake Roman prostitute, were employed by God, to compile, preserve, the book. the LORD God is the author;He gave it, compiled it, preserved it. That is scripture's testimony, humanist.

Irrelevant mumbo jumbo, psycho babble

Made up. It's called humanism.,

1. The old reliable "strawman fallacy" technique-was waiting for that one.And yes you do assert that the Roman fake church "helped" God, so stuff your spin.

2.No such thing as "Catholic priests." The only priesthood ordained by the LORD God, on earth, was the Levitical priesthood, and the nation of Israels kingdom of priests.

More psycho babble musing, assertions, humanism, talk show opinions..


You really should formulate better arguments. The tactics you use have no depth. You just dismiss anything that proves your wrong. You contradict your own logic, and assert the same trite over and over; never providing substantial facts, evidence, logic, or even Scripture. It would also be productive, and Christian, to drop the arrogant act. Saying "sit" and such phrases really demonstrates how you perceive yourself. It is comparable to the Pharisees.

This is just constructive criticism and advise. Given so that you could actually be productive in discussions and debates. If it is below you, which would not surprise me if you thought this, then please remove yourself from "educating" the rest of us.

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You did assert, despite your denial of it (very Trump-like of you). It is easy to see, since the proof is in the posts. (Unless you pull a Clinton and delete them).

Let us examine the John W way of arguing.
If a fact and sufficient logic is present, dismiss it as "rabbit trail, irrelevant, psycho babble", etc.

Then assert that any use of thinking and rational thought is "humanism." Sure, that is not the definition of "humanism," but in JW's world, what JW thinks must be fact, because he is never wrong.

Next, be sure to utilize key uneducated anti-Catholic tactics, such as name calling. Examples can include "roman prostitute," harlot, etc. It is also best to make claims, despite the absence of evidence/logic, that the Catholic Church is not a church, nor the priests actual "priests." Sure, such nomenclature is above the cognitive ability of JW, but that is all psycho babble anyway.

If an argument is presented that is beyond reproach, such as easily accessible evidence, like the Catechism, just say that it is made up. That will be good enough.

Always assert the exact same points and claims over and over. Never use evidence. Never provide reason. Such things may confuse JW.

Always assume the fallacy -oh wait, too big a word. How about, position? That works- Always assume the position of authority. JW knows best and knows all arguments Catholics will make, at least, that is what a good JW will say.

And finally, always conclude with a show of final word. Such as "sit," "move to the back," or some other phrase to demonstrate superior -wait, too big a word again- better understanding of all things.

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You really should formulate better arguments. The tactics you use have no depth. You just dismiss anything that proves your wrong. You contradict your own logic, and assert the same trite over and over; never providing substantial facts, evidence, logic, or even Scripture. It would also be productive, and Christian, to drop the arrogant act. Saying "sit" and such phrases really demonstrates how you perceive yourself. It is comparable to the Pharisees.

This is just constructive criticism and advise. Given so that you could actually be productive in discussions and debates. If it is below you, which would not surprise me if you thought this, then please remove yourself from "educating" the rest of us.

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You're not in my league, Butch....

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You really should formulate better arguments. The tactics you use have no depth. You just dismiss anything that proves your wrong. You contradict your own logic, and assert the same trite over and over; never providing substantial facts, evidence, logic, or even Scripture. It would also be productive, and Christian, to drop the arrogant act. Saying "sit" and such phrases really demonstrates how you perceive yourself. It is comparable to the Pharisees.

This is just constructive criticism and advise. Given so that you could actually be productive in discussions and debates. If it is below you, which would not surprise me if you thought this, then please remove yourself from "educating" the rest of us.

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You are not in my league, Butch:

Your "page:"

This page has had 43 visits



The great, humble saint John W, The Rifleman's page:

This page has had 16,631 visits



New member
You are not in my league, Butch:

Your "page:"

This page has had 43 visits



The great, humble saint John W, The Rifleman's page:

This page has had 16,631 visits


Page visits are irrelevant to the topic
Wait, should I shout "rabbit trail!"

Page visits does not demonstrate education, expertise, or authority.

And if you want to discuss page visits, also compare the other numbers, to give a more accurate statistic of activity. I have not been a member long, thus my statistical representation should be lower than yours. But again, what is the relevance of this to the topic at hand?

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New member
Maybe Tambora could hop in, as they seem to be the only one capable of understanding the gibberish put forth by john w. (Since Tambora has liked all of his random musings)

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New member
You're not in my league, Butch....

You are a sad, strange little man. You have my pity.

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To be honest, unless you can have a logical entry, I am somewhat tired of this discussion. I have tried to be productive in a discussion on theological and doctrinal disagreements. Yet, you just keep peppering me with trivial insults and enjoying the limelight of your own ignorance.

I apologize, as I did grow annoyed to the point of firing back with sarcasm and satire. As well as growing demeaning in highlighting educational lacking. It was a combination of continuous immature behavior on your part, as well as, my own lack of sleep and dwindling patience in attempting to maintain meaningful discussion.

Having said this, I will retire from this childish battle. If you desire a conversation with depth, I will entertain it. But no more responding to "get on my level," "sit," or repetitive illogical musings.

Best wishes, john.

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Maybe Tambora could hop in, as they seem to be the only one capable of understanding the gibberish put forth by john w. (Since Tambora has liked all of his random musings)

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Wow! You stunned me with that never before heard "gibberish" cliche! It took you that long, to come up with that dazzler, on GOOG?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
To be honest, ..

There you go, TOL audience....Never trust anyone, who deems it necessary, to qualify their post with, "To be honest....Frankly....To tell you the truth......." This means they are not honest, not frank, not truthful.

You have been exposed, humanist Butch.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Having said this, I will retire from this childish battle. If you desire a conversation with depth, I will entertain it. But no more responding to "get on my level," "sit," or repetitive illogical musings.

Best wishes, john.

Translated: I will refer to my opponent as "childish," patting myself on the back as being, of course, mature, and, in hypocrisy, while issuing a condescending post, end it with "best wishes.

Seen it before, Butch. Boring,