The gospel according to Jim Carrey


New member
Clueless-misssing Pau's point, as you delete verses 7-11; but then again, all Catholics, such as yourself, hate the bible.

How did the Bible become assembled in its current state and canon again?

Oh, right. The Catholic Church. Basic history. How could I be so forgetful.

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I do not beat my wife. I love her.

You sure do seem to be enjoying what you're doing.
What do you hope to accomplish?

You missed it, as usual-your "Do you enjoy mocking people?"

Do you enjoy beating your wife? What do you hope to accomplish by that? Fun!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
How did the Bible become assembled in its current state and canon again?

Oh, right. The Catholic Church. Basic history. How could I be so forgetful.

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The old reliable "The Catholic Church gave us the bible, way back around the time of 'The Flintstones', as the LORD God is a bumbling idiot, depending on man, and those crazy Catholics, to help Him out" debating technique.

It's called humanism.

Please teach us, Roman. Please?


Well-known member
You missed it, as usual-your "Do you enjoy mocking people?"

Do you enjoy beating your wife? What do you hope to accomplish by that? Fun!

Do you also enjoy beating your wife, hating God?


Alright. Clearly you're unable or unwilling to have a genuine conversation.

By all means, have the last word. It will bring you great pleasure, I'm sure.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Alright. Clearly you're unable or unwilling to have a genuine conversation.

By all means, have the last word. It will bring you great pleasure, I'm sure.

Another stunner, part of the "trifecta"-the old reliable "Convey to your your opponent that he is not as genuine as you, not as able to engage in a conversation, while referencing your extreme ability in 'genuinness,' and extending a 'have the last word,' displaying your extreme graciousness" technique.

You're beginning to bore me. And Vegas has it at 5/4, that I will not "have the last word," as you will be back, with more humanism, stock Roman "answers," from "Catholic Answers," and from Sister/Father/monsignor/Cardinal......Blah blah blah....and think, "They told me so, and I will be just fine."


New member
The old reliable "The Catholic Church gave us the bible, way back around the time of 'The Flintstones', as the LORD God is a bumbling idiot, depending on man, and those crazy Catholics, to help Him out" debating technique.

It's called humanism.

Please teach us, Roman. Please?

Oh, how the education system has failed you. Allow us a journey on accurate history, as found in historical Christian sources (such as Scripture, and early Christian texts/authors), as well as secular sources (which confirm all that is found in Christian texts).

Let us first address the definition of humanism, as I feel you also don't know what that is. "Humanism" is defined as, an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems; a Renaissance cultural movement that turned away from medieval scholasticism (aka: Christian scholasticism)and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought (paganism). Humanism seeks to exist without Christian morality, as established in the Catholic Church. [Source: Webster's Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britannica]

Now, for Christian history. The various books of the New Testament (abbr. NT), were all written before the year 100 AD, thus making them the only archaic historical works composed within the lifetime of those events occurring. However, despite being passed around, none of these works were compiled into a single compendium. This assembling of all the NT texts occurred around 300, twenty-five years before the Council of Nicaea. The first Ecumenical Council, the Council of Nicaea, established what the NT canon was, as a first order of business, now that the Church was no longer under such constant persecution. (The only reason they met in 325 was because Christianity was no longer persecuted under Roman law, thus they were finally able to meet and establish a set canon for all of Christianity). Around 312 was when various Church officials began to weed out various books which claimed to be from apostolic sources, but which proved to be falsehoods (such examples are those "banned" versions of canon, which anti-Catholics claim was a "banning of the Bible;" a very flimsy and preposterous falsehood, easily debunked by the slightest research).

Thus, the canon which is utilized today by Christians was assembled, and declared inspired and canon, was done by the Catholic Church. As I said, basic history.

Do you still want me to sit, or are you ashamed from the overwhelming applause from history and Christianity?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, how the education system has failed you. Allow us a journey on accurate history, as found in historical Christian sources (such as Scripture, and early Christian texts/authors), as well as secular sources (which confirm all that is found in Christian texts).

Let us first address the definition of humanism, as I feel you also don't know what that is. "Humanism" is defined as, an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems; a Renaissance cultural movement that turned away from medieval scholasticism (aka: Christian scholasticism)and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought (paganism). Humanism seeks to exist without Christian morality, as established in the Catholic Church. [Source: Webster's Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britannica]

Now, for Christian history. The various books of the New Testament (abbr. NT), were all written before the year 100 AD, thus making them the only archaic historical works composed within the lifetime of those events occurring. However, despite being passed around, none of these works were compiled into a single compendium. This assembling of all the NT texts occurred around 300, twenty-five years before the Council of Nicaea. The first Ecumenical Council, the Council of Nicaea, established what the NT canon was, as a first order of business, now that the Church was no longer under such constant persecution. (The only reason they met in 325 was because Christianity was no longer persecuted under Roman law, thus they were finally able to meet and establish a set canon for all of Christianity). Around 312 was when various Church officials began to weed out various books which claimed to be from apostolic sources, but which proved to be falsehoods (such examples are those "banned" versions of canon, which anti-Catholics claim was a "banning of the Bible;" a very flimsy and preposterous falsehood, easily debunked by the slightest research).

Thus, the canon which is utilized today by Christians was assembled, and declared inspired and canon, was done by the Catholic Church. As I said, basic history.

Do you still want me to sit, or are you ashamed from the overwhelming applause from history and Christianity?
Translation of the above mumbo jumbo, "Well, in my opinion.....?" Humanism, i.e., Man, not the LORD God, is responsible for the initial communication, and subsequent preservation of the scriptures, not the LORD God, as He is a fumbling, bumbling, incompetent moron, beholden to his creatures, whom He created, to "hep" Him out, although He created the universes, raises the dead.......and He just could not see to it that His creatures would have access to His pure, true, sure, perfect scriptures, and just could not see to it that these same scriptures were preserved, as the over powering elements of the wind, sun, rain, heat, water...overcame Him, and He lost His masterpiece, and now is beholden to His creatures, to help Him out of this terrible situation.

Yes, that's really "scriptural," drone. Wait....You don't have scripture, thus having no idea, what saith scripture, about the scripture....

Oh, how the education system has failed you.

And listen up, son...If you muse that you are going to help out the LORD God, in His "volume of the book," including it's preservation, you have to much eggecashon.

Can you dig it, "Jethro?"


New member
Translation of the above mumbo jumbo, "Well, in my opinion.....?" Humanism, i.e., Man, not the LORD God, is responsible for the initial communicatin, and subsequent preservation of the scriptures, not the LORD God, as He is a fumbling, bumbling, incompetent moron, beholden to his creatures, whom He created, to "hep" Him out, although He created the universes, raises the dead.......and He just could not see to it that His creatures would have access to His pure, true, sure, perfect scriptures, andjust could not see to it that these same scriptures were preserved, as the over powering elements of the wind, sun, rain, heat, water...overcame Him, and He lost His masterpiece, and now is beholden to His creatures, to help Him out of this terrible situation.

Yes, that's real "scripture," drone. Wait....You don't have scripture, have no idea, what saith scripture, about the scripture....

And listen up, son...If you muse that you are going to help out the LORD God, in His "volume of the book," including it's preservation, you have to much eggecashon.
Can you dig it, "Jethro?"

Which grade did you complete? Honestly, punctuation and grammar, friend, are simple and easy to use.

You are simply dismissing fact in favor of falsehood. Your last comment implies that because I did not utilize Scripture to prove my point, it is not valid. Alas, nothing stated in your comment was Scripture. So, by your own argument, your points are not valid.

Also, if God does not utilize humanity, as you suggest, then what purpose was Moses? God could have just done all those things solo, right? I guess, using your logic, Moses makes God "a fumbling, bumbling, incompetent moron, beholden to his creatures." (Beholden? That word does not mean what you think it means)

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Wick Stick

Well-known member
Are you mocking me?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Which grade did you complete? Honestly, punctuation and grammar, friend, are simple and easy to use.

You can't touch me, punk, in communication.
You are simply dismissing fact in favor of falsehood. Your last comment implies that because I did not utilize Scripture to prove my point, it is not valid. Alas, nothing stated in your comment was Scripture. So, by your own argument, your points are not valid.

Quite irrelevant, Butch-nice create a moving target, rabbit trail. Romans have perfected that technique.

You missed it, drone-you "argue:"
Thus, the canon which is utilized today by Christians was assembled, and declared inspired and canon, was done by the Catholic Church. As I said, basic history.

=man is responsible for the compilation, and subsequent preservation, of God's scripture. It's called humanism.
Also, if God does not utilize humanity, as you suggest, then what purpose was Moses? God could have just done all those things solo, right? I guess, using your logic, Moses makes God "a fumbling, bumbling, incompetent moron, beholden to his creatures." (Beholden? That word does not mean what you think it means)

I never suggested that god does not use humans, as His instruments; quite the opposite-I've argued for years, on TOL, while you were playing patty cake, patty cake, that He does, so pay attention. But He is the author of the scripture, compiled it, and preserved it, and needs NADA help in doing it.You, on the other hand, argue that He needs help, from His creatures, those mighty Romans.....

Thus, the canon which is utilized today by Christians was assembled, and declared inspired and canon, was done by the Catholic Church. As I said, basic history.

Take your seat, in the back row,as you are beginning to bore me.


New member
You can't touch me, punk, in communication.

Quite irrelevant, Butch-nice create a moving target, rabbit trail. Romans have perfected that technique.

You missed it, drone-you "argue:"

=man is responsible for the compilation, and subsequent preservation, of God's scripture. It's called humanism.

I never suggested that god does not use humans, as His instruments; quite the opposite-I've argued for years, on TOL, while you were playing patty cake, patty cake, that He does, so pay attention. But He is the author of the scripture, compiled it, and preserved it, and needs NADA help in doing it.You, on the other hand, argue that He needs help, from His creatures, those mighty Romans.....

Take your seat, in the back row,as you are beginning to bore me.

"You can't touch me, punk, in communication:" So petty. But for the record, it would be grammatically correct to place "punk" at either the beginning or end of the sentence, rather than the middle.

You are simply dismissing fact in favor of falsehood. Your last comment implies that because I did not utilize Scripture to prove my point, it is not valid. Alas, nothing stated in your comment was Scripture. So, by your own argument, your points are not valid.- My Comment
"Quite irrelevant, Butch-nice create a moving target, rabbit trail. Romans have perfected that technique.": That is not a rabbit trail. If I am wrong, prove it. By dismissing it, you are only substantiating my point; that your dismiss fact in favor of falsehood.

"=man is responsible for the compilation, and subsequent preservation, of God's scripture. It's called humanism.": The Catholic Church, making a declaration, based on the authority given to them by Christ, is not "=man." This goes along with my Moses point. One cannot logically say that Moses leading the Hebrews out was "man being responsible." Moses did lead the Hebrews out. This statement is true. But the attributing of authority does not go to Moses, as demonstrated in Scripture. The exodus is often referred to as "God, who led you out of bondage." Likewise, the Catholic Church refers to the declaration of Scripture as canon as "discerned by the Holy Spirit." This is evidenced in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 105, and 111 (among other extensive passages).

105 God is the author of Sacred Scripture. "The divinely revealed realities, which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."
"For Holy Mother Church, relying on the faith of the apostolic age, accepts as sacred and canonical the books of the Old and the New Testaments, whole and entire, with all their parts, on the grounds that, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author, and have been handed on as such to the Church herself."
111 But since Sacred Scripture is inspired, there is another and no less important principle of correct interpretation, without which Scripture would remain a dead letter. "Sacred Scripture must be read and interpreted in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written."

Thus, your label of "humanism" (despite being inaccurate based solely on denotation,) is false. As is your formation of a Straw Man argument, discerning my comment as demonstrating man claiming responsibility for the actions and authority of God.

"I never suggested that god does not use humans, as His instruments; quite the opposite-I've argued for years, on TOL, while you were playing patty cake, patty cake, that He does, so pay attention. But He is the author of the scripture, compiled it, and preserved it, and needs NADA help in doing it.You, on the other hand, argue that He needs help, from His creatures, those mighty Romans.....": Once again, this is false. You do suggest God does not utilize humans, such as the Catholic Church, priests, etc., whenever it suits your false applications and labels. You interchange denotations as it best fits to your advantage in debate, rather than being unbiased and fact-based. Furthermore, at no point have I made the claim that God is not the author of Scripture. At no point have I said that "God needs help." These are all claims that you claim I am making (this is called the Straw Man fallacy; which you seem to be a fan of).

"Take your seat, in the back row,as you are beginning to bore me.": This is pretty arrogant and dismissive. You have not provided any defense for your claims, nor have you sufficiently disproved any of mine. You have thrown around Straw arguments, false applications, mislabeled, etc. You have even contradicted your own logic, as shown by dismissing my claims as not valid due to no Scripture quotes, yet, you have not utilized a single in that dismissal, thus, being contradictory to the logic put forth.

Note: (If you dismiss logic as "humanism," and not of God, then you are left with a claim/attribute that God is "illogical." God is the author of logic, reason, etc. Thus, you cannot dismiss fact and logic, without creating a paradox within your own argument.)
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"You can't touch me, punk, in communication:" So petty. But for the record, it would be grammatically correct to place "punk" at either the beginning or end of the sentence, rather than the middle.

You are simply dismissing fact in favor of falsehood. Your last comment implies that because I did not utilize Scripture to prove my point, it is not valid. Alas, nothing stated in your comment was Scripture. So, by your own argument, your points are not valid.

I never asserted that, deceiver.

You: assert, pound the podium, declare 'victory," return to humanism "echo chamber"c

That is not a rabbit trail. If I am wrong, prove it. By dismissing it, you are only substantiating my point; that your dismiss fact in favor of falsehood.

"=man is responsible for the compilation, and subsequent preservation, of God's scripture. It's called humanism."

The Catholic Church, making a declaration, based on the authority given to them by Christ, is not "=man."

Nope. You "argue" that this Catholic organization(it is not a church), the religious prostitute, an ecclesiastic organization, a bunch of clowns, men, were/are responsible for the compilation, preservation of the scripture. You made that up. And fallible men, throughout history, not this fake Roman prostitute, were employed by God, to compile, preserve, the book. the LORD God is the author;He gave it, compiled it, preserved it. That is scripture's testimony, humanist.

This goes along with my Moses point. One cannot logically say that Moses leading the Hebrews out was "man being responsible." Moses did lead the Hebrews out. This statement is true. But the attributing of authority does not go to Moses, as demonstrated in Scripture. The exodus is often referred to as "God, who led you out of bondage." Likewise, the Catholic Church refers to the declaration of Scripture as canon as "discerned by the Holy Spirit." This is evidenced in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 105, and 111 (among other extensive passages).

Irrelevant mumbo jumbo, psycho babble

Thus, your label of "humanism" (despite being inaccurate based solely on denotation,) is false. As is your formation of a Straw Man argument, discerning my comment as demonstrating man claiming responsibility for the actions and authority of God.

Made up. It's called humanism.,

"Once again, this is false. You do suggest God does not utilize humans, such as the Catholic Church, priests, etc., whenever it suits your false applications and labels. You interchange denotations as it best fits to your advantage in debate, rather than being unbiased and fact-based. Furthermore, at no point have I made the claim that God is not the author of Scripture. At no point have I said that "God needs help." These are all claims that you claim I am making (this is called the Straw Man fallacy; which you seem to be a fan of).

1. The old reliable "strawman fallacy" technique-was waiting for that one.And yes you do assert that the Roman fake church "helped" God, so stuff your spin.

2.No such thing as "Catholic priests." The only priesthood ordained by the LORD God, on earth, was the Levitical priesthood, and the nation of Israels kingdom of priests.
This is pretty arrogant and dismissive. You have not provided any defense for your claims, nor have you sufficiently disproved any of mine. You have thrown around Straw arguments, false applications, mislabeled, etc. You have even contradicted your own logic, as shown by dismissing my claims as not valid due to no Scripture quotes, yet, you have not utilized a single in that dismissal, thus, being contradictory to the logic put forth.

More psycho babble musing, assertions, humanism, talk show opinions..
