the futurists


Yes, chrys will claim the abomination of desolation is the dome of the Rock , for example. He has to ignore 90% of the details in Daniel to do so, however.


Tell us why the abomination DOESN'T take place at the Dome area? What details point elsewhere in Daniel?


Well-known member
It is really very simple: we view the Prophecy of Scripture that has not taken place to occur in the future.

All Prophecy will be fulfilled, and there is quite a bit that has not yet taken place. For example, one issue that is very controversial is the Rapture. We see a future fulfillment of the catching away he describes, which is said to include all living believers. Nowhere in Revelation is that spoken about, and in fact the only Rapture that is seen involves the Two Witnesses of ch.11.

Revelation is often dismissed due to the figurative language used, but I would suggest we have, despite parenthetical portions, a sequential series of events given us, which describes the Tribulation from beginning to end in chronological order.

Another issue would be the thousand year Reign (of Christ): this fits with the pattern established in the Old Testament, in which while Israel was the focus of much of the Prophecy, understanding the culmination of the Promises of God in the promised New Covenant established by Christ helps us to keep in mind that the promises were not exclusive to Israel. And we do see that it was the Jews that were first brought into the Church.

There is much that has to be looked at when discussing the differences between the views (idealist, preterist, historical, and futurist), but the primary issue dividing most of us is our view of Scripture itself. It does little good to discuss prophecy if one takes the view that some of it is analogous, and some of it literal.

To be clear, about my own position, I am a literalist and a futurist that takes into consideration that while figurative language and symbols are used, they always represent a truth that is being revealed about a specific issue. For example, just because Satan is described in terms such as dragon, and serpent, I do not dismiss the fact that Satan is said to exist as a personal being. The Antichrist is called a beast, but that does not mean we dismiss the fact that he is human.

Discussion concerning eschatological matters is one of my favorite topics, but discussions are much better between pre-millennialists, I believe, because I believe we are more inclined to consider unfulfilled prophecy to still have future fulfillment. That doesn't mean conversations I have had with the amillennial and preterist brethren I have met have all been bad, but, I am very much against spiritualization of any given text, and lean more toward an exegetical and expository approach to study.

And I hope none of this offends.

God bless.

Hey, I like the way your head works ... Don't be discouraged by those less thoughtful ... there are actually quite a few folks who frequent this joint that have two spare neurons to rub together ... they just usually hang back until there is something of substance to comment on ... said occasions growing more infrequent as of late ... sad to say.


Fulfilled in the new Jerusalem, Rome.

14 And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.

I know a lot of people believe it was fulfilled but the first two verses prove that it was never fulfilled.

Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst. For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; the city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

When Rome invaded Jerusalem in 65-70 AD there was nearly nothing left. Their spoil, "was not divided" and half the city did not go into captivity, and there was no 'remnant' of people that were not cut off from the city. The entire city is NOT overthrown in Zech. 14, but WAS in 70AD.

People will never convince me that Zecharia 14 is fulfilled.

Jesus gave us one very suttle clue in Mathew 24. The Western Wall will fall and that's a major 'sign' the end-times are here. Jews lay claim to the Wall, and so do the Muslims/Palestinians. It's NOW a real problem. The Palestinians want the Jews out.

So what does this have to do with Israel, the anti-Christ, and the Dome?

The wall probably falls in the next invasion of Israel. Israel will at least lose East Jerusalem and probably more. Eventually, (maybe as much as 3.5 years after the wall falls), the man of sin makes his appearance in either the Al'Aqsa mosque or the Dome area. The goal of Muslims is to make the Dome area the Islamic capital of their WORLD Caliphate.

Right Divider

Body part
I know a lot of people believe it was fulfilled but the first two verses prove that it was never fulfilled.

Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst. For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; the city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

When Rome invaded Jerusalem in 65-70 AD there was nearly nothing left. Their spoil, "was not divided" and half the city did not go into captivity, and there was no 'remnant' of people that were not cut off from the city. The entire city is NOT overthrown in Zech. 14, but WAS in 70AD.

People will never convince me that Zecharia 14 is fulfilled.

Jesus gave us one very suttle clue in Mathew 24. The Western Wall will fall and that's a major 'sign' the end-times are here. Jews lay claim to the Wall, and so do the Muslims/Palestinians. It's NOW a real problem. The Palestinians want the Jews out.

So what does this have to do with Israel, the anti-Christ, and the Dome?

The wall probably falls in the next invasion of Israel. Israel will at least lose East Jerusalem and probably more. Eventually, (maybe as much as 3.5 years after the wall falls), the man of sin makes his appearance in either the Al'Aqsa mosque or the Dome area. The goal of Muslims is to make the Dome area the Islamic capital of their WORLD Caliphate.
STP was joking, oh clueless one.


STP was joking, oh clueless one.
I realize that. But you would be surprised how many people believe it's fulfilled. It's a fruitless argument which is what I expect from you on occasion.

Hey. I feel quite honored to have made your list of undesirables. I'm in good company. I'll strive to make all four categories.

Right Divider

Body part
I realize that. But you would be surprised how many people believe it's fulfilled. It's a fruitless argument which is what I expect from you on occasion.

Hey. I feel quite honored to have made your list of undesirables. I'm in good company.
No, you're in bad company.