I see that you have no desire to attempt to refute the information on Jefferson that David Barton presented in the 25 minute video that I posted above. You are wise.
Do you wonder why, like I do, a Christian college would allow an LGBTQ activist like Warren Throckmorton to teach impressionable young minds, especially the minds of Christian youth?
Now that it's been established that Warren Throckmorton is a God-hating liberal, what else would you like to talk about?
Ah yes, well, when you use hate filled and ignorant internet sites as a basis for your beliefs. And you do have a certain fixation on sodomy, n'est pas?
So ACW, wallow in your hate, fear and ignorance. Yes, yes, anyone with with a real advanced academic degree is suspect, probably a gay or lesbian unless they toe the right wing Christian Bible thumping line. I get that. In various ways it is SOP here.
In the meantime, I will continue to accept the fact that Barton is a fraud. You will continue to believe he is a trained and knowledgeable and truthful historian with something worthwhile to say. Hey, that's what makes a horse race, right?