This isn't a very insightful bit of reasoning.
I don't think so but, let's see.
Literally everything that exists is evidence that God is real.
Of course.
Without Him, no physical entity has any explanation for why it exists.
Yes again.
Recall that I am at geology level zero for starters. I have exposed myself to a lot of stuff since this OP was written. I'd put myself at a level 0.1 or maybe 0.25 by now (a sophomore geology major would be like a level 1.00). Still not very much, but enough to now know that the fundamental difference between the biblical case for Creation and for the lack of a better term "modern" geology, is basically the Flood.
For instance modern geology's "majority report" holds that strata were formed over many millions of years, whereas HPT says they were formed pretty much within months or even just days.
HPT is the only, idk, "serious" theory of the Flood that I've found but this is due to me listening to TOLers tell me about it. I've begun to examine Mr. Bryan Nickel's treatment of Mr. Walt Brown's HPT, and I even found a video of Mr. Brown himself describing his idea. All fascinating, but especially Mr. Nickel's presentations become quite dense in geological language which leads me to seek critiques of the HPT, of which so far I have found none, and to simply look to see what modern geology says about such things.
And probably the most interesting thing I've come across so far is that modern geology admits that there were multiple gigantic floods, including the creation of the Mediterranean Sea which they claim happened all at once when the Strait of Gibraltar broke open leading to the Mediterranean all at once filling up to the level of the Atlantic Ocean. I also read where they say that Pangea was once flooded.
Along with this is geology's claim that there have been multiple extinction events.
The Flood instead suggests that there was just one gigantic flood, and that there was just one extinction event. The same event, the biblical Flood.
What I was not expecting to find was that evolution is a geological, and not a biological theory. Because it's based on the fossil record, which is contained in rocks, and rocks are the focus of the discipline of geology.
I'm just examining right now. I'm investigating. I'm taking the biblical record and the geological record and logic and trying to find the true theory, or explanation for what really happened, and, importantly, how to attack modern geology's majority report, and how to defend the true theory against attacks from modern geology.
Mr. Brown in his video mentioned I believe 25 (but it might have been 27) I believe "anomalies" with the earth that as far as he was concerned, are all unexplained or at least insufficiently explained by modern geology. I would like to know which things he's talking about.
I also am having to think about the dinosaurs. I wasn't expecting that either. I'm examining the idea that all the dinosaurs were sea creatures, though certainly they were air breathing and not fish, so like reptilian whales or dolphins. That idea just meandered into my mind when I remembered learning that geologists had concluded that such beasts as brachiosaurs probably lived their whole lives basically underwater, just living at depths where their enormous necks could extend all the way to the surface so they could breathe, and their bodies were submerged. If this is true, then why not all the other fellows also living in the water? A T. rex would just be like a shark with legs and a big tail, swimming around hunting brachiosaurs or whatever.
At any rate, this would explain why apparently no dinosaurs survived the Flood, since God in Genesis only mentioned land creatures and birds in what would perish, He never mentioned fish or any other sea creatures. So some of them extincted, and some didn't. And all the dinosaurs did.
The age of the rocks that geologists are "measuring" (they're for sure measuring something, I'm just not sure that it's age), along with the patterns of fossils found across continents and from one continent to the next, lead modern geologists to claim that there were many millions of years involved in the sedimentary formation of the strata, but it could just as easily have been a very brief event where certain organisms were the first to die, followed by other types later, etc. And if the strata were laid down quickly, capturing all sorts of corpses, in some sort of logical order, and then formed hard rock through pressure under the weight of all the sediment that ultimately did not form hard rock, this would explain those mysterious fossils that directly conflict with modern geology; the polystrates.
We still need to explain why their measurements are saying what they're saying they're saying.
And what I'm saying in the OP, though perhaps feebly or poorly, though I still contend not unreasonably, is that armed with a theory of the Flood that can 'convince a jury' (like the case for the Resurrection of Christ can), we should be able to argue the case for all of Creation just from that, and a case that does not require faith to see that it is true, at least beyond a reasonable doubt. (iow a theory that can convince a jury.)
So, if I failed, which apparently I have in the OP, this is my answer to your charge.