The Ever Present Problem of Atheism (HOF thread)

Z Man

New member
Originally posted by Kuuntz
If thats what you want to believe go ahead, I know the truth.
Are you saying you know the truth of Christianity? But I thought you said you stopped being a Christian? So which is it? Do you believe in Christianity or not? :confused:


New member
I don't believe anymore. Growing up I did, but then I came to my senses after spending too much time around people like you. I turned away from it and am now much happier.


Resident Atheist
In Z-man's little world, he does not believe that humans are capable of changing their belief systems.

I hope he never has to educate children, since education consists largely of inculcating a belief system into a young mind... ;)


New member
Zakath, you claim to be here for entertainment purposes yet all you ultimately do is ask for "proof". The proof you seek isn't here. :bang:

Z Man

New member
If you use to believe, you still do; but if you truely don't believe now, you never did... There's a difference between you knowing God, and God knowing you.... Zakath doesn't understand this.

BTW Zakath, we had a great debate going on, until Elf Man here rudely interrupted...


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Z Man
BTW Zakath, we had a great debate going on, until Elf Man here rudely interrupted...
Don't look at me, it wasn't my turn to put out the elf repellent! :chuckle:


New member
I know that, yet they keep trying, and trying, and trying...

But YOU keep asking and asking and people feel compelled to answer with something. Ask different questions, like:

1. What was your life like before you stepped aside and let God take control?

2. How have you seen God working in your life?

3. Has God answered your prayers?

4. What happenes when you turn a problem over to God compared to what happenes when you try to deal with it on your own?

5. In what ways does God speak to you?


Don't look at me, it wasn't my turn to put out the elf repellent!

Careful guys, you might hurt his 'elf-esteem'....


New member
Why not start the ball rolling by showing us your answers to those questions...?

Why not just cut to the chase and post why you think you are a better judge of my experiences than I?


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by RogerB
Why not just cut to the chase and post why you think you are a better judge of my experiences than I?
I don't know what your experiences are. Therefore I can't determine whether they are baloney or not.

I can only speak from my own experience, and my experience has been that nothing remotely supernatural, spiritual, etc. has ever happened to me, in my whole life.

As I believe I am in no way special, differing in no fundamental way from the rest of humanity, I can only conclude that the rest of humanity hasn't had any supernatural experiences either, despite their protestations to the contrary.

How do I account for the prophets of old? Starvation, dehydration, brain damage, epilepsy, ergotism, or some combination of these elements.


New member
I don't know what your experiences are. Therefore I can't determine whether they are baloney or not. And even after learning about my experiences you would be no more qualified to determine their baloney factor. To think otherwise starts you out on the wrong foot from the get go.

I can only speak from my own experience, and my experience has been that nothing remotely supernatural, spiritual, etc. has ever happened to me, in my whole life. Have you ever trusted God?

As I believe I am in no way special notice the restraint, differing in no fundamental way from the rest of humanity, I can only conclude that the rest of humanity hasn't had any supernatural experiences either, despite their protestations to the contrary. There you go again thinking that you are better able to determine the veracity of someone else's life experiences. Go to jail. Go directly to jail.

How do I account for the prophets of old? Starvation, dehydration, brain damage, epilepsy, ergotism, or some combination of these elements. Ummm...I didn't ask, but, now that you mention it, are you saying that the Old Testament prophets who correctly predicted future events were merely hungry, thirsty, etc.? Have YOU tried predicting the future lately?


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by RogerB
Have you ever trusted God?
I have no reason to trust that which, by your own admission, cannot be demonstrated to exist.
Ummm...I didn't ask, but, now that you mention it, are you saying that the Old Testament prophets who correctly predicted future events were merely hungry, thirsty, etc.?
Prophesy is vague, and always subject to interpretation. AFAIK, the bulk of those allegedly predicted events did not occur until many years later; rarely was the prophet around to say "See, I told you so!"

Given enough time, any event can be said to fulfill this or that prophesy. And ancient texts can always be altered to fit...
Have YOU tried predicting the future lately?
Why, yes, now that you mention it. Back in college, I predicted that I would successfully pound into hash a certain opponent, and do so without a scratch.

Know what? That particular prophecy was fulfilled...:chuckle:


New member
I have no reason to trust that which, by your own admission, cannot be demonstrated to exist.

You misunderstood (fancy that). You ask any Christian the 5 questions I posted earlier and you will be overwhelmed with proof. Find one to talk to in person in order to avoid word games.

the bulk of those allegedly predicted events did not occur until many years later

So there's a limit on how far out in the future Prophets can predict? :doh:

rarely was the prophet around to say "See, I told you so!"

Another new Prophet rule I never heard about.

Know what? That particular prophecy was fulfilled...

Yes, you've practically proven my point for me. With atheists like you, who needs believers? :chuckle: