Are you kidding me? Tell us how the Russia thing can't be the same on a flat earth. You never explained your ridiculous assertion.Seriously?
Tell me you're not seriously asking that question.
Are you kidding me? Tell us how the Russia thing can't be the same on a flat earth. You never explained your ridiculous assertion.Seriously?
Tell me you're not seriously asking that question.
You're wasting everyone's time. You give no explanation and no proof whatsover. The shot heard round the world proves the globe. Not that musical map.Proof the earth is a globe.
Let's see a flat earth do THAT.
That's irony, for youYou're wasting everyone's time. You give no explanation and no proof whatsover.
Has NASA admitted that their globes are photoshopped?
Why do the continents continually change size and shape?
Two agencies send up an aircraft 100 miles.
1. Shows a curve
2. Shows a flat plane
Someone is lying. I suspect it's the ones with the lens that shows a curve (Even BEFORE the launch, when curvature would be undetectable).
If someone seriously looks into flat earth, with an open mind, unemotionally, they will at least begin to have questions about a globe.
Maybe that's what flattened the earth?? :think:When the Russkies set off Tsar Bomba, the shock wave was recorded in several places as circling the world three times. Not possible on a flat plane.
Well first off... why couldn't both be true? :idunno:Again, who has the most incentive to pervert the images?
Amateurs or the agency receiving $50 million per DAY in taxpayer money?
Both cannot be true.
Genesis 1 demonstrates the earth and mankind to be centerpieces of the creation.
The current universe model we are given depicts us as a speck of sand on an endless shoreline.
I challenge you to read this post and the links therein.Galileo Was Wrong is a detailed and comprehensive treatise that demonstrates from the scientific evidence that heliocentrism (the concept that the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun) is an unproven scientific theory; and that geocentrism (the view that the Earth is in the center of the universe and does not move by either rotation or revolution) is not only supported by the scientific evidence but is admitted to be a logical and viable cosmology by many of the world's top scientists, including Albert Einstein, Ernst Mach, Edwin Hubble, Fred Hoyle and many more.
Link in Purple
Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right: Robert A. Sungenis ...
Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D. is the president of Catholic Apologetics International and is the author of many books and articles on theology, science, culture and politics. Robert J. Bennett, Ph.D. has been an instructor of physics and mathematics for many years at various academic institutions.
No, STP, the current model (not the FE model) shows the earth to be almost at the center of the universe. Scientists who reject God try to make it seem that what you said is true, that there is no center, but they're wrong.
Funnily enough, if the earth were closer to the center, or even dead-center, we wouldn't even be able to tell if there is a center.
I've explained that very, very, very few people know or have ever known the truth. Think about it, the only way you would know is if YOU went high enough or saw a REAL actual unaltered picture. Pilots are out and all commercial airline employees, nasa employees and contractors are out, satellite employees and contractors are out. Who's left? Only those with the real pics and a few alleged astronots.Well first off... why couldn't both be true? :idunno:
But in my estimation I don't see any motivation for NASA to fake their images. What's the pay off? What's the benefit to NASA in making the earth look spherical? And of course it's not just NASA it would be every other space agency in the world either governmental or private. And then there are the non-space agencies like private citizens that can do math and understand physics. There is also private industry such as commercial airline companies of all shapes and sizes, the list goes on and on and on of separate entities that would all have to be towing the same exact lie in every detail. How do all these 100's of thousands of individuals and entities communicate about this big hoax?? They gotta keep the details in line right? And all of this.... for what?
I've explained that very, very, very few people know or have ever known the truth. Think about it, the only way you would know is if YOU went high enough or saw a REAL actual unaltered picture. Pilots are out and all commercial airline employees, nasa employees and contractors are out, satellite employees and contractors are out. Who's left? Only those with the real pics and a few alleged astronots.
No, you are wrong.... all the people that had anything to do with the mission would also have to know it was a big facade. Think of all the people it would take in production, set design, location managers, and on and on and on. All of these people for every lunar mission, every mars mission, every satellite launch.... all would have to be in on the secret. It would literally be 100s of thousands of people.I've explained that very, very, very few people know or have ever known the truth. Think about it, the only way you would know is if YOU went high enough or saw a REAL actual unaltered picture.
Commercial airline pilots couldn't be left out. After all...they can see the curvature with their own eyes and they also create flight plans that factor in the coriolis effect. Not to mention the pilots that fly from S. Africa to Sydney. Remember them? These pilots fly in a flight path that's impossible on a flat earth. They would have to be instructed on how to lie to keep the flat earth a secret and make sure no one REALLY knew what their actual flight path was and how they could accomplish it with one tank of gas and in just 13 hours.Pilots are out and all commercial airline employees, nasa employees and contractors are out, satellite employees and contractors are out. Who's left? Only those with the real pics and a few alleged astronots.
No, you are wrong.... all the people that had anything to do with the mission would also have to know it was a big facade. Think of all the people it would take in production, set design, location managers, and on and on and on. All of these people for every lunar mission, every mars mission, every satellite launch.... all would have to be in on the secret. It would literally be 100s of thousands of people.
Not true about pilots seeing the curvature. If you check, I think you might find that nasa says OVER 65 miles high to see curvature. You trust them don't you?No, you are wrong.... all the people that had anything to do with the mission would also have to know it was a big facade. Think of all the people it would take in production, set design, location managers, and on and on and on. All of these people for every lunar mission, every mars mission, every satellite launch.... all would have to be in on the secret. It would literally be 100s of thousands of people.
Commercial airline pilots couldn't be left out. After all...they can see the curvature with their own eyes and they also create flight plans that factor in the coriolis effect. Not to mention the pilots that fly from S. Africa to Sydney. Remember them? These pilots fly in a flight path that's impossible on a flat earth. They would have to be instructed on how to lie to keep the flat earth a secret and make sure no one REALLY knew what their actual flight path was and how they could accomplish it with one tank of gas and in just 13 hours.
How different are Flat-Earthers from Young Earth Creationists?
Both groups reject mounds of evidence in order to shore up their beliefs. Both groups think there are conspiracies afoot...
YECs don't reject any evidence, we just interpret it differently.
Your post seems more like poisoning the well than anything, Chair. Do you have something you would like to add to the conversation? Or are you just here to bash YECs?
Indeed.Boggles the mind.