The Earth Is A Sphere According To The Bible

patrick jane

Yes, he is an "end times" false prophet: and I already watched the whole video, and I already know from other of his videos, which have been posted elsewhere around here, that he quotes and uses the Book of Enoch in other of his videos to supposedly prove some of his points. How can you think that you get to have it both ways? You tell me I am using Enoch when what I actually posted in your thread was Jude; and then you yourself believe the same guy who is quoting Enoch and distorting what is written therein so as to concoct a flat-earth model? Look up "Zen Garcia", same old bunk, same old "God's Calendar" as the other false prophet running around here predicting the tribulation in 2022 and the return of Messiah on 24th Sept 2029 because of his version of "God's Calendar". You are being swept into a big lie, (and I only hope that you will see the light before it is too late, friend).

You like conspiracies, Patrick?

"The masses are now dumbed down to the point that we can begin to seed our enemies with "conspiracy theories" and lies that will bring about their own destruction. We should begin to make tweets, facebook pages, forum threads, and boobtube videos to accomplish our purpose. Begin with the flat-earth conspiracy: the hardcore fundamentalist literalist Bible thumpers will not be able to resist, and many will latch onto it. At first a few thousand will begin to believe because of their ignorant understanding of the writings. Then millions will believe: and they will thus come to destroy themselves from within, and discredit themselves before the whole world, without us needing to lift another finger." ~ Romaneus Illuminatus Saturnalius Elius (R.I.S.E.). :chuckle:
At least we won't take the mark. :chuckle:


Well-known member
At least we won't take the mark. :chuckle:

The beast is the flesh-man: all those who walk according to the flesh already have the mark, for they walk according to the eyes and mind of the flesh-man Esau, who walked according to his belly like the serpent was cursed to do from the beginning, (for he sold his birthright for a bowl of soup to satisfy the lust of his belly). And what would you do if you found that you already have the mark on your members? (lol). Therefore if your right eye offends you, pluck out that evil shepherd, and cast him out of you: if your right hand offends you, cut off that evil shepherd, and cast him out of you. For it is better for you to enter into life with your eye being single, or being maimed and lacking those unruly members of your household, having cast those unruly members into Gehenna, rather than to keep those members and your whole body to be cast into Gehenna in the End. And when the Master of the House returns: you will surely not precede those whom you have been forced to mortify, cut-off, put to sleep, and truncate, and the Most High will restore your members and little ones of your household unto you so that they may serve in a kingdom-dominion wherein dwells only righteousness, (and they shall be priests of Elohim and His Meshiah, Rev20:6). :chuckle:


People who are working at NASA are mostly highly educated scientists.

Why do they join in conspiracy?

It is just outrageous to think they lie about what they are doing.

I am just using my common sense.

You don't need to research to figure out what is going on.

just my two cents.


Well-known member
Lol, I was trying to let you have the last word, and leave it at that, but apparently you were not happy with that alone and had to have the last laugh also. Suit yourself Watcher. :)

I was actually laughing more along with you than at you because as part of the human condition we all judge one another all the time, we can't help it and at the moment we judge, we think we are right (even if later we realise we weren't). That's why I was laughing?


Well-known member
I was actually laughing more along with you than at you because as part of the human condition we all judge one another all the time, we can't help it and at the moment we judge, we think we are right (even if later we realise we weren't). That's why I was laughing?

Why is there a question mark at the very end of your comments? You are not sure why you were laughing? What you said was hilarious because you keep complaining about being judged: but when it was brought up how you yourself are continually judging others, your reply was that you judge correctly, as if that makes it okay for you to judge others but not okay for those whom you judge and accuse to throw your accusations back into your face.

Again, :rotfl: :chuckle:

patrick jane

Why is there a question mark at the very end of your comments? You are not sure why you were laughing? What you said was hilarious because you keep complaining about being judged: but when it was brought up how you yourself are continually judging others, your reply was that you judge correctly, as if that makes it okay for you to judge others but not okay for those whom you judge and accuse to throw your accusations back into your face.

Again, :rotfl: :chuckle:
We already have a guy named [MENTION=4108]Judge Rightly[/MENTION]


Literal lunatic
You like conspiracies, Patrick?

"The masses are now dumbed down to the point that we can begin to seed our enemies with "conspiracy theories" and lies that will bring about their own destruction. We should begin to make tweets, facebook pages, forum threads, and boobtube videos to accomplish our purpose. Begin with the flat-earth conspiracy: the hardcore fundamentalist literalist Bible thumpers will not be able to resist, and many will latch onto it. At first a few thousand will begin to believe because of their ignorant understanding of the writings. Then millions will believe: and they will thus come to destroy themselves from within, and discredit themselves before the whole world, without us needing to lift another finger." ~ Romaneus Illuminatus Saturnalius Elius (R.I.S.E.). :chuckle:

Guaranteed to backfire.


Well-known member
Guaranteed to backfire.

Au contraire, do you suppose the following source does not have a rather extremely large budget so as to produce a two hour online movie of this magnitude? And perhaps Patrick might know who this is, but even after going to the advertised blog I cannot seem to find any real information about the author or authors: which is all fine and understandable, until you realize the impact such productions are having on the minds of those around you, even right here in this forum, not to mention all over the web, (and the target audience is Bible-believing Christianity).

AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)Chapters:
1. The Ancient Conflict
2. A New Nation 11:00
3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30
4. The Quantum Deception 25:49
5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09
6. The Power of the Air 51:27
7. New Age "Zience" 1:12:33
8. Oracles of the Technium 1:28:27
9. The Templum Defiled 1:42:10
10. The Choice 1:47:53

Just listen to the calm, soothing, authoritative sounding voice of reason coming from the narrator: this is not some loose nut go-it-alone hans-solo internet video pusher.

Big Money I tell ya, Big, Big, All-Seeing-Eye-of-Horus Money . . . :chuckle:


Literal lunatic
Au contraire, do you suppose the following source does not have a rather extremely large budget so as to produce a two hour online movie of this magnitude? And perhaps Patrick might know who this is, but even after going to the advertised blog I cannot seem to find any real information about the author or authors: which is all fine and understandable, until you realize the impact such productions are having on the minds of those around you, even right here in this forum, not to mention all over the web, (and the target audience is Bible-believing Christianity).

Just listen to the calm, soothing, authoritative sounding voice of reason coming from the narrator: this is not some loose nut go-it-alone hans-solo internet video pusher.

Big Money I tell ya, Big, Big, All-Seeing-Eye-of-Horus Money . . . :chuckle:

Yeah, I don't worry 'bout em and no need to wrap my head in tin foil. lol


Well-known member
Why is there a question mark at the very end of your comments? You are not sure why you were laughing? What you said was hilarious because you keep complaining about being judged: but when it was brought up how you yourself are continually judging others, your reply was that you judge correctly, as if that makes it okay for you to judge others but not okay for those whom you judge and accuse to throw your accusations back into your face.

Again, :rotfl: :chuckle:

I think that was a typo?
