The Corrosion of Conservatism

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
This Thread is absolutely ridiculous. Conservatism represents Liberty, the intent of the founding fathers which is limited government. And the general policies of low taxes, freedom from the burden of government regulation, and a strong defense. Liberalism and today's Democratic socialism represent the opposite of all those things, massive government, control of your life, massive regulation, and even telling you what you're allowed to think and say lest you be labeled a racist or a hate monger or some other label that they use to control speech. Liberalism is the embodiment of evil today. Conservatism is the embodiment of freedom and liberty

The person who started this thread is an established prevaricator. You can count on everything she says being the exact OPPOSITE of the truth.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.........Conservatism represents Liberty, the intent of the founding fathers which is limited government. And the general policies of low taxes, freedom from the burden of government regulation, and a strong defense. Liberalism and today's Democratic socialism represent the opposite of all those things, massive government, control of your life, massive regulation, and even telling you what you're allowed to think and say lest you be labeled a racist or a hate monger or some other label that they use to control speech. Liberalism is the embodiment of evil today. Conservatism is the embodiment of freedom and liberty

So what's you're definition then, if you think his is so funny?


Well-known member
LOL...Conservatives say they believe in the Constitution, limited government, federalism, free enterprise, individual freedom, private property, and the free market. But, of course, this means absolutely nothing since they say they believe in these things even when their actions show that they don’t believe in any of them.


I wasn't talking about what conservatives say or do I was talking about conservatism. Conservatism. That was my definition of conservatism. And like the guy said, if you think it's so funny then what's your definition of conservatism


Well-known member
C.S. Lewis had it right: “Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”


Well-known member
I wasn't talking about what conservatives say or do I was talking about conservatism. Conservatism. That was my definition of conservatism. And like the guy said, if you think it's so funny then what's your definition of conservatism

Double tongued post...not surprised though.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Bottom line, CC and TrumpTrain, same person or not, are both statists as is most of the country, whether Left or matter.

Dude, I listen to Mark Levin every day and I know what a statist is and I know that you are full of crap. At least Levin had the sense to come around and embrace Trump after seeing his performance. You are still stuck on your stupid anti-Trumpism. Wake up. Trump is doing a great job and you never-Trumpers have been swept into the dust bin.


Well-known member
Dude, I listen to Mark Levin every day and I know what a statist is and I know that you are full of crap. At least Levin had the sense to come around and embrace Trump after seeing his performance. You are still stuck on your stupid anti-Trumpism. Wake up. Trump is doing a great job and you never-Trumpers have been swept into the dust bin.

Mark Levin? :rotfl:


Well-known member
Dude, I listen to Mark Levin every day and I know what a statist is and I know that you are full of crap. At least Levin had the sense to come around and embrace Trump after seeing his performance. You are still stuck on your stupid anti-Trumpism. Wake up. Trump is doing a great job and you never-Trumpers have been swept into the dust bin.

Ok CC, tell me please...what's a statist?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ok CC, tell me please...what's a statist?

Are you trying to test me? Statism, Progressivism, Socialism, its all a matter of centralized government control, both socially and economically. You calling me a statist is just the height of ignorance, not too surprising.

Now here is my question to you: How do you rate Ronald Reagan as a president.


Well-known member
Are you trying to test me?

Actually, i'm trying to have a converstation with two Trump worshippers.

Statism, Progressivism, Socialism, its all a matter of centralized government control, both socially and economically. You calling me a statist is just the height of ignorance, not too surprising.

While your definition is ok, kinda beating around the bush, me calling you a statist is spot on.

Now here is my question to you: How do you rate Ronald Reagan as a president.

Reagen was ok. He had his own issues....My favorite speech of all time was in 63 I think it was...sad he did an 180 from that by the time he became President.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.......Reagen was ok. He had his own issues....My favorite speech of all time was in 63 I think it was...sad he did an 180 from that by the time he became President.

If you rate Reagan as "okay" then you should at least rate Trump as "good" since his cabin because everyone has said that Trump has been the most conservative president to come down the pike in modern times. His staff is more conservative than Reagan's and his policies too. And on top of all that, he punches back against the Left and the media like no Republican I have ever seen. That may not be conservative but by God is it refreshing and about time.

me calling you a statist is spot on

Only if you're on crack. If I am a statist then Reagan is a statist


Well-known member
Sorry, what? Antithetical?


Sorry my friend, but that attachment doesn't impress me.

As I was saying to CC and TrumpTrain, conservatism today is all about statism. That's just the plain truth. No different in premise to liberalism. You know the saying. "Two wings of the same bird..."


Well-known member
If you rate Reagan as "okay" then you should at least rate Trump as "good" since his cabin because everyone has said that Trump has been the most conservative president to come down the pike in modern times. His staff is more conservative than Reagan's and his policies too. And on top of all that, he punches back against the Left and the media like no Republican I have ever seen. That may not be conservative but by God is it refreshing and about time.

I dont hate the guy CC..I just wish we had candidate Trump in office and not the Trump currently sitting in the Whitehouse...


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Sorry my friend, but that attachment doesn't impress me.

Sorry, but going against the very definition of a word isn't logical, Doc.

Merriam Webster:

2b: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change
specifically: such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (such as retirement income or health-care coverage)

You can't change the meaning of a word just because it goes against your beliefs.

As I was saying to CC and TrumpTrain, conservatism today is all about statism.

What people call "conservatism" today generally is NOT conservatism. Calling it such is dishonest at best, and intentionally misleading.

That's just the plain truth. No different in premise to liberalism. You now the saying two wings of the same bird...

Actually, no, I don't know that saying.

What I do know is that actual conservatism and liberalism are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

What you are calling conservatism isn't.
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