The Corrosion of Conservatism

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blunt honesty based on established dictionary definitions?

You really have no clue do you?

i believe i covered that:
...calling them "immigrants" is a slander against those immigrants who follow the legal process...

"Illegal" is not sufficient to convey your deep concern for legal immigrants? Why's that?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


pretty sure i nailed it:
Tell me exactly what you "nailed".

iow, i used words that triggered you and you're responding emotionally

go find a puppy to hug, curl up in a little ball and suck your thumb for a while, you'll feel better.

Yes, you use strategic words to trigger!
You're beginning hit the "nail" on the head!




trump declared no such thing

in fact, trump has been very supportive of Mexican immigrants, and mooslim immigrants and immigrants of all stripes

what trump was talking about that Boot (and annabananahead) misrepresent are criminal mexicans who break the law to invade our country

calling them "immigrants" is a slander against those immigrants who follow the legal process

call them what they are - criminal invaders

and too many of those criminal invaders are indeed rapists
These are the same Mexican "illegals" that Trump was only too willing to employ at his resorts and golf courses!

Only 5 of Trump's 565 companies signed up to use E-Verify which is widely considered to be the government’s best tool when it comes to identifying illegal immigrants in the workforce1

If "The Donald" didn't know that he was employing "illegals," it was because it was in his best financial interest to remain wilfully ignorant!
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Well-known member
Workplaces today rely upon the I-9, a document designed to be easy to use and simple to fill out, to verify one's citizenship or legal employability status. President Trump is not in charge of hiring but those under Him who are may have overlooked parts of the document's instructions or missed the fake forms they were given. It's called: plausible deniability. You're reaching if you think that he's a fraud, on any level. He's the real deal. He's our President. Will be for six more years. :thumb:


Well-known member
My grade school English teacher would have deducted 30 points from his paper for over-use of the exclamation point. It's just like today's media, they cry and complain so much it becomes worthless. They need to re-read the story of the boy that cried, "Wolf!"


Workplaces today rely upon the I-9, a document designed to be easy to use and simple to fill out, to verify one's citizenship or legal employability status. President Trump is not in charge of hiring but those under Him who are may have overlooked parts of the document's instructions or missed the fake forms they were given. It's called: plausible deniability. You're reaching if you think that he's a fraud, on any level. He's the real deal. He's our President. Will be for six more years. :thumb:
1) Donald Trump was notorious for his "hands on" management style - given that 5 of his 565 companies actually used "E-Verify," its inconceivable that neither he, his family members and/or senior management of the other 560 companies were unaware of its existence!

2) If Trump actually thought that "illegal immigrants" constituted a genuine threat to the safety of American citizens, the logical response to ensure the well-being of his own patrons would have been to make it company policy that all non-citizen employees have their status confirmed through "E-Verify!"

3) Apparently Trump supporters never tire of participating in this "cottage industry" of inventing more and more "implacable" excuses to rationalize the behaviour of this President.

4) Given that this President is on track to surpass the 10,000 Pinocchios mark since taking office, the most logical explanation would be that based on financial expediency, he made a deliberate decision to look the other way and allow his companies to hire "illegals!"
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My grade school English teacher would have deducted 30 points from his paper for over-use of the exclamation point. It's just like today's media, they cry and complain so much it becomes worthless. They need to re-read the story of the boy that cried, "Wolf!"
There isn't an English teacher in America that would deduct 30% of the final mark based on the "over-use of the exclamation point!"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
1) Donald Trump was notorious for his "hands on" management style - given that 5 of his 565 companies actually used "E-Verify," its inconceivable that neither he, his family members and/or senior management of the other 560 companies were unaware of its existence!

2) If Trump actually thought that "illegal immigrants" constituted a genuine threat to the safety of American citizens, the logical response to ensure the well-being of his own patrons would have been to make it company policy that all non-citizen employees have their status confirmed through "E-Verify!"

3) Apparently Trump supporters never tire of participating in this "cottage industry" of inventing more and more "implacable" excuses to rationalize the behaviour of this President.

4) Given that this President is on track to surpass the 10,000 Pinocchios mark since taking office, the most logical explanation would be that based on financial expediency, he made a deliberate decision to look the other way and allow his companies to hire "illegals!"

that sounds like grounds for impeachment - go for it!


like marbles on glass
Trump Is Considering Deputizing the Military as a Civilian Police Force. That Is Terrifying.

The Donald Trump presidency, marked by cruelty, corruption, and disdain for the rule of law, has been disastrous for our democracy. If there is one silver lining, it is this: Trump’s abuses have exposed weaknesses in our laws and institutions that were previously hidden and which we can now begin to try to fix. We learned about one such weakness in February, when Trump relied on the National Emergencies Act to commandeer funding Congress had specifically denied for the construction of a border wall. The latest such legal loophole is another emergency power that could enable the president to turn the military into his own immigration police force.

According to a report in the Daily Caller last week, the Trump administration is considering invoking the Insurrection Act to give federal troops the power to detain and remove undocumented immigrants in the United States, acting essentially as Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. The White House, when asked about the option last week, refused to rule it out.

If Trump follows through on this plan, it would be a staggering abuse of authority, on par with the president’s declaration of a “national emergency” to build the border wall. In both cases, the president seeks to harness an authority clearly intended for the most dire and unusual of circumstances to deal with a long-standing issue that does not come close to posing an urgent or overwhelming threat. In both cases, the president’s goal is not to avert a catastrophe, but to score political points with his base and consolidate his own power.

The Insurrection Act is an exception to the general rule, enshrined in the Posse Comitatus Act, that presidents may not use the military as a domestic police force. Posse comitatus, in the words of one former Defense Department official, reflects “one of the clearest political traditions in Anglo-American history: that using military power to enforce the civilian law is harmful to both civilian and military interests.” Deploying soldiers as police officers not only violates democratic sensibilities; it increases the risk that interactions with civilians could go disastrously wrong, as armed forces are not trained in conducting law enforcement activities.

Gary K

New member
So, by your logic those that cross the border illegally are - by default - branded as rapist, while those who cross via proper channels are pure of heart?

That's one simple minded thought process.
Do you get out much?

LOL. So, you come up with a straw man, defeat the straw man, and think you've won a point. The only point you won by doing that is the point of making yourself look dishonest.

Gary K

New member
These are the same Mexican "illegals" that Trump was only too willing to employ at his resorts and golf courses!

Only 5 of Trump's 565 companies signed up to use E-Verify which is widely considered to be the government’s best tool when it comes to identifying illegal immigrants in the workforce1

If "The Donald" didn't know that he was employing "illegals," it was because it was in his best financial interest to remain wilfully ignorant!

Hey jgarden. I have a suggestion for you. I think you ought to just walk across the border into Mexico without a passport, visa, etc... set up housekeeping, and see what happens to you with your first interaction with the cops there. You'll get tossed in jail for being an illegal alien. Same with basically every other country in the world. Maybe a better idea is to try that with some of the socialist utopias like Cuba, Venezuala, China, etc... and see what how many years you'll spend in prison. You will not be met with open arms and big hugs for violating their laws concerning immigration.

Here's link on what it takes to get into Cuba. Notice that you can't just float over on a boat, swim to shore and do what you please. If you try it you've liable to get hit with some pretty severe penalties such as jail time and then deportation. You must enter the country legally. You must have a passport and visa of some type. And you can only stay so long without running afoul of their laws, and once again face jail time and then deportation for violating their laws.

You socialists are pure idiots.


LOL. So, you come up with a straw man, defeat the straw man, and think you've won a point. The only point you won by doing that is the point of making yourself look dishonest.

LOL. So, I came up with a straw man, defeated the straw man then asked a simple-minded doser if he got out much.

Since, he didn't answer....I'll ask you because you don't seem to get out much either. Correct?


This Thread is absolutely ridiculous. Conservatism represents Liberty, the intent of the founding fathers which is limited government. And the general policies of low taxes, freedom from the burden of government regulation, and a strong defense. Liberalism and today's Democratic socialism represent the opposite of all those things, massive government, control of your life, massive regulation, and even telling you what you're allowed to think and say lest you be labeled a racist or a hate monger or some other label that they use to control speech. Liberalism is the embodiment of evil today. Conservatism is the embodiment of freedom and liberty
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