The corporatist , globalist mainstream media


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For one day, February 21, 2017: MSNBC received 1,405,694 views and the Global Total was 1,571,080 views

For one day, February 23, 2017, the Drudge Report received 28,619,880 views from U.S. and the Global total was 30,011,918.

Who is Matt Drudge? In age he is probably older than Alex Jones, but younger than most of the short wave patriot broadcasters of the nineties.

"Matthew Nathan "Matt" Drudge (born October 28, 1966) is an American political commentator and the creator and editor of the Drudge Report, a news aggregator."

"Drudge met Andrew Breitbart in Los Angeles during the 1990s and became his mentor, with Breitbart later helping to run the Drudge Report."

"From June 1998 to November 1999, Drudge hosted a Saturday night television show called Drudge on the Fox News Channel."

"Drudge gained notice in the early 2000s by becoming a frequent reference for news material on Limbaugh's, Sean Hannity's, and Mark Levin's radio shows. He was often acknowledged by Michael Savage as a source of topics for The Savage Nation."

"In 2006, Time named Drudge one of the 100 most influential people in the world."

"Drudge, described as a conservative populist by The Daily Telegraph, describes himself as free from corporate influences."

"In 1998, Drudge said that his politics are "libertarian except for drugs and abortion".[35] In a 2005 interview with The Sunday Times Drudge described his politics "I'm not a right-wing Republican. I'm a conservative and want to pay less taxes. And I did vote Republican at the last election. But I'm more of a populist"

It is very, very interesting that wikipedia fails to mention that Matt Drudge in the nineties gained popularity by exposing some of the Bill Clinton scandals. Drudge was risking being called "politically incorrect" by the Leftist Journalists for bringing attention to a Bill Clinton scandal.

See, for example,

"Drudge says Newsweek sitting on Lewinsky story, Jan. 17, 1998........On this day in 1998, the Drudge Report carried an item on its website alleging that Newsweek magazine was sitting on a story exposing an affair between President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year-old White House intern. "

Drudge in recent years rarely appears on the shows of others and there are relatively few photos of him. But on October 6, 2015 Matt Drudge appeared on Infowars and talked about some information he had received from a Justice of the Supreme Court.
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Hall of Fame
It fits as to who really tries to silence speech.

Unhinged Town Hall Attendees Shout Down Louisiana Chaplain Praying in the Name of Jesus
METAIRIE, La. — Some attendees of a town hall meeting in Metairie, Louisiana came unhinged on Wednesday as they shouted down a chaplain who sought to present a prayer in the name of Jesus.

According to reports, members of a group called Indivisible, which opposes President Trump, attended the town hall meeting led by Republican U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, just as many liberal protesters have been doing in recent weeks across the country.

An overflow crowd packed the East Jefferson Parish Library, far exceeding the expected 100 participants that usually turn out for town hall events. The gathering wasn’t supposed to start until 3:30 p.m., but some arrived as early as 11:30 a.m. and waited for several hours for their chance to vent.

Cassidy had scheduled the meeting to talk to constituents about issues such as healthcare, the economy and immigration, and the crowd was even more wound up as the senator didn’t arrive until near 4 p.m. due to spending the afternoon surveying tornado damage in New Orleans.

However, when Louisiana State Chaplain Michael Sprague of the Capitol Commission of Louisiana announced that he would be opening the gathering with prayer, the room became especially raucous as some in attendance began yelling loudly in opposition, “Prayer?!” and “Separation of Church and State!”

After pausing a moment in surveying the chaos in the room, Sprague began to pray, still being interrupted by protesters who talked through the invocation.

The gathering seemed to quiet down to an extent after several seconds, but as he spoke the words “We pray in Jesus’ name,” the room again erupted in loud shouts of disapproval. Sprague recalled to Christianity Today that there were exclamations of “Lucifer” and that some referred to him as a Nazi.

“Thanks for doing that, Mike,” Cassidy said in taking the podium. “Wow, they booed the name of Jesus.”

The chaplain told conservative reporter Todd Starnes that he’s never been in a situation where he’s seen such disrespect for the things of the Lord.

“I’ve never been shouted down throughout a time of prayer like that,” he stated. “I’ve never been in a situation like that. It’s sad there wasn’t honor and respect for God.”

The shouting continued as a local veteran took the podium to present the Pledge of Allegiance. Video footage shows that a number of attendees refused to stand and yelled throughout the recitation. One woman slapped her legs angrily several times, and another called out “Get on with it (the meeting)!”

The protesters “were terribly intolerant, and those that say they want dialogue, didn’t want dialogue. They only wanted to shout,” Cassidy told reporters. “There were Americans who wanted to exercise their First Amendment rights, but also there were some there to make a scene no matter which way they find them.”

Sprague said that he is not upset that he was shouted down at the town hall meeting, but finds the reaction to be indicative of “the move that is occurring spiritually in our country and our need for a spiritual awakening.”

“People ask me all the time if I am mad at the people seemingly speaking out against God and Jesus. My answer is that I’m not mad, but I am sad that it has come to this in our country,” he outlined.

“We need to remember that Jesus has been booed many, many times and He will be booed again,” Sprague noted. “But when I was praying in the name of Jesus, I was not praying a political prayer or a religious prayer; I was simply praying in the name of a very real person named Jesus who says to love your enemies, care for the poor, and turn the other cheek.”

They are showing the condition of their hearts.


I bet that statement makes no sense to a liberal.

Sure it makes sense...he simply pines for the good old days when power was unquestionably the exclusive province of white male-dom....which both he likely represents thus ego, bias and nostalgia all gather to form one rosy revision of the past.


New member
Hall of Fame
Sure it makes sense...he simply pines for the good old days when power was unquestionably the exclusive province of white male-dom....which both he likely represents thus ego, bias and nostalgia all gather to form one rosey revision of the past.

You just showed you dont understand what he said at all. Liberals are completely out of touch with reality.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
perhaps i misunderstood - when you have hate filled people like the kkk or the black panthers, how are you proposing to silence them?


perhaps i misunderstood - when you have hate filled people like the kkk or the black panthers, how are you proposing to silence them?

You can't, thus you attempt to silence their message...hinder the proliferation of their brand of hate. There's no magic pill.

Are you still confused?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You can't, thus you attempt to silence their message...hinder the proliferation of their brand of hate. There's no magic pill.

Are you still confused?


how do you propose to "silence their message"?


New member
Hall of Fame
You can't, thus you attempt to silence their message...hinder the proliferation of their brand of hate. There's no magic pill.

Are you still confused?

So what you are saying is, silence them if you dont like the message by fake news, and falsely calling them racist supremecists, bigots, haters etc... so only what you think matters, right?