The corporatist , globalist mainstream media


The point I'm trying to make is that this country will never be put back on the right track as long as the established media that is controlled by six companies and nefarious foreign countries is deligitimized in the minds of the people and an honest replacement is found.

Also, people need to think for themselves and value liberty or there will be happy to do their thinking for them.

Should we gas the lot...? Or simply jail them?


New member
The point I'm trying to make is that this country will never be put back on the right track as long as the established media that is controlled by six companies and nefarious foreign countries is deligitimized in the minds of the people and an honest replacement is found.

Also, people need to think for themselves and value liberty or there will be happy to do their thinking for them.

Wanting to make America great again - what ever it is that means to YOU - is by itself no gurantee that who we trust to lead that, will; just because we want them to, and or so want them to that we end up blind to what ever makes it clear as day, that is not what they are doing.

I'm curious; what last period of U.S. history do you view as America Great, what Great is it you view, and why?

Personally, I see pockets of that throughout the various Presidencies - more in some areas than in other areas, and more under some Presidencies, over others.

And that really is all...relative to what one individual or another considers -Great.


New member
Someone listened to Bannon's speech at CPAC.

Bannon's a smart guy. He's nuts, and he's a crypto-Nazi, but he's smart. For instance, he knows that you can talk about this stuff without specifically naming the Jews, and the people who want to hear that message will hear it, while maintaining plausible deniability on anti-Semitism. See: SOD.

Are you counting Fox as one of them?

I'm not going to tell you that there are no problem with commercialized news sources. But most of these news outlets are basically honest. Trump and Bannon attack the news because they are a challenge to their authority and (mostly false) narratives.

The Internet has provided a plethora of media options, and lowered dramatically the barriers to entry. And you know what happened? They're almost all worse than the mainstream media. From TYT and HuffPo on the left, to Glenn Beck on the right, to Breitbart on the Nazi end of the spectrum, and Alex Jones on the lunatic end, they all mostly eschew ordinary journalistic standards, and operate on shoestring budgets, and in some cases they just scream crazy into a microphone. And it's turned out to be a really easy place for organized political movements, from all over the world, to push an agenda covertly and deceptively. And it's undermined the mainstream media, because it draws the critical funding that used to power important investigative journalism in this country.

You know what he skips? Any evaluation at all of the integrity of any of the outlets that he's maligning. He just points to highly consolidated ownership, and smears them as some sort of cabal with absolutely no evidence. When there were only five TV networks, local print papers, and no cable, and no Internet, the TV news always lost money, and the papers could fund their activities by subscription fees, and therefore worked for their subscribers. The networks treated running a news department as a cost of being in the business. And we were all better off. All of these sources have been badly undermined by the proliferation of fact-free alternative sources that face no requirements of honesty. Like Breitbart.

Boil your tirade down to fewer than 10 short points. List the points you think you refuted.


New member
Wanting to make America great again - what ever it is that means to YOU - is by itself no gurantee that who we trust to lead that, will; just because we want them to, and or so want them to that we end up blind to what ever makes it clear as day, that is not what they are doing.

I'm curious; what last period of U.S. history do you view as America Great, what Great is it you view, and why?

Personally, I see pockets of that throughout the various Presidencies - more in some areas than in other areas, and more under some Presidencies, over others.

And that really is all...relative to what one individual or another considers -Great.

Jefferson through to T.Roosevelt.






United Kingdom










US judicial system

American Intelligence Community (FBI, CIA, NSA)

America's teachers

American environmentalists

African Americans

20+ million Americans dependent on Obamacare

American Jews

America's immigrants

American farmers dependent on migrant labor

American "sanctuary" cities

18 000 psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health workers

Silicon Valley, high tech industries

minority Senate/House leader

Republican and Democrat election officials - outraged that Trump has accused them of allowing 3 million illegal ballots

Trump has now added the "The corporatist, globalist mainstream media," the enemies of the American people, to his long enemies list - and its only 5 weeks into his Administration.

A president only gets to "burn so many bridges" before he finds that he is surrounded by enemies and the disapproval of the American people!


I said your people.... not the media. For example, the lunatic prof from NYU.

Ahhhh yes, that prof that single-handedly bought down that hate speaker :chuckle:

That must really stick in your mention it every chance given...yes?


New member
Jefferson through to T.Roosevelt.

You actually want that UNJUST America back?

Not to mention that MUCH of THAT manufacturing is gone FOREVER.

You know anyone who still runs a Pin Ball Machine building factory, etc.?

Might as well go back to when millions of Blacksmiths found themselves crying "Not Fair!" as advances in technology - the invention of the Automobile - gradually WIPED OUT their "jobs."

I say gradually let the underdeveloped countries get all the various manual jobs that don't need to be done here as we at the same time gradually demand our work force get educated in technologies of the future.

THAT is EXACTLY what happened in many sectors of America, but in such an imbalanced way that many were left out in the cold.

Though, obviously many are set in their old ways.

The moral of the story being that unless such adjust, they leave themselves open to being wiped out again.

You know any huge force of blue collar workers still servicing the thousands upon thousands of street corner pay phones that once populated our good ol U.S. of A.?

Already, we're not too far away from technology that in several years time will practically wipe out millions of Trucker jobs, as automatic pilot systems move more and more to the forefront.

Heck, the late 1950's movie "The Fly" pointed to this potentially world wide jobs "disaster" within the huge, huge, huge transporation industry at all levels of transportation.

And thus far, scientists have already come up with something like that (though all they have been able to de-materialize in one space, and re-materialize in another, has been a laser beam).

Take two Ma and Pa stores (what's left of them after Walmart's underhanded political corruption).

One store continues business as usual.

The other store sends their two boys off two college.

They come home, and using their hard earned Marketing Degrees, completely revitalize how mom and pop attract business.

The other store is left with either doing something similar or...with changing their product line or some other response.

As you well know, this is exactly what has happened that has resulted in huge mega so called "churches."

(No, I do not agree with the mega-church concept; that is not my point)

Anyway, one of them that I once visted had a good 150 hundred people or so on their payroll for that location alone; which included an indoor Burger King; a Subway; a Bookstore, and so on.

All the result of an education beyond High School.

This is happening all over America, in all sorts of industries.

Sorry bro, but Trump is too back woods Archie Bunker "goils were goils, and men were men" Blue Collar manufacturing mentality what a new Great America desperately needs.

We're facing ever increaseing, world wide technological competition.

In fact, an aspect of the model I am suggesting has also had long, great success in China, and say, in South Korea.

Though they also have left their "little guy" behind.

Guess where they have left them behind?

In manufacturing jobs that an advance in technology can wipe out overnight.


New member
You actually want that UNJUST America back?. . Danoh

Greatness is far more than one attribute. Whatever unjustness was there pales in significance to the overall greatness of that period and to the weakness and evil of the past 50 years.


New member
It's true. This generation thinks it's moral because it put a bandaid on old problems. We became proud and forgot what actually made America a place to come to. Without those attributes, we would have ceased to exist early on.

Here is one industry from that link I am glad was wiped out...

Even the Nazis did not stoop to selling souvenirs of Auschwitz, but lynching scenes became a burgeoning subdepartment of the postcard industry. By 1908, the trade had grown so large, and the practice of sending postcards featuring the victims of mob murderers had become so repugnant, that the U.S. Postmaster General banned the cards from the mails.

"Good Christian People..."