The corporatist , globalist mainstream media


New member
They will continue to fight trump tooth and nail because of his nationalist, mainstream agenda. You want your country back without a fight from the globalists? Never gonna happen. Six companies own the entire mainstream media and rich foreign leaders own stock in these companies too. The media are just foot soldiers or cogs in this well oiled machine. They are indoctrinated into left-wing thinking at the journalism schools and their own superior morality to flyover country is part of that indoctrination. Bannon does a good job describing the situation in the following article:


New member
it's the jews

Did crucible hijack dosers account?

Actually,if there are a disproportionate number of Jews running these companies , then the reason is coincidental. They are God's chosen people and as a result, they rise to the top in all important areas of society. It isn't nefarious; it's just the way it worked out.


New member
They were God's chosen people during the Old Covenant, but now all the elect, no matter what their DNA, are God's chosen people.

But this statement is true: "They are indoctrinated into left-wing thinking at the journalism schools." "They" are not the Jews but most journalists of the corporate. globalist dinosaur media. Left-wing thinking is Transformational Marxism coming out of the Frankfurt School and to some extent the Alinsky brand of Marxism.


"To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

The "School" above is the Frankfurt School, many of whom came to the U.S. in the thirties to escape Nazi Germany. Political Correctness came out of the ideology of the Frankfurt School.

Here are a few of the recommendations by the followers of the Frankfurt School:

"The creation of racism offences.

Continual change to create confusion

Huge immigration to destroy identity.

Dependency on the state or state benefits

Control and dumbing down of media

Encouraging the breakdown of the family"

Control over and the dumbing down of journalists is said in this article to have been a goal of the elite for the followers of Political Correctness. Control over the mainstream Journalists by the ruling elite has been achieved, and the result is that almost all of them say what the elite want them to say. But - dumbing them down could very well have backfired.

In their dumbed down condition they lost the 2016 election and Trump rather than Hillary got elected. The elite themselves may be dumbed down in some ways because they backed Hillary. And the corporate and financial ruling elite failed to understand how what Michael Savage calls the "Eddies," the masses of working class men, came to vote for Trump. The elite had the university people in their hands, but failed to understand that Trump was appealing to the Eddies. Somehow the controlled journalists of the dinosaur media forgot about these guys, and the Eddies woke up a bit.


New member
The point I'm trying to make is that this country will never be put back on the right track as long as the established media that is controlled by six companies and nefarious foreign countries is deligitimized in the minds of the people and an honest replacement is found.

Also, people need to think for themselves and value liberty or there will be happy to do their thinking for them.


New member
There are some facts available on the Internet, in addition to all the opinion. Though its not "science," there are reports available on the number of viewers and listeners to television and talk radio for both the corporate globalist dinosaur media, the Alternative Media, to some extent, and pro-Trump talk radio hosts. Except for Fox News, the number of viewers of the old TV media have dropped considerably. The viewers of the Drudge Report for February 23, 2017 was over 30 million worldwide. In contrast, for one day, February 21, 2017: MSNBC television received a global total of 1,405, 694 views.

Matt Drudge reports on other Internet sites and gives links to them. He was a link from the patriot short wave broadcasters of the nineties to the Alternative Media of the last few years who helped Trump to become President.

This is a big reason why - if major national elections can be kept honest and the rule of law can be kept mostly in place and the military continues to be highly populated with patriots - there is a chance to defeat the drive of the elite to a totalitarian world government and a collectivist society.
September 21, 2016, "According to TheWrap, Fox News finished number one in the number of total day viewers for 11 of the past 12 weeks, including for the week of September 12. MSNBC and CNN failed to crack the Top 10 networks among total day viewers, with MSNBC drawing in 656,000 viewers and CNN with 651,000 compared to Fox’s 1.4 million. Combined, MSNBC and CNN garnered 1.3 million viewers."

Fox News is less hostile to Trump and his supporters than MSNBC and CNN.

For one day, February 21, 2017: MSNBC received 1,405,694 views and the Global Total was 1,571,080 views

There is no data for CNN.

Fox News "Profile Not Quantified"

So I have only the MSNBC views by day to compare with the Alternative Media traffic, such as the Drudge Report, Infowars

For one day, February 23, 2017, the Drudge Report received 28,619,880 views from U.S. and the Global total was 30,011,918.

For one day, February 14, 2017 Infowars received 384,832 U.S. views and their Global Total was 495,731

Breitbart News traffic is not reported on Quantcast. But see :

"August 18, 2016 "But then in June of 2015, the same month Trump announced that he would run for president, the site (Breitbart News) saw an uptick — it was read by 5.7 percent of the general news audience and went on to take a full 6 percent in July. By November it was at 7.8 percent. Last month, Breitbart traffic was at 9 percent of the market, with 18 millions visitors."

Then there are the pro-Trump talk radio hosts, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. See:

This data is from June 2016.

Rush Limbaugh - 22.65+ million per week

Sean Hannity - 13+ million per week

Michael Savage - 5.25+ million per week


New member
Northwy said " there is a chance to defeat the drive of the elite to a totalitarian world government and a collectivist society."

Let's hope you're right. The biggest challenge is getting people to realize what's going on.


New member
Northwy said " there is a chance to defeat the drive of the elite to a totalitarian world government and a collectivist society."

Let's hope you're right. The biggest challenge is getting people to realize what's going on.

Yeah - that "the elite to a totalitarian world government and a collectivist society" has merely been replaced by another of the same basic kind but this time; on the steroid narcissism of its' ever need to preen; golden haired poster boy.


New member
it's the jews

It's the extreme that is the Right and its' fraud (when it's not the extreme that is the Left and its' fraud).

Speaking of the extreme Left's own latest attempt - Tom Perez - talk about one - more - fraud.

The man obviously hasn't a clue about how to win back the Red States the Right ended up temporarly snookering away from the equally snookering Left.

That's all the masses continue to be - both parties' pawns in each their jockying for position at their supposed constituent's expense.


Well-known member
It's the extreme that is the Right and its' fraud (when it's not the extreme that is the Left and its' fraud).

Speaking of the extreme Left's own latest attempt - Tom Perez - talk about one - more - fraud.

The man obviously hasn't a clue about how to win back the Red States the Right ended up temporarly snookering away from the equally snookering Left.

That's all the masses continue to be - both parties' pawns in each their jockying for position at their supposed constituent's expense.

Gee, if we only had you, Danoh, and your wisdom, we could drag ourselves out of this mire.


Well-known member
The point I'm trying to make is that this country will never be put back on the right track as long as the established media that is controlled by six companies and nefarious foreign countries is deligitimized in the minds of the people and an honest replacement is found.

Also, people need to think for themselves and value liberty or there will be happy to do their thinking for them.

It's hard to think with a cell phone stuck in front of your face.


New member
Gee, if we only had you, Danoh, and your wisdom, we could drag ourselves out of this mire.

Okay, so what would you do to help turn around the terrible one-sideness concerning jobs that has happened to the working class that voted for Trump?

Never mind Trump's rhetoric; what would you do; or have see done?

Seriously; what would you do?


New member
They will continue to fight trump tooth and nail because of his nationalist, mainstream agenda. You want your country back without a fight from the globalists? Never gonna happen.

Someone listened to Bannon's speech at CPAC.

Bannon's a smart guy. He's nuts, and he's a crypto-Nazi, but he's smart. For instance, he knows that you can talk about this stuff without specifically naming the Jews, and the people who want to hear that message will hear it, while maintaining plausible deniability on anti-Semitism. See: SOD.
it's the jews

Six companies own the entire mainstream media and rich foreign leaders own stock in these companies too.

Are you counting Fox as one of them?

I'm not going to tell you that there are no problem with commercialized news sources. But most of these news outlets are basically honest. Trump and Bannon attack the news because they are a challenge to their authority and (mostly false) narratives.

The media are just foot soldiers or cogs in this well oiled machine. They are indoctrinated into left-wing thinking at the journalism schools and their own superior morality to flyover country is part of that indoctrination.

The Internet has provided a plethora of media options, and lowered dramatically the barriers to entry. And you know what happened? They're almost all worse than the mainstream media. From TYT and HuffPo on the left, to Glenn Beck on the right, to Breitbart on the Nazi end of the spectrum, and Alex Jones on the lunatic end, they all mostly eschew ordinary journalistic standards, and operate on shoestring budgets, and in some cases they just scream crazy into a microphone. And it's turned out to be a really easy place for organized political movements, from all over the world, to push an agenda covertly and deceptively. And it's undermined the mainstream media, because it draws the critical funding that used to power important investigative journalism in this country.

Bannon does a good job describing the situation in the following article:

You know what he skips? Any evaluation at all of the integrity of any of the outlets that he's maligning. He just points to highly consolidated ownership, and smears them as some sort of cabal with absolutely no evidence. When there were only five TV networks, local print papers, and no cable, and no Internet, the TV news always lost money, and the papers could fund their activities by subscription fees, and therefore worked for their subscribers. The networks treated running a news department as a cost of being in the business. And we were all better off. All of these sources have been badly undermined by the proliferation of fact-free alternative sources that face no requirements of honesty. Like Breitbart.


New member
"Bannon's a smart guy. He's nuts, and he's a crypto-Nazi, but he's smart."

Unless there is evidence that someone has real Nazi connections, like the grandfather of George W.Bush, who was Prescott Sheldon Bush, the banker, if Trump or one of his supporters is called a Nazi, you should look to see if this guy accusing another of being a Nazi is repeating slogans and talking points of the old controlled corporate media, mostly TV.

Prescott Bush was closely involved with the German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. In 1942 Prescott Bush's company's assets were were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act,

The Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxists were fixated upon the dialectic of Marxism versus fascism because of the experience their leaders had in the thirties with Hitler and the Nazi movement. Remember that Hitler's Nazi movement was a reaction against the Leftist Marxists in Germany who were running around rioting much like the Leftists of 2016.

The Frankfurter Marxists who arrived in this county and were given positions in our major universities used the label of "Fascist" or "Nazi" to discredit anyone or any idea that the Marxists did not like. This is propaganda. And it is often a plain lie. George Orwell wrote about the denial of objective reality in both Naziism and in Marxism.

The talking points of the old controlled corporate media - calling Trump and his supporters Fascists - derived from the Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School - is now called political correctness.


New member
"Bannon's a smart guy. He's nuts, and he's a crypto-Nazi, but he's smart."

Unless there is evidence that someone has real Nazi connections, like the grandfather of George W.Bush, who was Prescott Sheldon Bush, the banker, if Trump or one of his supporters is called a Nazi, you should look to see if this guy accusing another of being a Nazi is repeating slogans and talking points of the old controlled corporate media.

The Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxists were fixated upon the dialectic of Marxism versus fascism because of the experience their leaders had in the thirties with Hitler and he Nazi movement. Remember that Hitler's Nazi movement was a reaction against the Leftist Marxists in Germany who were running around rioting much like the Leftists of 2016.

The Frankfurter Marxists who arrived in this county and were given positions in our major universities used the label of "Fascist" or "Nazi" to discredit anyone or any idea that the Marxists did not like. This is propaganda. And it is often a plain lie. George Orwell wrote about the denial of objective reality in both Naziism and in Marxism.

The talking points of the old controlled corporate media - calling Trump and his supporters Fascists - derived from the Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School now called political correctness.


New member
"Bannon's a smart guy. He's nuts, and he's a crypto-Nazi, but he's smart."

Unless there is evidence that someone has real Nazi connections, like the grandfather of George W.Bush, who was Prescott Sheldon Bush, the banker, if Trump or one of his supporters is called a Nazi, you should look to see if this guy accusing another of being a Nazi is repeating slogans and talking points of the old controlled corporate media, mostly TV.

Prescott Bush was closely involved with the German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. In 1942 Prescott Bush's company's assets were were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act,

The Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxists were fixated upon the dialectic of Marxism versus fascism because of the experience their leaders had in the thirties with Hitler and the Nazi movement. Remember that Hitler's Nazi movement was a reaction against the Leftist Marxists in Germany who were running around rioting much like the Leftists of 2016.

The Frankfurter Marxists who arrived in this county and were given positions in our major universities used the label of "Fascist" or "Nazi" to discredit anyone or any idea that the Marxists did not like. This is propaganda. And it is often a plain lie. George Orwell wrote about the denial of objective reality in both Naziism and in Marxism.

The talking points of the old controlled corporate media - calling Trump and his supporters Fascists - derived from the Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School - is now called political correctness.

When I say that Bannon is a crypto-Nazi, I'm not talking about ties to some existing political movement. I'm talking about copying or reproducing specific argument and rhetorical tactics previously unknown in American politics.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When I say that Bannon is a crypto-Nazi, I'm not talking about ties to some existing political movement. I'm talking about copying or reproducing specific argument and rhetorical tactics previously unknown in American politics.

nothing's new