The coronavirus scam

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Messenger-RNA is the new pharma firm’s bread basket; the term is right in its name (if you haven’t noticed): ModeRNA. Two standouts now in trials are its drugs for repairing heart damage and for treating melanoma.

I know, I know! I don’t want to talk about where all the heart damage and melanoma is coming from today.

Having observed this current giant covid mRNA experiment, I question whether mRNA drugs can ever work at all. The great promise of mRNA is that it can deliver a payload directly to the heart muscle, and cause your own cells to start producing a growth hormone or something. Sounds nice in theory, but now we know they lack any concept of how to practically control the process.

It’s Frankenstein. You can bring the damned thing to life, good for you, a marvelous accomplishment and whatnot, but then it bashes down the lab, goes rampaging across the countryside, and gets the villagers all riled up.

mRNA fans argue that the new therapies don’t make spike protein, as if that were the only problem. I’ll grant you that’s a good start, but there are plenty of other unsolvable problems with mRNA.

What I mean is, the mRNA does NOT stay at the injection site. It travels. It spreads. While it might be nice to have a damaged heart’s cells producing growth factor, for a while, I’m not too sure it’s a great idea to do that in THE BRAIN. Or the testes, or the big toe, or lots of other places.

The injection is like an artificial virus, infecting cells, hijacking them, and tricking them into producing something they don’t normally make. But the immune system isn’t cool with cells that acting weird. The immune system tries hard to destroy the hijacked cells. And when the immune system wrongly attacks its own cells, that’s called “autoimmune disregulation.”

While it might be nifty to grow some new heart cells, at the same time the cells producing the growth hormone are being destroyed by the immune system. So… how does it all net out?

Furthermore, it’s now painfully obvious to the meanest intelligence that the mRNA does NOT shut itself off after a few hours or days after all, like the useless imbeciles at the FDA credulously believed.

Follow me here. Since you can’t shut it off, questions remain about how MUCH growth is a good idea in the heart, even if they could keep the mRNA contained there, which they can’t.

And don’t even get me started about the reverse-transcription problem where the mRNA could be permanently encoded into DNA. There’s evidence it happens, and no evidence that it’s safe in the long term.

The mRNA drug therapies are nowhere near close to being ready for primetime. Test them all you want, but keep them away from me.

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Why would the BBC, of all places, let Dr. Malhotra talk for several long broadcast minutes about vaccine injuries? And that’s not all. The Beeb has been quietly slipping in other signals:

Between the CDC’s cryptic 24-hour disclosure and un-disclosure of stroke signals, the BBC’s “accidental” interview with Dr. Malhotra, Elon Musk’s tardy vaccine injury posts, the CDC’s shift in vocabulary from “ultra rare” to “rare,” the journals’ growing willingness to publish studies critical of the jabs, and the new freedom in major social media accounts, the changing narrative is starting to get so obvious that a lot of people are thinking hard about everything and asking questions.

Some folks theorize that it’s a pre-primary hit on President Trump, a modified limited hangout where the authorities “leak” the reality of vaccine injury while still denying it’s happening. This way, they can still blame Trump without losing the democrat base. After all, they only need to sway MAGA people.

The “get Trump” theory is fueled by curious occurrences like this tweet, which popped up all over my feed and a lot of other people’s feeds yesterday:

Who is Ryan Cunningham? Is he part of some kind of cunning operation? Why is he in my feed? Why is he sprouting up all over Twitter? What ‘insiders’ got the jab because they ‘trusted Trump?’ Inquiring minds wanted to know.

But today, Cunningham’s account is gone like the wind, and people smell a deep state weasel.

A different theory is expressed by Naked Emperor’s thoughtful Substack article titled, ”Controlling the ‘Mark’ after a Con Trick.” It’s worth a read. Like the “Get Trump” crowd, Emporer also argues that the shifting narrative is a modified limited hangout, but to deploy a psychological technique originally developed by con men called “cooling the mark.”

The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter
Controlling the 'Mark' after a Con Trick
A couple of comments from yesterday’s ‘excess deaths’ post got me thinking. Governments will never acknowledge any mistakes because a) the entire narrative would collapse, b) they are worried about liability and accountability and increasingly c) they are worried that there could be a massive wave of unrest if the people finally understand they have been…
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20 hours ago · 224 likes · 165 comments · NE -

In essence, cooling the mark is a second round of manipulation following a successful con job. A different, new con man arrives on the scene right after the first one legs it with the mark’s money. The second con artist sympathizes with the victim, convinces him not to call the cops, and teaches him how to accept his loss and move on.

As evidence, Naked Emperor cites the SPAR article, a sketchy Johns Hopkins pandemic planning ‘guide’ published in March 2020. Chapters 17 and 18 talk suggested ways for governments to navigate public anger and distrust founded in widespread vaccine injuries that would inevitably sprout from an emergency vaccination campaign.

The main technique chapter 18 described was “acknowledging the loss.” Hopkins advised public health experts to help people learn coping skills, support grieving folks, and encourage people to look ahead, not backwards.

The Johns Hopkins proposal sounds a whole lot like “cooling the mark.”

Under this scenario, the original con artists need to get going, so the “helpful” cons can arrive. Biden’s apparent slide into resignation or removal fits the theory. Trump is gone. Fauci is gone. Boris Johnson is gone. Jacinda Ardern just resigned. Take Biden out of the picture, and the first team of con artists will be off the scene, making room for new replacement leaders who had nothing to do with the original decisions, and who can start sympathetically guiding the public into the “acceptance” phase.

It’s an elegant theory, but we still don’t know where we’re headed yet. All we know for sure is a planned narrative shift is clearly underway. Keep your eyes open.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
As RedState reported on Wednesday evening, Project Veritas executed another undercover operation, and it was eyebrow-raising, to say the least. Jordon Trishton Walker, described as Director of Research and Development at Pfizer, claimed that the controversial company was mutating the COVID-19 virus to produce future vaccines.

Worth watching the almost 10 minute long video for the reaction of the homosexual r&d director of Pfizer
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  • Congress has passed the FDA Modernization Act 2.0, which no longer requires new drugs to undergo animal testing before human trials.
  • Pharmaceutical companies can still use animals to test new drugs before human trials if they choose to.


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Well-known member
As RedState reported on Wednesday evening, Project Veritas executed another undercover operation, and it was eyebrow-raising, to say the least. Jordon Trishton Walker, described as Director of Research and Development at Pfizer, claimed that the controversial company was mutating the COVID-19 virus to produce future vaccines.

Worth watching the almost 10 minute long video for the reaction of the homosexual r&d director of Pfizer

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