God's Truth
New member
I very seriously doubt that Jesus would espouse cannibalism. How gross a teaching is that? Undoubtedly, he was teaching with SYMBOLS. The bread STOOD FOR his body, and the wine STOOD FOR his blood. He didn't mean it LITERALLY! Good grief!
Check this out: When I was in the hospital a few months back, a priest came in to see my next-bed-over neighbor. She had her two sons there as well. The priest began to present the Eucharist emblems, and oops! he discovered he only had A HALF of a wafer! (I was laughing to myself!) So he divided that half wafer into three pieces.
Now, be real. That piece of Jesus' body was lying around in his pocket for so long he didn't even remember that he had only a HALF? And then he ripped it into three pieces? Did he really think he had Jesus' body in his pocket? Those priests probably LAUGH at what they convince their parishioners of!
I think they believe it.