the church


New member
I have already thought about it
-when are you going to?

What is there to think about... scripture is very plain!

I'm sorry that your church is in it for the money and makes you jump through hoops and keeps your guilt alive.

Christ gave his life so you wouldn't have to listen to the likes of what you are being taught... in his name, which is very hard to believe.


Well, at least, you're civil. I'll give you a point for that.
However, there is no purgatory. What Scripture can you come up with that will explain what it is? Is it just a "Catholic" thing?
I'm not Catholic, so apparently it's not just a Catholic thing. I am not sure the Holy Orthodox position on Purgatory, but most everything that the united Church believed and taught leading up to the Great Schism between the east and the west, the Orthodox still believe and teach today, so my guess is, probably.

There either is, or there is not, a period of purifying, before we fully enter into and/or enjoy our eternal life with our Maker and with His Church. I say there is, and I base it on the teaching of the Church's teachers, our bishops, the Magisterium, who have believed in and taught it as far as we can tell from the very beginning.

It's not a "salvation issue" to believe in Purgatory. I just think that it logically follows from the fact that we will inherit eternal life, along with it having been taught from the beginning.
I gave you a "Thanks" for your civility.
Thanks again.


People trying to make money..... its all about wealth and the control of people.

Romanism or Protestantism... if you are paying someone, they care more about themselves and their institutions than you.
Then what do you make of 1st Corinthians 9:7-14?


New member
Then what do you make of 1st Corinthians 9:7-14?

What about it? how many people make their living preaching the gospel 100% of the time.... very few.

Those that teach and equip are nothing more than ELDERS with gifts and should be required to abide by the requirements of eldership... they are required to work in the secular world for the living.

Not to mention Paul goes at great lengths in Thessalonians to implore people to model him and not take from the church!

Where have we gone wrong?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Catholics are limited in their ability to debate Spiritual matters. I don't know about today but, in the past Parishioners were advised not to read the Bible. It probably was born out of a control issue? That way, the church could lead them in the way they should go?


New member
Cruciform, you are one angry, lost Catholic headed for judgement if you don't listen to the Gospel and place ALL your faith in Christ alone.
Your Ad Hominem---and therefore entirely irrelevant---barb is noted. Come back if you ever have an actual argument that engages with the content of the OP.