the church


New member
I can demonstrate it just as well as you can demonstrate that pedophile in Rome has authority.
Straw Man Fallacy. Try again. Here you're merely a liar and bigot (Prov. 19:5).

So I'll take your "answer" as a "no," that you in fact cannot demonstrate that your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect is itself that one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. Thus, the rest of the statements in Post #4464 above logically follow. Thanks for solidly proving my point. :thumb:


New member
You have provided not one single actual evidence to support your claim that yours is the "one true church handed down from Jesus". Your links to RC dogma do not count as evidence and yet you just keep using them.
All truth is God's truth, no matter the source. In any case, the fact that you routinely ignore the truth certainly doesn't mean that it hasn't been made available to you. Blame yourself.

Right Divider

Body part
All truth is God's truth, no matter the source. In any case, the fact that you routinely ignore the truth certainly doesn't mean that it hasn't been made available to you. Blame yourself.
Those pages contain ERROR and NOT truth.

I don't ignore the truth, I believe it.


New member
Hey, my first MEME! All RIGHT! :thumb:

Call None "Father"
Addressed HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Please adequately educate yourself on this topic before embarrassing yourself further. :yawn:


Hey, my first MEME! All RIGHT! :thumb:

Addressed HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Please adequately educate yourself on this topic before embarrassing yourself further. :yawn:
nice try. So I'm told Mary is interceding and mediating for Catholics that pray to her, but I can't find a single verse of God's Word that directs me to pray to anyone but the LORD..

I have looked at every prayer in the Bible, and cannot find one that is not directed to the LORD, every Psalm of David, every prayer of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Isaiah, Moses, Job, Jeremiah, Paul, Peter, John, every prayer written in God's Word is addressed to the LORD, every prayer of Christ, and how He taught His disciples to pray the Father. Only God Almighty is Omniscient and can hear everyone's prayers at the same time..

- Mary is the Co-Mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions. (Catechism 968-970, 2677).

There is only one mediator and that is Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 says, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus: Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” Hebrews 7:25 says,Wherefore he [Jesus] is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” Ephesians 3:12 says, “In whom [Jesus} we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.”..

If Jesus is constantly interceding for us and He is able to save us “to the uttermost,” (utterly, completely) then He doesn’t need Mary’s help. If we can approach God with “boldness” and “confidence” because of our faith in Jesus, then we don't need Mary’s help either.
Neither Mary nor any other created being is Omniscient