the church


The teaching is in the Bible (God's Word); the authority is the LORD Himself.
pride themselves with the teachings of men. the Catholic church prides itself as the original church that Jesus started in 33 AD and that all other denominations broke away from them and are therefore deviant. Catholics are led to believe from their priests, that if they were transported back in time to 100 A.D, they would be able to attend a Catholic church just like to day. The facts of history, however, paint an entirely different picture, because the Roman Catholic church, in its present organizational structure, did not exist prior to 606 A.D.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
pride themselves with the teachings of men. the Catholic church prides itself as the original church that Jesus started in 33 AD and that all other denominations broke away from them and are therefore deviant. Catholics are led to believe from their priests, that if they were transported back in time to 100 A.D, they would be able to attend a Catholic church just like to day. The facts of history, however, paint an entirely different picture, because the Roman Catholic church, in its present organizational structure, did not exist prior to 606 A.D.

So true. The Catholic priests only resemble the priests of Baal hired by the tribe of Dan.


Agreed. If they did not make up so much stuff, they would not have so much to explain away.
not much to explain cause rcc didnt exist till later. catholics are taught that Peter was the first Pope and that there has been a succession, one after the other, of Popes that followed Peter. One excellent example of this is found within the foyer of many Catholic churches. As you walk in the front door, there are a series of large plaques that dominate the main wall. On each plaque is the name of a Pope. Starting with the current living Pope, they trace the names of every Pope sequentially back in history to Apostle Peter, who they claim was the first Pope. Yet the office of Pope did not exist for the first 600 years of history. Such displays are a powerful deception to the masses, for historically and Biblically this is simply untrue.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
not much to explain cause rcc didnt exist till later. catholics are taught that Peter was the first Pope and that there has been a succession, one after the other, of Popes that followed Peter. One excellent example of this is found within the foyer of many Catholic churches. As you walk in the front door, there are a series of large plaques that dominate the main wall. On each plaque is the name of a Pope. Starting with the current living Pope, they trace the names of every Pope sequentially back in history to Apostle Peter, who they claim was the first Pope. Yet the office of Pope did not exist for the first 600 years of history. Such displays are a powerful deception to the masses, for historically and Biblically this is simply untrue.

Mass deception, indeed.


Well-known member
that is so easy to say -

do you have any reasons?

I do.

You have to put your faith in human intermediaries, and in dead people, in order to have faith in Christ. Your faith in Christ is useless without them. And you know it -- that's why your priesthood and sacraments exist. That's why people have statues of Mary in their yard, and Catholic hospitals have life size statues of her in the lobby.