the church


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there would be confusion
-His church would have not survived in Jerusalem
-so He built it on a person
-that person fled into the wilderness
-not to babylon
-talk about confusion
-to rome


New member
Our Lord said that He would build a Church upon Peter and against which the gates of hell shall not prevail, and that means that this Church is still around today almost two thousand years later, and she is, and she is marvelous.

Oh how I love the Church!

Are you a child molester, rapist and child stealer too?


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Thank you for another opportunity to ask why it took nearly TWO THOUSAND years for them to do this?

it actually started shortly after vatican 2
-there was a significant increase in seminarians
-at the time they had no reason to believe that homosexuals would have a problem with celibacy
-it took a long time before the problem surfaced
-many homosexuals became bishops
-they protected themselves
-with the help of a lot of liberals
-it will take a long time to clean up this mess
-thanks for asking


New member
thank you for another opportunity to point out that the church no longer knowingly ordains homosexuals

This has nothing to do with that... to think that homosexual priests are the root of this issue is to be ignorant.

The fact is that your church has done some of the worse things in history in the name of its god and still continues to... and you seem to be OK with it.

God's Truth

New member
it actually started shortly after vatican 2
-there was a significant increase in seminarians
-at the time they had no reason to believe that homosexuals would have a problem with celibacy
-it took a long time before the problem surfaced
-many homosexuals became bishops
-they protected themselves
-with the help of a lot of liberals
-it will take a long time to clean up this mess
-thanks for asking

What matters is not the church being judged for the evil people in it. What matters is that Jesus is the church, and your denomination is not.


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This has nothing to do with that... to think that homosexual priests are the root of this issue is to be ignorant.
in the real world
-the vast majority of victims are girls
-with priests
-the vast majority of victims are boys
-this strongly suggests it is a homosexual problem
-the church recognizes this fact
-no longer knowingly ordains homosexuals


New member
in the real world
-the vast majority of victims are girls
-with priests
-the vast majority of victims are boys
-this strongly suggests it is a homosexual problem
-the church recognizes this fact
-no longer knowingly ordains homosexuals

Pedophilia and homosexuality are two different issues.


Well-known member
-18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter
-19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven
-peter got the keys
-the power to bind and loose
-that means he was in charge
-someone must be in charge
-that should be clear

If Peter was the head of the Church, then why did James make the ruling at the Jerusalem council?


Well-known member
what ruling?

Acts 15. James ruled that Gentiles didn't need to follow the law, except for abstaining from fornication, meat sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and that ruling was sent to all the churches.

It seems to me that if the apostles believed that Matthew 16 gave Peter the authority, that he'd be the one making the rulings.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Acts 15. James ruled that Gentiles didn't need to follow the law, except for abstaining from fornication, meat sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and that ruling was sent to all the churches.

It seems to me that if the apostles believed that Matthew 16 gave Peter the authority, that he'd be the one making the rulings.

Poor Chrys, he's forced himself to remain in ignorance by listening to his church/Priests.


Acts 15. James ruled that Gentiles didn't need to follow the law, except for abstaining from fornication, meat sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and that ruling was sent to all the churches.

It seems to me that if the apostles believed that Matthew 16 gave Peter the authority, that he'd be the one making the rulings.
But James does say, "Simeon hath declared." Acts 15:14

Peter was the first to speak. And, he was the one who "fell into a trance" (Ac10:10), which precipitated the dispute that prompted the council in the first place.


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Acts 15. James ruled that Gentiles didn't need to follow the law, except for abstaining from fornication, meat sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and that ruling was sent to all the churches.

It seems to me that if the apostles believed that Matthew 16 gave Peter the authority, that he'd be the one making the rulings.

don't really know
-peter just agreed
-maybe peter did not yet see himself as being in charge

Grosnick Marowbe

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The problem with the Catholic church (besides their idle worship and prayers to Mary) is, they don't preach the "True Grace Gospel" that was received by Paul on the road to Damascus from the ascended Christ.