the church


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
paul said
-give none offence to the church of God
-he didn't say
-give none offence to the Son of God
-he didn't say
-give none offence to peter


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I will always remember this girl who just got back from a trip
-she talked about signs
-she loved them
-they tell you where to go
-we have gps
-I have amy
-she tells me how to get where I want to go
-she just recalculates when I make a wrong turn
-to get me back on track
-the church is our gps
-it really helps
-you are lost

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
the church gave you the bible
the church can help you understand what it says

Made up.

Romans 9:17 KJV For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.

Exodus 9:16 KJV And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.

You:The Roman Catholic Church pre-dated Pharaoh, and "The Flintstones."
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New member
The scripture says Jesus is ready to judge the living AND THE DEAD. FOR THAT reason, the scripture was PREACHED TO THOSE WHO ARE DEAD.

Are you kidding? It doesn't say that he preached to the dead! What that verse says is that Jesus will judge those who go through the Great Tribulation without dying, and also the ones who will be resurrected during the Thousand Year Reign.


New member
You are adding to the scriptures. Prove the scriptures say they are angels. Prove the angles die.

I am not adding to the scriptures. I'm trying to show you that YOU are doing just that. I gave you the scriptures to look up that affirm the fallen angels' banishment to spiritual darkness (Tartarus) to wait for their com-uppence in the future. The Bible says that Satan and his demons will DIE. That is what the lake of fire means---complete obliteration.:BRAVO:


New member
I am not adding to the scriptures. I'm trying to show you that YOU are doing just that. I gave you the scriptures to look up that affirm the fallen angels' banishment to spiritual darkness (Tartarus) to wait for their com-uppence in the future. The Bible says that Satan and his demons will DIE. That is what the lake of fire means---complete obliteration.:BRAVO:
Are "Hell" and "the grave" the same thing?


New member
The Bible says that Satan and his demons will DIE. That is what the lake of fire means---complete obliteration.:BRAVO:
That is what your religion says..... What does Gods Word say?
Lets check the Jehovah Witness translation

1Timothy 1:17 "Now to the King of eternity,+ incorruptible,+ invisible,+ the only God,+ be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."

How long is forever and ever?

Revelation 5:13 "And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and underneath the earth+ and on the sea, and all the things in them, saying: “To the One sitting on the throne+ and to the Lamb+ be the blessing and the honor+ and the glory and the might forever and ever.”

How long is forever and ever?

Now..... Damnation
Rev. 19:3 "And right away for the second time they said: “Praise Jah!*+ And the smoke from her goes on ascending forever and ever.”

How long is forever and ever?

Re. 20:3 "And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where both the wild beast+ and the false prophet already were;+ and they will be tormented* day and night forever and ever. "

How long is forever and ever?

God's Truth

New member
I will always remember this girl who just got back from a trip
-she talked about signs
-she loved them
-they tell you where to go
-we have gps
-I have amy
-she tells me how to get where I want to go
-she just recalculates when I make a wrong turn
-to get me back on track
-the church is our gps
-it really helps
-you are lost

Jesus is the Way.

God's Truth

New member
Are you kidding? It doesn't say that he preached to the dead! What that verse says is that Jesus will judge those who go through the Great Tribulation without dying, and also the ones who will be resurrected during the Thousand Year Reign.

The scripture does not say what you say. The scripture says Jesus preached to those WHO ARE NOW DEAD. Just believe.

God's Truth

New member
I am not adding to the scriptures. I'm trying to show you that YOU are doing just that. I gave you the scriptures to look up that affirm the fallen angels' banishment to spiritual darkness (Tartarus) to wait for their com-uppence in the future. The Bible says that Satan and his demons will DIE. That is what the lake of fire means---complete obliteration.:BRAVO:

The lake of fire has not happened yet. Prove from the scriptures that angels die. Prove it now or concede.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
today we go to the church
-to gather in His name
-to ask for forgiveness
-to ask for help
-to worship
-to be fed

God's Truth

New member
today we go to the church
-to gather in His name
-to ask for forgiveness
-to ask for help
-to worship
-to be fed

What are you being fed?

You come into the church and the first thing you do is anoint yourself with man made 'holy water'. Then you walk into the church and bow to the cross and the 'holy images' at the altar/you bow to the statues. Then you wait for the man with the flowing robe to come in, and watch him bow profusely to the 'holy images' at the altar, the man you call 'father', the man who is really only another 'brother' in Christ led astray and who is leading others astray.


What are you being fed?

You come into the church and the first thing you do is anoint yourself with man made 'holy water'. Then you walk into the church and bow to the cross and the 'holy images' at the altar/you bow to the statues. Then you wait for the man with the flowing robe to come in, and watch him bow profusely to the 'holy images' at the altar, the man you call 'father', the man who is really only another 'brother' in Christ led astray and who is leading others astray.
Our Lord said that He would build a Church upon Peter and against which the gates of hell shall not prevail, and that means that this Church is still around today almost two thousand years later, and she is, and she is marvelous.

Oh how I love the Church!

God's Truth

New member
Our Lord said that He would build a Church upon Peter and against which the gates of hell shall not prevail, and that means that this Church is still around today almost two thousand years later, and she is, and she is marvelous.

Oh how I love the Church!

Jesus is a 'he'.