the church


Augustine interpreting Matt 16:18 like a Protestant and not like the popes religion claiming the Rock is Christ and the church is built on Peter's confession and not on Peter.

"For before he was called Simon. Now this name of Peter was given him by the Lord, and that in a figure, that he should signify the Church. For seeing that Christ is the rock (Petra), Peter is the Christian people. For the rock(Petra) is the original name. Therefore Peter is so called from the rock; not the rock from Peter; as Christ is not called Christ from the Christian, but the Christian from Christ. Therefore, he says, You are Peter; and upon this Rockwhich you have confessed, upon this Rock which you have acknowledged, saying, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God, will I build My Church; that is upon Myself, the Son of the living God, will I build My Church. I will build you upon Myself, not Myself upon you.

2. For men who wished to be built upon men, said, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas, who is Peter. But others who did not wish to be built upon Peter, but upon the Rock, said, But I am of Christ. And when the Apostle Paul ascertained that he was chosen, and Christ despised, he said, Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? And, as not in the name of Paul, so neither in the name of Peter; but in the name of Christ: that Peter might be built upon the Rock, not the Rock upon Peter."

Augustine--Sermon 26 Ch. 1 & 2


New member
Pope John the XXII recanted of heresy according to "The Defence of The Apology" by John Jewel, (Anglican) Bishop of Salisbury and "De Romano Pontifice" by St. Robert Bellarmine.


New member
yes -
we are all part of the body of Christ -
you don't have to be catholic -
the church is a body of knowledge, the truth -
closely guarded by the pope and his bishops -
they are the ones who gave you the bible -
they are the ones who guide us in this modern world -

Ah, that makes some things clear. So I can be outside the church, but still part of the body.

I thought Jesus is the truth.
I thought God gave us the bible by inspiring it through various authors.
I thought the Holy Spirit was given to us as guide.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ok, so Jesus said that he shall be called "Kephas" which in interpreted "Petros" and yet the ROCK that Jesus will build His church is "petra".

There is a great difference between a "Petros" and a "petra".
have you checked to see how many times peter is used? -
how many times is kephas used? -
are they the save person?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I thought God gave us the bible by inspiring it through various authors.

I don't know where you got yours but all mine have been printed by man, translated by man, and man actually decided which books would be in the bible -
where did yours come from?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Pope John the XXII recanted of heresy according to "The Defence of The Apology" by John Jewel, (Anglican) Bishop of Salisbury and "De Romano Pontifice" by St. Robert Bellarmine.

is it your job to dig up all this stuff?

you may not have enough time to get to the important stuff


New member
I don't know where you got yours but all mine have been printed by man, translated by man, and man actually decided which books would be in the bible -
where did yours come from?

I thought we were discussing the bible not my bible. :D

I have several, of different translation. It would take a bit of time to track down translators, editors, and publishing houses responsible for the physical copies, and I've been told I should focus on more important things. ;)

The text itself was written by men inspired by God. The truth in them was verified by accompanying miracles and the witness of the Spirit of God through the early Church. This consensus was later formalized by ecumenical council. The words were later translated, but I don't consider any translation authoritative, hence the multiple translations I use for study. I trust the consensus of Biblical scholars as to which translations are the most accurate in their handling of the language.

All of this, of course, is also witnessed to by the Spirit of God resident inside me.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
All of this, of course, is also witnessed to by the Spirit of God resident inside me.

anyone can say that and anyone can use that to justify their interpretation of the bible -
and that explains why there are so many different beliefs -
so how can you say you have the right interpretation?


New member
is it your job to dig up all this stuff?

you may not have enough time to get to the important stuff

My google-fu is strong. :D

So far today I have been to a prayer meeting, washed most of the dirty dishes, read a couple chapters of the Gospel according to Matthew, sat and had a really good conversation with my wife, biked a couple of miles, picked up a book I ordered through inter-library loan, taken a quick walk, reviewed my intern's current projects, and got started on a new project of my own.

In there, I managed to do a quick internet search for some sources regarding Pope John XXII's recanting of his heresy. Of course, I'd already run across his name previously, so I spent some time on it at an earlier date.

I think the only thing I'd chalk up to as important I haven't yet got to is spending some time with my kids. I look forward to that when I see them during my lunch.


New member
anyone can say that and anyone can use that to justify their interpretation of the bible -
and that explains why there are so many different beliefs -
so how can you say you have the right interpretation?

I look at the witness of those closest to Jesus, and trust that His Spirit will lead me into all truth.

How can you say that the Roman Catholic Church has the right interpretation?