the church


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Hall of Fame
You finally acknowledged and gave God some credit ! Good start.

God did not use the idolatrous and pagan Roman Church. The scriptures were compiled long before 325 A.D when Constantine started the RCC, but you apparently will continue to believe the lies you have been taught.

the church existed long before constantine but he played a very important part in making the world safe for christians


New member
do you believe we are all sinners?

Your church has NOT changed. It was the leadership of your church that had Christians murdered !

Yes, everyone ever born except for Jesus is a sinner. That does not negate that your church murdered millions of Christians that would not submit to a pope and pray to Mary.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Your church has NOT changed.

this is true
-the church still teaches abortion is wrong
-the church still teaches divorce is wrong
-the church still teaches homosexuality is wrong
-the church still teaches marriage is between a man and a woman
-the church still teaches life is sacred even when it is inconvenient


New member
this is true
-the church still teaches abortion is wrong
-the church still teaches divorce is wrong
-the church still teaches homosexuality is wrong
-the church still teaches marriage is between a man and a woman
-the church still teaches life is sacred even when it is inconvenient

Sure if you become an idolater and ignore God. EVERYTHING in your church revolves around Mary and a pope NOT GOD.


New member
did you miss this?

No I did not miss that. You can continue to believe the lie that the RCC compiled the books of the bible but the bible was compiled before there ever was an RCC.

The RCC ignores and changes history to make them self something they are NOT.


New member
this is a recording

Truth is simply truth , and you living in deception does not change truth.

I have a question. Why does your church lie to folks ?

Jesus said HE is the way the truth and the life , and no man comes to the Father but by Him correct ? John 14:6

So why does your church lie and say Mary is needed and a pope, and a human priest when that is contrary to what Jesus taught ?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No I did not miss that. You can continue to believe the lie that the RCC compiled the books of the bible but the bible was compiled before there ever was an RCC.

The RCC ignores and changes history to make them self something they are NOT.

who decide what books would be in the bible?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Truth is simply truth , and you living in deception does not change truth.

I have a question. Why does your church lie to folks ?

Jesus said HE is the way the truth and the life , and no man comes to the Father but by Him correct ? John 14:6

So why does your church lie and say Mary is needed and a pope, and a human priest when that is contrary to what Jesus taught ?

so your interpretation of the bible is truth?


New member
so your interpretation of the bible is truth?

Divert much ?

I have a question. Why does your church lie to folks ?

Jesus said HE is the way the truth and the life , and no man comes to the Father but by Him correct ? John 14:6

So why does your church lie and say Mary is needed and a pope, and a human priest when that is contrary to what Jesus taught ?


New member
we have a different interpretation of the bible
-that does not make us liars

Apparently you believe Jesus was wrong then right ?

I have a question. Why does your church lie to folks ?

John 14:6 Jesus said , "I am the way the truth and the life and NO man comes to the Father but by ME".

So why does your church lie and say Mary is needed and a pope, and a human priest when that is contrary to what Jesus taught ?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Apparently you believe Jesus was wrong then right ?

I have a question. Why does your church lie to folks ?

John 14:6 Jesus said , "I am the way the truth and the life and NO man comes to the Father but by ME".

So why does your church lie and say Mary is needed and a pope, and a human priest when that is contrary to what Jesus taught ?

this is a recording


New member
this is a recording

This is a TRUTH that if you faced and asked God about you would no longer be a Roman Catholic.

Apparently you believe Jesus was wrong then right ?

I have a question. Why does your church lie to folks ?

John 14:6 Jesus said , "I am the way the truth and the life and NO man comes to the Father but by ME".

So why does your church lie and say Mary is needed and a pope, and a human priest when that is contrary to what Jesus taught ?